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→‎As an invasive species: Added other areas nearby, with citation. Added decade in which it was released into the wild.
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The '''Gambian pouched rat''' ('''''Cricetomys gambianus'''''), also [[Common name|commonly]] known as the '''African giant pouched rat''', is a [[species]] of [[nocturnal]] [[pouched rat]] of the [[giant pouched rat]] [[genus]] ''Cricetomys'', in the [[Family (biology)|family]] [[Nesomyidae]]. It is among the largest [[Muroidea|muroid]]s in the world, growingup to about {{convert|0.9|m|ft|sigfig=1|abbr=on}} long, including the tail, which makes up half of its total length.<ref name=Kingdon/> It is widespread in [[sub-Saharan Africa]], ranging from [[Senegal]] to [[Kenya]] and from [[Angola]] to [[Mozambique]] (although it is absent from much of the [[Democratic Republic of the Congo]], where [[Emin's Pouched Rat|Emin's pouched rat]] is present) from [[sea level]] to {{convert|2000|m|ft|abbr=on}}.<ref name="iucn status 19 November 2021" />
The Gambian pouched rat is sometimes kept as a pet, but some have escaped from captivity and become an [[invasive species]] in [[Florida]].<ref>{{Cite web |title=Keeping and caring for Gambian pouched rats as pets |website=The Spruce Pets |url=https://www.thesprucepets.com/gambian-pouched-rats-as-pets-1236743 |access-date=2021-01-28 |lang=en}}</ref> In the United States, the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]] (CDC) and the [[Food and Drug Administration]] (FDA) now ban the importation of this species because it is blamed for the [[2003 Midwest monkeypox outbreak|2003 outbreak]]of[[monkeypox]].
[[File:Cricetomys gambianus 01 MWNH 266.jpg|thumb|Skull of a Gambian pouched rat]]
{{citations needed|section|date=February 2019}}
The Gambian pouched rat has very poor [[eyesight]], so it depends on its senses of [[Olfaction|smell]] and [[Hearing (sense)|hearing]].<ref>{{cite journal |first1=M.A. |last2=Ogunbunmi |first2=T.K. |last3=Olopade |first3=J.O. |last4=Ihunwo |first4=A.O. |year=2014 |title=The olfactory bulb structure of African giant rat (''Cricetomys gambianus'', {{small|Waterhouse 1840}}) I:&nbsp;Cytoarchitecture |journal=Anatomical Science International |volume=89 |issue=4 |pages=224–231 |last1=Olude |s2cid=25811366 |doi=10.1007/s12565-014-0227-0 |pmid=24469950}}</ref> Its name comes from the large, [[hamster]]-like pouches in its cheeks. It is not a true [[rat]], but is part of an African branch of [[muroid rodent]]s. It typically weighs between {{convert|1.0|and|1.4|kg|lb|abbr=on}}.<ref name=Kingdon>{{cite book |last=Kingdon |first=J. |year=1997 |title=The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals |pages=199–200 |publisher=Academic Press |isbn=0-12-408355-2}}</ref> In its native Africa, the pouched rat lives in colonies of up to 20, usually in forests and thickets, but also commonly in [[termite]] mounds. It is [[Omnivore|omnivorous]], feeding on [[vegetable]]s, [[insect]]s, [[crab]]s, [[snail]]s, and other items, but apparently prefers [[Arecaceae|palm]] [[fruit]]s and palm kernels.{{citation needed|date=June 2021}}
It hasIts cheek pouches like a [[hamster]], which allow it to gather up several kilograms of nuts per night for storage underground. It has been known to stuff its pouches so full of [[date palm]] nuts so as to be hardly able to squeeze through the entrance of its burrow.{{cn|date=February 2019}} The burrow consists of a long passage with side alleys and several chambers, one for sleeping and the others for storage. The Gambian pouched rat reaches [[sexual maturity]] at 5–7&nbsp;months of age. It has up to four litters every nine months, with up to six offspring in each litter. Males are territorial and tend to be aggressive when they encounter one another.
