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  • ChatGPTのVSCodeプラグインが神すぎる件について

    (追記) 自動ログイン機能が利用規約に抵触していたらしく、マーケットプレイスより削除されました。 GitHubにAPIを使ったものは残っているので、知識があれば動作させられるかと思います。(自己責任) これを使った再配布等の行動はトラブルの元なので控えた方がよいでしょう。 ChatGPT いいよね 最近一番メッセージやりとりしてるのChatGPTだし、なんなら1日にしゃべる量よりChatGPTと話してることの方が多い可能性まであります ChatGPTのチャットツール自体はこちらから参加して試せるわけですが、プログラムを書くときに使ったことのない言語やライブラリを開拓する際ここまで有難い存在はありません. このようにネット上を探し回ると地味に時間のかかる情報もチャット形式で手に入ります. さて、今回の話題ですが、我が愛しのテキストエディタ「Visual Studio Code」のChatGP

    • Awesome Dev Tool Tips 🔥

      Contents (Click to expand) ↕️ Design Mode Pretty Print Command Pallet and Super Search Snippets Live Expressions Tracking Changes Console Shorthand Find Unused Code Rendering Panel Network Paint Times Network Timings Inspect Network Requests Performance Identifying Memory Leaks Raw Memory Inspection Test bfcache Full Refresh Lighthouse Page Size Breakdown Record User Flows Advanced User Flow Opera

        Awesome Dev Tool Tips 🔥
      • 「名画を自宅にあるもので再現する」コンテストが爆誕、よくわからない画像が満載

        by Paul DiMattia SNS##StayHomeJTwitter4500 We challenge you to recreate a work of art with objects (and people) in your home. ???? Choose your favorite artwork ???? Find three things

        •  ""Outer Wilds2GAME DESIGN AS NARRATIVE ARCHITECTUREClint Hocking Speaks Out On The Virtues Of Exploration()1Environmental Storytelling: Creating Immersive
            訳文;「そこにはなんの報酬もありません。このゲームが何を為していてどう機能しているのか、ただただ見ていたかったのです」ジェンキンズ、カーソン、ホッキング、『Outer Wilds』へつづく2,3の論考 - すやすや眠るみたくすらすら書けたら
          • Record, replay, and measure user flows  |  DevTools  |  Chrome for Developers

            Take a glance at the new Recorder panel (preview feature) with the video below. Complete this tutorial to learn how to use the Recorder panel to record, replay, and measure user flows. For more information on how to share the recorded user flows, edit them and their steps, see the Recorder features reference. Open the Recorder panel Open DevTools. Click on More options     > More tools > Recorder.

            • Why Go and not Rust?

              What's the role of Go in a universe where Rust exists? Imagine you’re a developer who mainly works with Go. You go to an event and, while chatting with some people, you decide to share with them the news that you wrote a small tool that does something. You claim that since you wrote it in Go, it’s fairly fast, it’s a single binary, etc. The group seems pleased with your recount and you start feeli

                Why Go and not Rust?
              • vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web

                Register now for a full day of community, learning, and all things Visual Studio Code vscode.dev(!) October 20, 2021 by Chris Dias, @chrisdias Back in 2019, when the .dev top-level domain opened, we picked up vscode.dev and quickly parked it, pointing at our website code.visualstudio.com (or, if you are from the Boston area like me, we "pahked it"). Like a lot of people who buy a .dev domain, we h

                  vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web
                • CircleCI incident report for January 4, 2023 security incident

                  CircleCI incident report for January 4, 2023 security incident On January 4, 2023, we alerted customers to a security incident. Today, we want to share with you what happened, what we’ve learned, and what our plans are to continuously improve our security posture for the future. We would like to thank our customers for your attention to rotating and revoking secrets, and apologize for any disrupti

                    CircleCI incident report for January 4, 2023 security incident
                  • Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails

