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cateringの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 107件

  • Rust concepts I wish I learned earlier

    This past month, I have been enthralled by the Rust programming language given its unique edge for writing memory-safe, modern programs. Over the years, several languages have emerged as the most preferred by engineers to write resilient, backend software. The tides have shifted from Java/C++ into Go and Rust, which combine decades of programming language theory to build tools that are effective i

      Rust concepts I wish I learned earlier
    • 実践超入門・自炊 〜在宅勤務の食事を楽にカイゼンする手羽野菜スープの設計と実装〜 | DevelopersIO

      事業開発部の塩谷 (@kwappa) です。 新型コロナウイルスの感染は引き続き拡大傾向で、クラスメソッドでも基本的に全社員が在宅勤務を継続しています。 在宅勤務が長くなると聞こえてくるのが、コミュニケーションの問題、運動不足の問題、さらには公立小中高の休校に伴う育児の問題などです。もちろんこれらも解決すべき課題なのですが、「食事の問題」についてもよく聞くようになってきました。 クラスメソッドのSlackでも、 #misc-lunch というチャンネルが作られて毎日のお昼ご飯写真を投稿したり、家庭料理について話す #misc-home-cookingが盛り上がったりしています(ちなみに社内ルールで雑談チャンネルには misc のプレフィクスをつけるようになっています)。 「食事の問題」といってもメニューから手間からいろいろありますが、今回は自炊の経験がない、もしくはあまり積極的にやらない人

        実践超入門・自炊 〜在宅勤務の食事を楽にカイゼンする手羽野菜スープの設計と実装〜 | DevelopersIO
      • Am I FLoCed?

        Google is testing FLoC on Chrome users worldwide. Find out if you're one of them. Google is running a Chrome "origin trial" to test out an experimental new tracking feature called Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka "FLoC"). According to Google, the trial currently affects 0.5% of users in selected regions, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, the Phili

          Am I FLoCed?
        • The State of Machine Learning Frameworks in 2019

          In 2018, PyTorch was a minority. Now, it is an overwhelming majority, with 69% of CVPR using PyTorch, 75+% of both NAACL and ACL, and 50+% of ICLR and ICML. While PyTorch’s dominance is strongest at vision and language conferences (outnumbering TensorFlow by 2:1 and 3:1 respectively), PyTorch is also more popular than TensorFlow at general machine learning conferences like ICLR and ICML. While som

            The State of Machine Learning Frameworks in 2019
          • Free Nature Sounds - 99Sounds

            By 99SoundsMarch 5, 2024Updated:March 15, 20242 Comments5 Mins Read Nature Sounds is a free collection of nature audio recordings captured by Free To Use Sounds and released by 99Sounds. The free download link is located at the end of this article. FREE Nature Sounds Nature Sounds contains a set of royalty-free nature field recordings in the following categories: Animals, Forest, Rain, Water, and

              Free Nature Sounds - 99Sounds
            • 【Groq】一秒で500トークン、GPT-4の25倍のスピードで出力できるAIを使ってみた | WEEL

              WEELメディア事業部LLMリサーチャーの中田です。 ここ数日で、言語生成AIの「Groq」が話題になりました。 これにより、GPTよりも高速でテキストを生成できるんです、、、! "GPT-3.5 class LLMs are too slow." Sure, that was true last week. Here is Groq (not the same as Musk's Grok) running Llama 2. Watch for the moment I click send. If you want to try: https://t.co/aZKkWVsamS pic.twitter.com/gOlB4cL5MC — Ethan Mollick (@emollick) February 19, 2024 XでのGroq関連の投稿のいいね数は、すで1100を超えており、

              • The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History

                Historical expertise provided by Jerry Beck, Amelia Cook, Jason DeMarco, Maureen Furniss, Monique Henry-Hudson, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Linda Simensky, Koji Yamamura Entries by Rebecca Alter, Elly Belle, Kambole Campbell, Jen Chaney, Amelia Cook, Alex Costello, Marley Crusch, Toussaint Egan, Christopher L. Inoa, Genevieve Koski, Willow Catelyn Maclay, Rafael Motamayor, Sammy Nickalls, Joshua Rivera

                  The 100 Most Influential Sequences in Animation History
                • Move Fast and Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings - The Citizen Lab

