
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


padrinoに関するhate-urumaのブックマーク (2)

  • RackとSinatra、Padrinoに関する雑感 « blog.udzura.jp

    Warden PadrinoSinatra使Devise URL Devise  env['warden'] 便 Rack Middleware  facebook   Rack  Good Stuff  Rack
  • The Elegant Ruby Web Framework - Padrino Ruby Web Framework

    gem install padrino padrino g project test_app -d datamapper -b cd test_app padrino g admin padrino rake dm:migrate seed padrino start Sinatra Core Many people love the simplicity and expressiveness of Sinatra but quickly find themselves missing a great deal of functionality provided by other web frameworks such as Rails when building non-trivial applications. Sinatra acts as a thin layer on top o

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