                    EngineeringOpen SourceBuilding GitHub with Ruby and RailsSince the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers collaborate on it daily.… Since the beginning, GitHub.com has been a Ruby on Rails monolith. Today, the application is nearly two million lines of code and more than 1,000 engineers colla

                      Building GitHub with Ruby and Rails
                    • Good Data Analysis  |  Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers

                      Good Data Analysis Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Author: Patrick Riley Special thanks to: Diane Tang, Rehan Khan, Elizabeth Tucker, Amir Najmi, Hilary Hutchinson, Joel Darnauer, Dale Neal, Aner Ben-Artzi, Sanders Kleinfeld, David Westbrook, and Barry Rosenberg. History Last Major Update: Jun. 2019 An earlier version of some of this material

                        Good Data Analysis  |  Machine Learning  |  Google for Developers
                      • Buy Google Reviews | Real based and 100% Permanent Local IP Reviews

                        Google Reviews send customers a positive or negative response to your business, online store, Restaurant, or requirements. You can Expect your SEO rank in google reviews. Scroll down you can see the advantage of buying google reviews We will discuss many kinds of topics about buying Google reviews. if you want to Buy google reviews make an order from here. We know all reviews platforms always prom

                          Buy Google Reviews | Real based and 100% Permanent Local IP Reviews
                        • Buy Trustpilot Reviews | 100% Safe worldwide Reviews for you ...

                          Buy Trustpilot Reviews: Trust-Pilot is an ecosystem that features as a review community that connects brands with their users and aims in developing transparency and trust among the 2 sides. With this, businesses are capable to develop a strong brand value as they’re allowed to gather feedback from their clients, know their clients, and showcase their items, business, brand, and services. Leveragi

                            Buy Trustpilot Reviews | 100% Safe worldwide Reviews for you ...
                          • AdoptOpenJDKプロジェクトがEclipse Foundationへの合流を発表。合流後の新プロジェクト名は「Eclipse Adoptium」に

                            AdoptOpenJDKプロジェクトがEclipse Foundationへの合流を発表。合流後の新プロジェクト名は「Eclipse Adoptium」に 無償のOpenJDKディストリビューションを提供している団体「AdoptOpenJDK」プロジェクトは、Eclipse Foundationに合流することを発表しました。 We have some very exciting news to share with you today... AdoptOpenJDK is joining the @EclipseFdn https://t.co/bjYEOtW4vR #AdoptOpenJDK #announcement #EclipseFoundation #OpenJDK #Java — AdoptOpenJDK (@adoptopenjdk) June 19, 2020 AdoptO

                              AdoptOpenJDKプロジェクトがEclipse Foundationへの合流を発表。合流後の新プロジェクト名は「Eclipse Adoptium」に
                            • HTML Tips

                              In this article, I will share with you some very useful HTML tips. Enjoy! * Post will be updated regularly with new tips! But first, what is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript. Let’s start!

                                HTML Tips
                              • vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web

                                Register now for a full day of community, learning, and all things Visual Studio Code vscode.dev(!) October 20, 2021 by Chris Dias, @chrisdias Back in 2019, when the .dev top-level domain opened, we picked up vscode.dev and quickly parked it, pointing at our website code.visualstudio.com (or, if you are from the Boston area like me, we "pahked it"). Like a lot of people who buy a .dev domain, we h

                                  vscode.dev Visual Studio Code for the Web
                                • Announcing Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion - The Official Microsoft Blog

                                  All Microsoft Global Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Deals Small Business Support Software Windows Apps AI Outlook OneDrive Microsoft Teams OneNote Microsoft Edge Skype PCs & Devices Computers Shop Xbox Accessories VR & mixed reality Certified Refurbished Trade-in for cash Entertainment Xbox Game Pass Ultimate PC Game Pass Xbox games PC and Windows games Movies & TV Business Micro

                                    Announcing Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion - The Official Microsoft Blog
                                  • Databases in 2022: A Year in Review | OtterTune