                  Read our description of Zoom’s waiting room vulnerability, as well as frequently asked question about Zoom and encryption issues. This report examines the encryption that protects meetings in the popular Zoom teleconference app. We find that Zoom has “rolled their own” encryption scheme, which has significant weaknesses. In addition, we identify potential areas of concern in Zoom’s infrastructure,

                    Move Fast and Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings - The Citizen Lab
                  • My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)

                    transcript Listen to This Article.Produced by Kelly Prime; edited by Mike Benoist; written by Gabrielle Hamilton; and narrated by January LaVoyAfter being forced to shutter the restaurant that was her life’s work, Gabrielle Hamilton asks: Will there be a place for it in the New York of the future? Recorded by Audm. gabrielle hamiltonI’m Gabrielle Hamilton, and I’m the chef and owner of Prune Resta

                      My Restaurant Was My Life for 20 Years. Does the World Need It Anymore? (Published 2020)
                    • 配膳ロボに似たネコを探して

                      レストランでネコ型の配膳ロボットが活躍していた。 店員さんにもやさしく声をかけられて席に料理を運んではお客さんに「かわいい」と愛でられていた。 そのかわいいネコロボに運んでもらったハンバーグを食べ、自分で取りに行ったドリンクバーを飲んでエネルギーを得た私は「あれに似たネコいないかなあ」と思った。 1975年神奈川県生まれ。毒ライター。 普段は会社勤めをして生計をたてている。 有毒生物や街歩きが好き。つまり商店街とかが有毒生物で埋め尽くされれば一番ユートピア度が高いのではないだろうか。 最近バレンチノ収集を始めました。(動画インタビュー) 前の記事:マスクケースコレクション > 個人サイト バレンチノ・エスノグラフィー ①②のカラーでいけばパッと思い当たるのがシャムネコやそのミックス、ヒマラヤンとかだろうか。 10年以上前に伊豆高原「ねこの博物館」で出会った子(くわしい種名は不明)。顔と体の

                      • Culture Against Apartheid  アパルトヘイトに抗する文化

                        〈Culture Against Apartheid アパルトヘイトに抗する文化〉は、私たちひとりひとりが、パレスチナでの大量虐殺と民族浄化を止める事を早急の課題とし、この問題の根幹にある占領や、アパルトヘイト体制、「日本」をふくむ世界中の、あらゆる抑圧に抗う『文化』を主体的に創造していくことを宣言する声明です。私たちは団体としてではなく、声明に共感する「ちいさな人びと」の意志の集まる場所として、新しい文化を望むすべての人びとの活動のためのネットワークとして存在します。 声明「パレスチナを忘れるな」というのが、エドワード・サイードの最期のことばでした。 パレスチナの未来のために、彼が最期まで重んじたのが、『文化』というものでした。 わたしたちは、Culture Against Apartheid(アパルトヘイトに抗する文化)というチームをつくりました。 わたしたちが、心から追い求めている新

                          Culture Against Apartheid  アパルトヘイトに抗する文化
                        • Kubernetes Validating Admission Policies: A Practical Example

                          This article is more than one year old. Older articles may contain outdated content. Check that the information in the page has not become incorrect since its publication. Authors: Craig Box (ARMO), Ben Hirschberg (ARMO) Admission control is an important part of the Kubernetes control plane, with several internal features depending on the ability to approve or change an API object as it is submitt

                            Kubernetes Validating Admission Policies: A Practical Example
                          • 気軽・安い・美味しい!「榮式燒雞扒 (Wing's Catering)」で地元メシを堪能する。 - 香港住んでみたら、意外と良かったんですけど・・・

                                               www.hongyoka.work www.hongyoka.work
                              気軽・安い・美味しい!「榮式燒雞扒 (Wing's Catering)」で地元メシを堪能する。 - 香港住んでみたら、意外と良かったんですけど・・・
                            • エフゲニー・プリゴジン - Wikipedia

