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 inheritance8 techfeed  Rust  JavaScript    Understanding inheritance and other limitations in Rust - LogRocket Blog  
  • Understanding inheritance and other limitations in Rust - LogRocket Blog

    Andre Bogus Andre "llogiq" Bogus is a Rust contributor and Clippy maintainer. A musician-turned-programmer, he has worked in many fields, from voice acting and teaching, to programming and managing software projects. He enjoys learning new things and telling others about them. Editor’s note: This Rust guide was updated on 3 Aug, 2022 to include information about doubly linked lists and borrowing t

      Understanding inheritance and other limitations in Rust - LogRocket Blog
    • Goやるなら知っておきたい「Composition over inheritance」 - Qiita

      GoComposition over inheritance  Ruby  Rails GoGoRuby InheritanceComposition使 Composition over inheritance Composition over inheritance  
        Goやるなら知っておきたい「Composition over inheritance」 - Qiita
      • Epigenetic inheritance of diet-induced and sperm-borne mitochondrial RNAs - Nature

        Apart from Mendelian inheritance, fathers use alternative routes for intergenerational information transfer. One of these is a complex, dynamic and environment-sensitive pool of sncRNAs that are stored in mature spermatozoa1, delivered to the oocytes at fertilization9, and influence embryonic development10,11 and adult phenotypes1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11. Production of mature haploid spermatozoa from sperm

          Epigenetic inheritance of diet-induced and sperm-borne mitochondrial RNAs - Nature
        • 🎉👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 JavaScript Visualized: Prototypal Inheritance

          Ever wondered why we can use built-in methods such as .length, .split(), .join() on our strings, arrays, or objects? We never explicitly specified them, where do they come from? Now don't say "It's JavaScript lol no one knows, it's magic 🧚🏻‍♂️", it's actually because of something called prototypal inheritance. It's pretty awesome, and you use it more often than you realize! We often have to crea

            🎉👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 JavaScript Visualized: Prototypal Inheritance
          • Chrome 85: Upload Streaming, Human Interface Devices, Custom Properties with Inheritance and More

            $200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81

              Chrome 85: Upload Streaming, Human Interface Devices, Custom Properties with Inheritance and More
            • Behavior inheritance in Rust

              There is a common adage in Rust community that “Rust prefers composition over inheritance”. There is no inheritance support in common OO sense in Rust. You can achieve some OOP paradigms like, defining interface, using traits but not all. Lack of behavior inheritance became obvious, when I started to think about building a GUI toolkit in Rust. I am familiar with GTK+ and Qt which use a model, wher

                Behavior inheritance in Rust
              • クラス継承とどう付き合えばよいかわからなくなったので、Goを書いてみた(Composition over inheritance) - iimon TECH BLOG

                はじめに iimonでエンジニアをしています。腰丸です。 突然ですが、Go言語がクラス継承をサポートしていないことをご存知でしょうか?(結構有名かもしれません) 言語として、意図的にクラス継承をサポートしていないって大丈夫なのか?という疑問もありますが、確かにクラスの継承ってネックになることが多い気もしています。 ちょうど良い機会なので、Goを使用してクラス継承を使用せずに、クラス継承で行ってきたような実装を実現する方法と、クラス継承の良し悪しについて考えてみました! 私がクラス継承に関して思うところ 微妙だと思っているところ 抽象化の粒度がよくわからない(is-aとか範囲広すぎない?) 深いネストがあると見るのしんどい(ヨーヨー問題) 影響範囲わからなくて怖い SOLIDとかの原則を守るのが難しい(仮に現時点で問題なくても将来的に守れるのかがよくわからない) 良いなと思うところ 実装が楽

                  クラス継承とどう付き合えばよいかわからなくなったので、Goを書いてみた(Composition over inheritance) - iimon TECH BLOG
                • Priority Inheritance with Backtracking for Iterative Mulit-agent Path Finding

                  Priority Inheritance with Backtracking for Iterative Multi-agent Path Finding Keisuke Okumura, Manao Machida, Xavier Défago, and Yasumasa Tamura [jouranl paper (AIJ-22)] [code] [robot implementation (toio)] Important note: This page is for a journal paper (AIJ). We substantially updated from the original repo of the conference paper (IJCAI-19). Much faster. In the Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) p