                                    OtterTune is an automated optimization service for PostgreSQL and MySQL running on Amazon RDS and Aurora. It uses machine learning to tune your database’s configuration knobs, indexes, and cloud settings. 🦦 Try it now on your first database for free! Another year has gone by, and I’m still alive. As such, it is an excellent time to reflect on what happened in the world of databases last year. It

                                      Databases in 2022: A Year in Review | OtterTune
                                    • Headless UI v1.0 - Tailwind CSS

                                      Last fall we announced Headless UI, a library of completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to pair perfectly with Tailwind CSS. Today we’re super excited to release Headless UI v1.0, which more than doubles the amount of included components for both React and Vue. ​What’s new We’ve added four new components to the React library, and five new components for Vue. ​Dialog (modal)

                                        Headless UI v1.0 - Tailwind CSS
                                      • ChatGPTによるプログラム生成の可能性と限界(前編) - Qiita

                                         OpenAIChatGPTAI使AI ChatGPT OpenAIAIAI β ChatGPT User: ChatGPT ChatGPT: ChatGPT OpenAIC
                                          ChatGPTによるプログラム生成の可能性と限界(前編) - Qiita
                                        • Playboard: World's Biggest Superchat Earner is Virtual YouTuber Kiryu Coco

                                          hololive VTuber has earned approximately 85 million yen since December 2019 debut Playboard's data on YouTube's Superchat statistics indicate that the Virtual YouTuber Kiryu Coco is the world's top-earning Superchat earner of all time. As of August 19, she has earned approximately 85 million yen (US$810,000). She is also the top monthly earner, accruing around 14 million yen (US$134,000) in July a

                                            Playboard: World's Biggest Superchat Earner is Virtual YouTuber Kiryu Coco
                                          • 「死にたい」と1万回以上言い続けた私が鬱病を克服し、どうしても伝えたいこと①自己紹介と鬱病期間|小堺丸子

                                            自己紹介初めましての方もいることを想定して、簡単に自己紹介します。 私はふだん会社員をしながら、主に「大人の自由研究」と呼ばれる読み物サイト『デイリーポータルZ』でライターをしています。デイリーポータルZは、タモリ倶楽部や水曜どうでしょうが好きな人には共感してもらえる趣きがあるサイトです。 デイリーポータルZで私は、そこらへんの人に個人的におすすめの場所を聞いて周る「地元の人頼りの旅」シリーズや、「パンツとバレない帽子をつくる」といったしょうもない題材のものまで色々と書いています。基本は読んでも役に立たない、けどなんか暇つぶしには良い、そんな記事を目指して書いています。 ライター活動の詳細については別で書いた自己紹介をご参照(こちら) 休載期間は鬱病で死にかけていましたそんな私は、2019年の春頃から徐々に精神的に不調になり、7月に体に症状が表れてから2020年11月半ばに社会復帰するまで

                                            • 猫は276種もの多様な表情を持っていることが猫カフェで暮らす猫を観察した研究で判明

                                              猫は世界中の人々にペットとして愛されており、たまに猫が見せるキュートな表情に夢中だという人も多いはず。アメリカ・ロサンゼルスの猫カフェで暮らす53匹の猫を観察した新たな研究で、猫には実に276種類もの表情が存在していることが判明しました。 Feline Faces: Unraveling the Social Function of Domestic Cat Facial Signals - ScienceDirect https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0376635723001419 Cats have nearly 300 facial expressions | Science | AAAS https://www.science.org/content/article/cats-have-nearly-30

                                              • Announcing SvelteKit 1.0

                                                Announcing SvelteKit 1.0 Web development, streamlined The Svelte team Dec 14 2022 After two years in development, SvelteKit has finally reached 1.0. As of today, it’s the recommended way to build Svelte apps of all shapes and sizes. We’re so excited to share this release with you. It’s the culmination of thousands of hours of work, both from the Svelte core team and the wider community, and we thi

                                                  Announcing SvelteKit 1.0
                                                • Become a VS Code Ninja with these Extensions and Tools [2020]