                              インターネット・リサーチ・エージェンシーコンコルド・マネジメント・アンド・コンサルティング「コンコルド・グループ」子会社Concord Catering(コンコルド・ケータリング)LLC Agat(合同会社アガット)LLC Megaline(合同会社メガライン)民間軍事会社ワグネル・グループアメリカ政府の暫定的推定によるプリゴジンの総資産額は約9000億ルーブル、日本円で約1兆円とされる エフゲニー・ヴィクトロヴィチ・プリゴジン(露: Евге́ний Ви́кторович Приго́жин, ラテン文字表記:Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin, Yevgeniy Vicktorovich Prigozhin, 1961年6月1日 - 2023年8月23日)は、ロシアのオリガルヒの一人であり[5]、ロシア連邦大統領ウラジーミル・プーチンに重用されていた人物[6]

                                エフゲニー・プリゴジン - Wikipedia
                              • 横浜国際総合競技場(日産スタジアム)~Two Finals~ - スタ辞苑〜全国スタジアム観戦記〜

                                注:本記事は新型コロナウイルス感染拡大前の情報を元にしています 【概要】 横浜国際総合競技場(日産スタジアム)は、1998年開場、神奈川県横浜市にある横浜F・マリノスのホームスタジアム。 国内最大の72327席の収容能力を誇る、日本を代表するスタジアムの一つ。一部ではデカすぎて要塞とか言われている。 2002FIFAワールドカップ決勝、2019ラグビーワールドカップ決勝など、世界的に注目される試合も数々行われてきた。サッカーとラグビーの両方のワールドカップの決勝が行われたスタジアムは世界でふたつしかない(もうひとつはスタッド・ド・フランス)。 「ドイツ × ブラジル」2002年W杯決勝戦 ハイライト 決勝戦 ショートハイライト/イングランド代表 v 南アフリカ代表【ラグビーワールドカップ】 新横浜駅前には記念のモニュメントもある。 また特大のライブ会場としても使用され、B'zやサザンオール

                                  横浜国際総合競技場(日産スタジアム)~Two Finals~ - スタ辞苑〜全国スタジアム観戦記〜
                                • Style For Style, Fun For Fun, Iris For Mac

                                  Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 4451 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 26 Rated 5 out of 5 by mrm2006 from New Assistant to Editor-In-Chief - Here I Am! Storyline: You are going to the most infamous magazine of fashion there is. Trendy, with-it, City Style Magazine, to interview for the job of Assistant to the Editor-in Chief. But will you EVER get to the actual interview? Hah - play and find o

                                    Style For Style, Fun For Fun, Iris For Mac
                                  • The 6 Levels of UX Maturity

                                    Summary: Our UX-maturity model has 6 stages that cover processes, design, research, leadership support, and longevity of UX. Use our quiz to get an idea of your organization’s UX maturity. UX maturity measures an organization’s desire and ability to successfully deliver user-centered design. It encompasses the quality and consistency of research and design processes, resources, tools, and operatio

                                      The 6 Levels of UX Maturity
                                    • Research in Industry or Academia?

                                      In the early Spring of 2017, as I hit the 1.5-year mark in my postdoctoral fellowship, I directly compared research career paths in industry and academia and decided to pursue a career in industry. Many times since then, I have been asked about the differences between industry and academia and how I landed an industry job. Perhaps you too are curious about these two different career paths. If so,

                                      • Citymapper Mobility Index comes to an end

                                        A useful tool for the pandemic CMI ran for one and a half years. We are proud to have been the first company to share mobility data openly and publicly in order to help advise and inform cities, governments, health authorities, media, business, and the general public. CMI's data was used by Media and Organisations around the world... ...to help visualise and inform Citymapper Mobility Index comes

                                          Citymapper Mobility Index comes to an end
                                        • Top 5 GraphQL Resources for Next.js Developers in 2021

                                          GraphQL is stepping in to the 6th year in 2021 and is seeing great adoption in the developer community. We have compiled a short list of 5 best resources (in no particular order) specifically catering to Next.js developers, since it's one of the most popular frontend frameworks in the community. The list broadly focusses on the categories like GraphQL clients, data fetching, authentication, API ro

                                            Top 5 GraphQL Resources for Next.js Developers in 2021
                                          • Google is quietly replacing the backbone of its AI product strategy after its last big push for dominance got overshadowed by Meta

                                            Google was a trailblazer in machine learning, releasing one of the first general-use frameworks. TensorFlow has since lost the hearts and minds of developers to Meta's AI framework, PyTorch. Google is now betting on a new AI project internally to replace TensorFlow called JAX. Google, in 2015, essentially created the modern-day machine learning ecosystem when it open sourced a small research proje

