Your Tweeter Karma

What is Tweeter Karma? | Updates: @karma_news | FAQ

Note: There are known issues with trying to use Tweeter Karma  in conjunction with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Please make sure  you're using an alternate browser.

Tweeter Karma is easy to use.

Step #1: Allow Tweeter Karma to access your Twitter data:

Sign in with Twitter

Step #2: Give the button a good whack!

Do you find Tweeter Karma useful? Perhaps you'd be willing to  donate what you can in order to help support its continued  operation and future development. Click the Donate button to  help out using PayPal.  

I promise not to do anything with your Twitter authentication  data other than request your following and follower data, and I  don't store your authentication information: it is used to make  the necessary requests then discarded immediately.

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On January 15, 2010, Twitter instructed us to remove thebulk  unfollowcapability of Tweeter Karma as it has been determined to  violate their Automation Rules and Best Practices. We have done so  in order to comply with their request. We apologize to you, our users,  for having to make this change, but hope you will understand it is  outside of our control.

On January 15, 2010, Twitter instructed us to remove the『bulk unfollow』capability of Tweeter Karma as it has been determined to violate their Automation Rules and Best Practices. We have done so in order to comply with their request. We apologize to you, our users, for having to make this change, but hope you will understand it is outside of our control.

Where did Bulk Unfollow go?  

Copyright © 2007-2010 Dossy Shiobara.

Credits: Dossy Shiobara (code), Stephanie Agresta (inspiration), Wesley Crozier (Flash help), Will Morse (FAQ).