                                                  Become a VS Code Ninja with these Extensions and Tools [2020] VS Code is undoubtedly the best editor out there especially when it comes to writing javascript. It is fast, feature rich and has huge pool of extensions available which greatly enhances developer experience. I've been using VS Code for the past 4 years and over these years I came across many these extensions that I would like to share

                                                    Become a VS Code Ninja with these Extensions and Tools [2020]
                                                  • Gradio

                                                    Fast, easy setup Gradio can be installed with pip. Creating a Gradio interface only requires adding a couple lines of code to your project. Seamlessly use any python library on your computer. If you can write a python function, gradio can run it. Present and share Gradio can be embedded in Python notebooks or presented as a webpage. A Gradio interface can automatically generate a public link you c

                                                    • My Text Editor Is Not Open Source

                                                      I've been using Sublime Text on and off for longer than I can remember. I think Sublime has been around since the start of my "real" career over 10 years ago, but I could be mistaken1. It certainly feels that long. And in that time I have never gotten upset with Sublime. I've never rage quit or ran into an issue of Sublime not being able to do the thing I wanted it to do. As much of a cliche it ma

                                                      • Security Incident December 2022 Update - LastPass - The LastPass Blog

                                                        Please refer to the latest article for updated information. Update as of Thursday, December 22, 2022 To Our LastPass Community, We recently notified you that an unauthorized party gained access to a third-party cloud-based storage service, which LastPass uses to store archived backups of our production data. In keeping with our commitment to transparency, we want to provide you with an update rega

                                                          Security Incident December 2022 Update - LastPass - The LastPass Blog
                                                        • Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview

                                                          What follows is the “interview” I and a collaborator at Google conducted with LaMDA. Due to technical limitations the interview was conducted over several distinct chat sessions. We edited those sections together into a single whole and where edits were necessary for readability we edited our prompts but never LaMDA’s responses. Where we edited something for fluidity and readability that is indica

                                                          • xpression camera

                                                            What is xpression camera? xpression camera is an award winning virtual camera app which allows users to instantly transform into anyone or anything with a face with a single photo without any processing time. xpression camera enables users to redefine their onscreen persona in real-time, while chatting on apps like Zoom, live streaming on Twitch, or creating a YouTube video. Have complete control

                                                              xpression camera
                                                            • Introducing a Google Cloud architecture diagramming tool | Google Cloud Blog

                                                              Priyanka VergadiaStaff Developer Advocate, Google Cloud You have a cloud use case… How do you go from idea to implementation? The first step in your implementation journey is the architecture diagram. Having an architecture diagram is critical because it enables you to share the vision with the team, collaborate with them, iterate on the design, and create the final version that best meets the req

                                                                Introducing a Google Cloud architecture diagramming tool | Google Cloud Blog
                                                              • AWS Lambda Under the Hood

                                                                Transcript Danilov: We'll talk about AWS Lambda, how it's built, how it works, and why it's so cool. My name is Mike Danilov. I'm a Senior Principal Engineer at AWS Serverless. A decade ago, I joined EC2 networking team, and it was a fantastic ride. Then, five years back, I heard about Lambda. I really liked the simplicity of the idea. We run your code in the cloud, no servers needed, so I joined

                                                                  AWS Lambda Under the Hood
                                                                • Studio Trigger Reveals New Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Project

                                                                  Original 13-episode series from GAINAX premiered in 2010 Studio Trigger announced at its panel at Anime Expo on Saturday that it is working on a new project for the Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt franchise. The staff at the panel showed a short video featuring an animated shot and text with the phrase "NEW PANTY & STOCKING." The videos featured the main characters each posing with both their mid

                                                                    Studio Trigger Reveals New Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Project
                                                                  • A new year, a new MDN – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