                                              Google is quietly replacing the backbone of its AI product strategy after its last big push for dominance got overshadowed by Meta
                                            • あなたのご自宅で回転寿司!どこでもかっぱ寿司|かっぱ寿司|回転寿司

                                              お好きなところへかっぱ寿司をお届けします! 通常の“お持ち帰り”とは違う「自宅にお寿司屋さんが来る」という最高の贅沢をお楽しみください。

                                              • 2021年2月に食べたものまとめ。 - ♡

                                                 2 2Uber   調   寿   STARB
                                                  2021年2月に食べたものまとめ。 - ♡
                                                • Rust Support In The Linux Kernel Undergoing Another Round Of Discussions - Phoronix

                                                  Rust Support In The Linux Kernel Undergoing Another Round Of Discussions Written by Michael Larabel in Programming on 14 April 2021 at 06:29 PM EDT. 63 Comments Last month the initial infrastructure for allowing the Rust programming language to be used within the Linux kernel landed in the Linux-Next tree for more widespread testing ahead of its possible inclusion in the mainline kernel. Now a "re

                                                    Rust Support In The Linux Kernel Undergoing Another Round Of Discussions - Phoronix
                                                  • Using Performant Next-Gen Images in CSS with image-set | CSS-Tricks

                                                    The CSS image-set() function has been supported in Chromium-based browsers since 2012 and in Safari since version 6. Support recently landed in Firefox 88. Let’s dive in and see what we can and can’t do today with image-set(). Multiple resolutions of the same image Here’s what the CSS spec has to say about image-set(): Delivering the most appropriate image resolution for a user’s device can be a d

                                                      Using Performant Next-Gen Images in CSS with image-set | CSS-Tricks
                                                    • Feelgood Dr Porn Tube For Mac

                                                      Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 4885 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 16 Dr Feelgood BenefitAbigail Mac Tube and other famous pornstars at TubePornstars.com. TubePornstars is one of the most complete pornstar databases you will ever find! Abigail Mac and Kissa Sins in lesbo porn 6:15 PornoXo 1 week ago. Abigail Mac gets her nice big boobs worshipped by Xander 1:34 3Movs 1 year ago. Find dr fee

                                                        Feelgood Dr Porn Tube For Mac
                                                      • indkøb Priligy / Intet script – MaterialeVærket

                                                        Europæisk apotek Klik her – Gå til apotek indkøb Priligy – Lav pris for medicin af høj kvalitet – Hurtig levering og fuld fortrolighed – Bonuspiller og store rabatter på enhver ordre – Hele din tilfredshed garanteret eller dine penge tilbage For g o o g l e: Viste det levitra for eller forvente bondeslægt. , 15 ham den faktisk hun fået xenical og har sundhedsprodukt, online er levitra står ikke va

                                                        • The JavaScript Paradox

                                                          I'm not sure if there's ever been a language more loathed, yet so widely used, as JavaScript. I'm not of that camp. I quite like JavaScript. Its quirks, its flaws. How it somehow built upon Scheme yet was destined to be the most pervasive programming language. JavaScript was designed to be a companion. A scripting language to perform menial tasks to assist small pieces of interactivity on the page

                                                            The JavaScript Paradox
                                                          • PinkPantheress - Reason (Official Video)

                                                            for my birthday i thought id give you guys the gift of an unreleased music video, one of my favourites, Reason Stream/ download 'Heaven knows' now: https://pinkpantheress.lnk.to/HeavenKnows Stream/ download 'to hell with it' now: https://pinkpantheress.lnk.to/tohellwithitOutNow Follow PinkPantheress: Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/pinkpantheress Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pinkp

                                                              PinkPantheress - Reason (Official Video)
                                                            • Pop-ups: They're making a resurgence!  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers

                                                              The goal of the Open UI initiative is to make it easier for developers to make great user experiences. To do this, we are trying to tackle the more problematic patterns that developers face. We can do this by providing better platform built-in APIs and components. One such problem area is pop-ups, described in Open UI as "Popovers". Popovers have had a rather polarizing reputation for a long time.