==Detection of land mines by scent==
{{Main article|APOPO}}
A [[Tanzanian]] social enterprise founded by two Belgians, [[APOPO]] ("Anti-Personnel Landmines Removal Product Development" in English), trains Gambianthe closely related [[southern giant pouched ratsrat]]s (''Cricetomys ansorgei'')<ref name="APOPO">{{cite web | access-date=2022-11-02 | year=2022 | website=[[APOPO]] | url=https://apopo.org/latest/2016/5/13/rodents-of-unusual-size-rous/ | title=RODENTS OF UNUSUAL SIZE (ROUS)}}</ref> to detect [[land mine]]s and [[tuberculosis]] with their highly developed sense of smell. The trained pouched rats are called [[HeroRATS]]. The rats are far cheaper to train than mine-detecting dogs; a rat requires US$7,300 for nine months of training, whereas a dog costs about $25,000 for training, but lives about twice as long.<ref>{{cite journal |title=Tuberculosis detection by giant African pouched rats |year=2011 |publisher=U.S. National Institutes of Health |pmc=3089413 |last1=Poling |first1=A. |last2=Weetjens |first2=B. |last3=Cox |first3=C. |last4=Beyene |first4=N. |last5=Durgin |first5=A. |last6=Mahoney |first6=A. |journal=The Behavior Analyst |volume=34 |issue=1 |pages=47–54 |doi=10.1007/BF03392234 |pmid=22532730 }}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Giant rats trained to sniff out tuberculosis in Africa |website=National Geographic |url=https://wwweducation.nationalgeographic.org/articleresource/giant-rats-trained-sniff-out-tuberculosis-africa/ }}</ref>
In 2020, a Hero Rat named [[Magawa]] (2013–2022)<ref name="Magawa-obit">{{cite web |title=Magawa, the landmine-sniffing hero rat, dies aged eight |website=[[BBC News]] |date=2022-01-11 |url=http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-59951255 |access-date=2022-01-11}}</ref> received a [[People's Dispensary for Sick Animals]] [[PDSA Gold Medal|Gold Medal]], the animal equivalent of the [[George Cross]], becoming the first rat to receive the award since the charity began honouring animals in 2003. Before retiring in 2021, Magawa detected 71&nbsp;landmines and 38&nbsp;items of unexploded ordnance, clearing over 2,421,880&nbsp;sq ft (225,000&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup>) of land in [[Cambodia]], preventing many injuries and deaths, in his 5-year career.<ref>{{Cite web|title=Magawa, a landmine-detecting rat, is retiring after five years of life-saving work in Cambodia|url=https://news.sky.com/story/landmine-detecting-rat-magawa-retiring-after-five-years-of-life-saving-work-in-cambodia-12325349|access-date=2021-06-05|website=Sky News|language=en}} </ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Meet the gold medal-winning rodent |lang=en-GB |website=BBC News |url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-54294192 |access-date=2021-01-28}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last=Ng |first=Kate |date=25 September 2020 |title=Cambodia landmine detection rat awarded miniature gold medal for 'lifesaving bravery' |newspaper=[[The Independent]] |url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/landmine-detection-rat-magma-cambodia-award-charity-b575565.html |url-status=live |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20201126014426/https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/landmine-detection-rat-magma-cambodia-award-charity-b575565.html |archive-date=November 26, 2020}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title='Hero rat' Magawa retires from Cambodian bomb sniffing career |url=https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/6/5/hero-rat-magawa-retires-from-cambodian-bomb-sniffing-career |agency=Al Jazeera |publisher=Al Jazeera |date=June 5, 2021}}</ref> Magawa died from natural causes at the age of 8 in 2022.<ref name="Magawa-obit" />
== Detection of tuberculosis by scent ==
The Gambian pouched rat is currently being used in experiments at [[Cornell University]] to investigate its usefulness in the detection of [[tuberculosis]] in human [[sputum]] samples.<ref>{{cite web |title=Pouched rats sniff for land mines and medical samples |date=18 May 2019 |series=[[Radio National]] [[Robyn Williams|The Science Show]] |publisher=[[Australian Broadcasting Corporation]] |url=https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/scienceshow/pouched-rats-sniff-for-land-mines-and-medical-samples/11124508 |access-date=May 22, 2019}}</ref> They are also being used in Mozambique and Tanzania to check tuberculosis test results.Reports<ref name="National Geographic">{{cite web|last1=Cengel|first1=Katya|title=Giant Rats Trained to Sniff Out Tuberculosis in Africa|url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/140816-rats-tuberculosis-smell-disease-health-animals-world|url-status=livedead|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160815013122/http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/08/140816-rats-tuberculosis-smell-disease-health-animals-world/|archive-date=15 August 2016|website=news.nationalgeographic.com|publisher=National Geographic|accessdate=16 August 2016}}</ref> that they are also being used in Mozambique and Tanzania to check tuberculosis test results have proven mildly incorrect: [[Genetic testing]] by Watkins shows [[APOPO]]'s workers are ''[[Cricetomys ansorgei|C. ansorgei]]''.