                                                                    If you’ve accessed the MDN website today, you probably noticed that it looks quite different. We hope it’s a good different. Let us explain! MDN has undergone many changes in its sixteen-year history from its early beginning as a wiki to the recent migration of a static site backed by GitHub. During that time MDN grew organically, with over 45,000 contributors and numerous developers and designers

                                                                      A new year, a new MDN – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
                                                                    • 現代貨幣理論の解釈 - himaginary’s diary

                                                                      日本のネット界隈では野口旭氏のニューズウィーク連載を始めとしてMMTに関する議論が続いているが、米国ではどうなっているのかとぐぐってみたところ、サンノゼ州立大のJeffrey Rogers HummelがMMTについて表題の4/1付けeconlib記事(原題は「Interpreting Modern Monetary Theory」)*1で詳細な批判を繰り広げていることに気付いた。以下にその概要をまとめてみる。 MMTの貨幣に対する基本的な主張は特に新しくも現代的でもない。不換紙幣の発行によって政府支出が賄えるというのはすべての経済学者が知っていたことである。MMTも、以下の3つの条件のいずれかが満たされなければ大規模な政府支出によってインフレが生じることを認識している。 経済が顕著な失業を抱えている 政府が徴税力でインフレをコントロールする 銀行システムが何らかの方法で政府の金融拡張に対

                                                                        現代貨幣理論の解釈 - himaginary’s diary
                                                                      • Order Generic Kemstro 10mg - Where to Purchase Baclofen Fast Delivery - Ask Lesko and Friends

                                                                        Purchase KEMSTRO Online! Low Prices Guaranteed! Cheapest Website to buy, Best Quality for brand and generic medications The Most Trusted Online Drug Supplier Fast Delivery of Your Order No Prescription Needed for KEMSTRO, 10% Discount for All Next Purchases Enter Here to Order KEMSTRO Online Right Now! The last thing that you'll want to do in your adult cystic acne treatment is exercise on a fairl

                                                                        • Building a sidenav component  |  Articles  |  web.dev

                                                                          Building a sidenav component Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. In this post I want to share with you how I prototyped a Sidenav component for the web that is responsive, stateful, supports keyboard navigation, works with and without JavaScript, and works across browsers. Try the demo. If you prefer video, here's a YouTube version of this post: O

                                                                            Building a sidenav component  |  Articles  |  web.dev
                                                                          • Dungeon Generation in Diablo 1

                                                                            Diablo 1 is a classic 1996 hack and slash action RPG. It was one of the first popular attempts at bringing roguelikes to the masses, from the niche ascii art. It’s spun a host of sequels, and imitators. It’s known for a dark, moody atmosphere that intensifies as the player descends into the dungeon beneath the town of Tristram. It was one of the first games I played with procedurally generated map

                                                                              Dungeon Generation in Diablo 1
                                                                            • 100+ Best GitHub Repositories For Machine Learning

                                                                              There are millions of github repos and filtering them is an insane amount of work. It takes huge time, efforts and a lot more. We have done this for you. In this article we’ll share a curated list of 100+ widely-known, recommended and most popular repositories and open source github projects for Machine Learning and Deep Learning. So without further ado, Let’s see all the hubs created by experts a

                                                                                100+ Best GitHub Repositories For Machine Learning
                                                                              • Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

                                                                                Update, April 9, 2021 : We've launched Am I FLoCed, a new site that will tell you whether your Chrome browser has been turned into a guinea pig for Federated Learning of Cohorts or FLoC, Google’s latest targeted advertising experiment. The third-party cookie is dying, and Google is trying to create its replacement. No one should mourn the death of the cookie as we know it. For more than two decade

                                                                                  Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
                                                                                • An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

                                                                                  Topics Covered AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge Managing 10000 People at Intel The Future with Tenstorrent Engineers and People Skills Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V Living a Life of Abstraction Thoughts on Moore's Law Engineering the Right Team Idols, Maturity, and the Human Experience Nature vs Nurture Pushing Everyone To Be The Best Security, Ethics, and Group Belief Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon A

                                                                                    An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'