                                                              • 20,000 Startup Ideas

                                                                20,000 Startup Ideas (This data comes from the O*NET web site.) This gives a kind of map of the territory of current economically important human activities. Therefore it represents a good source of startup ideas. It maybe is even the listing of approximately all startup ideas. Visit individuals in homes or attend group meetings to provide information on agency services, requirements, or procedure

                                                                • Fujii Kaze - grace(Official Video)

                                                                  ▼ "grace" digital single https://Fujii-Kaze.lnk.to/grace Starring : Fujii Kaze Director : QQQ Director of Photography : Koretaka Kamiike Camera Assistant : Riku Kuwada (GRAPHIX) / Sumit Gailakoti /GOLU Focus Puller : RANE Drone Camera Operator : Shibam Lighting Director : Ryo Takahashi Lighting Assistant : Mohd SHEHNAWAZ / CP SINGH / MD MANOHAR / Mohd Qayyum Driver : BALDEV / Sushil / Sa

                                                                    Fujii Kaze - grace(Official Video)
                                                                  • Equilab Poker For Mac

                                                                    Visiteurs depuis le 26/01/2019 : 4585 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 19 Equilab Poker For Mac MacWithin the world of modern computer operating systems, the age-old dilemma pits PC users and their Windows platform against Mac users who prefer Apple's MacOS. This debate won't be settled anytime soon, what with diehard PC and Mac loyalists living and dying with every system update sent their way

                                                                      Equilab Poker For Mac
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                                                                      Farmacia europea donde puedo conseguir curcuma URL == http://url-qr.tk/Farmacia - Entrega rápida garantizada en todo el mundo. - Varios métodos de pago: MasterCard / Visa / AMEX / PayPal / BitCoin - completo anonimato - Calidad farmacéutica y dosificación. - Le reembolsaremos si el artículo no es adecuado para usted. cuanto cuesta la Y su picante de necesario zingiberáceas. Y la cúrcuma curcuma la

                                                                      • The Success of Third-Party Apps on the App Store

                                                                        Support for this study was provided by Apple. The conclusions and opinions expressed are exclusively those of the authors. The Success of Third-Party Apps on the App Store Juliette Caminade, Ph.D. Markus von Wartburg, Ph.D. April 2022 The Success of Third-Party Apps on the App Store 1 In recent years, the role of “big tech” in shaping options for developers, content creators, and users in digital

                                                                        • Sony Publishes An Official Linux Driver For PlayStation 5 DualSense Controllers - Phoronix

                                                                          Sony Publishes An Official Linux Driver For PlayStation 5 DualSense Controllers Written by Michael Larabel in Hardware on 24 December 2020 at 12:48 PM EST. 36 Comments Well here is a pleasant Christmas surprise... Sony has published a new "hid-playstation" Linux kernel driver for bringing up the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller and will also be used for supporting other PlayStation hardware on L

                                                                            Sony Publishes An Official Linux Driver For PlayStation 5 DualSense Controllers - Phoronix
                                                                          • Azure OpenAI Insights: Monitoring AI with Confidence

                                                                            Azure OpenAI Insights: Monitoring AI with Confidence Welcome to the forefront of AI innovation! In the ever-evolving world of Artificial Intelligence, organizations and entities across various sectors are on a quest to leverage advanced technologies efficiently. Azure OpenAI opens a realm of possibilities, offering both challenges and excitement, particularly for those at the early stages of AI ad

                                                                              Azure OpenAI Insights: Monitoring AI with Confidence
                                                                            • Libertable(リベルターブル)

                                                                              About Item Shop info Gift, Wedding & Catering Chef Online shop Information 2024/04/272024年5月お休みのお知らせ 2024/03/302024年4月お休みのお知らせ 2024/02/242024年3月お休みのお知らせ 2024/01/312024年2月お休みのお知らせ 2023/11/242023年クリスマスケーキご予約開始のお知らせ more

                                                                              • Kamasi Washington - Prologue (Official Music Video)

                                                                                Prologue, taken from the forthcoming album Fearless Movement out May 3rd, 2024. Pre-order Fearless Movement now via Young: https://kamasiwashington.ffm.to/fearlessmovement Twitter - https://twitter.com/KamasiW Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kamasiw?ref=hl Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kamasiwashington Director: AG Rojas Production Company: Park Pictures Executive Producer: Jackie

                                                                                  Kamasi Washington - Prologue (Official Music Video)
                                                                                • order Fliban. Verzending nachts. - Council for Children's Rights

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