<ref name="APOPO">{{cite web | access-date=2022-11-02 | year=2022 | website=[[APOPO]] | url=https://apopo.org/latest/2016/5/13/rodents-of-unusual-size-rous/ | title=RODENTS OF UNUSUAL SIZE (ROUS)}}</ref>
==As an invasive species==
[[File:Large-Gambian-Pouch-Rat.jpg|thumb|right|A Gambian pouched rat killed in the Florida Keys]]
Gambian pouched rats have become an [[invasive species]] on [[Grassy Key]] in the [[Florida Keys]],<ref>{{cite news |title=More huge Gambian rats found on Grassy Key |date=25 March 2012 |website=keysnet.com |url=http://www.keysnet.com/2012/03/24/433069/more-huge-gambian-rats-found-on.html |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120328043327/http://www.keysnet.com/2012/03/24/433069/more-huge-gambian-rats-found-on.html |archive-date=2012-03-28 }}</ref> after a private breeder allowed the animals to escape in the 1990s.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|last=Johnson|first=Terrell|date=June 033, 2014|title=Invasive Giant Rats Make a Comeback in the Florida Keys {{!}} The Weather Channel - Articles from The Weather Channel {{!}} weather.com|url=https://weather.com/science/nature/news/invasive-giants-rats-return-florida-keys-20140603|access-date=2022-02-25|website=The Weather Channel|language=en-US}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=Florida tries to wipe out cat-sized African rats |work=[[Reuters]] |year=2007 |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/us-florida-rats-idUSN2430572020070524}}</ref> Starting in 2007, Florida wildlife officials have tried to eradicate it from Grassy Key, but it iswas still present {{As of|2014|lc=y}}, and has been sighted nearby on [[Key Largo, Florida|Key Largo]] and in [[Marathon, Florida|Marathon]], Florida.<ref name=":0" />
This outsized African rodent is also believed to be responsible for the [[2003 Midwest monkeypox outbreak]] in the United States, after spreading it to [[prairie dogs]] that were purchased as pets. In 2003, the United States' [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]] (CDC) and [[Food and Drug Administration]] (FDA) issued an order preventing the importation of the rodents following the first reported outbreak of [[monkeypox]]. Around 20 individuals were affected.<ref>{{cite news |first=Michael |last=Conlon |date=2008-10-06 |title=Kids want an exotic pet? Ask your doctor first |work=[[Reuters]] |url=https://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSTRE49576S20081006 |access-date=2008-10-06 }}</ref>
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==Further reading==
* {{cite book |last1=Novak |first1=R.M. |last2=Paradiso |first2=J.L. |year=1991 |title=Walkers Mammals of the World |volume=II |publisher=Johns Hopkins University Press |place=Baltimore, MD}}
* {{cite journal |last1=Perry |first1=N.D. |display-authors=etal |year=2006 |title=New invasive species in southern Florida: Gambian rat (''Cricetomys gambianus'') |journal=Journal of Mammalogy |volume=87 |issue=2 |pages=262–264|doi=10.1644/05-MAMM-A-132RR.1 |s2cid=28074023 |doi-access=free }}
* {{cite journal |last1=Peterson |first1=A.T. |display-authors=etal |year=2006 |title=Native range ecology and invasive potential of ''Cricetomys'' in North America |journal=Journal of Mammalogy |volume=87 |issue=3 |pages=427–432|doi=10.1644/05-MAMM-A-133R3.1 |s2cid=85265719 |doi-access=free }}
* {{cite news |url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/02/0210_040210_minerats.html |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20040212012030/http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/02/0210_040210_minerats.html |url-status=dead |archive-date=February 12, 2004 |title=Mine rats |date=February 2004 |publisher=National Geographic |series=News}} – story regards the use in Africa of giant pouched rats and bees to detect land mines
==External links==
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[[Category:Rodents of Africa]]
[[Category:Mammals described in 1840]]

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