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List of mammals of Cambodia






This is a list of the mammal species recorded in Cambodia.

Order: Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates & cetaceans)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Suidae: pigs
  Wild boar Sus scrofa
Linnaeus, 1758
Wide variety of habitats LC IUCN
Family Tragulidae: mouse-deer
  Lesser mouse-deer Tragulus kanchil
Raffles, 1821
Lowland forests LC IUCN
  Greater mouse-deer Tragulus napu
F. Cuvier, 1822
Lowland forests LC IUCN
Family Cervidae: deer
  Indian hog deer Axis porcinus
Zimmermann, 1780
Moist tall grasslands EN IUCN
  Eld's deer Rucervus eldii
McClelland, 1842
Grasslands EN IUCN
  Sambar deer Rusa unicolor
Kerr, 1792
Wide variety of forest & savanna VU IUCN
  Indian muntjac Muntiacus vaginalis
Zimmermann, 1780
Wide variety of forests & scrublands LC IUCN
Giant muntjac Muntiacus vuquangensis
Tuoc, Dung, Dawson, Arctander and Mackinnon, 1994
Unclear CR IUCN
Family Bovidae: cattle, antelope, sheep, goats
  Gaur Bos gaurus
Smith, 1827
Forest, grassland, shrubland, & savanna VU IUCN
  Banteng Bos javanicus
d'Alton, 1823
Forest & grassland EN IUCN
Kouprey Bos sauveli
Urbain, 1937
Previously seen in dipterocarp forests with grasslands. No confirmations since 1970; possibly extinct. CR IUCN,

possibly EX

  Wild water buffalo Bubalus arnee
Kerr, 1792
Wetlands, grasslands, and riparian forests EN IUCN
  Mainland serow Capricornis sumatraensis
Bechstein, 1799
Forested mountain slopes VU IUCN
Family Balaenopteridae: rorquals
  Common minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata
Lacépède, 1804
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Sei whale Balaenoptera borealis
Lesson, 1828
Neritic & oceanic marine zones EN IUCN
  Bryde's whale Balaenoptera edeni
Anderson, 1879
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus
Linnaeus, 1758
Neritic & oceanic marine zones EN IUCN
  Fin whale Balaenoptera physalus
Linnaeus, 1758
Neritic & oceanic marine zones VU IUCN
  Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae
Borowski, 1781
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
Family Phocoenidae: porpoises
  Indo-Pacific finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides
G. Cuvier, 1829
Coastal waters VU IUCN
Family Delphinidae: marine dolphins
  Common dolphin Delphinus delphis
Linnaeus, 1758
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Pygmy killer whale Feresa attenuata
J. E. Gray, 1874
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN
  Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus
Gray, 1846
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN
  Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus
G. Cuvier, 1812
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN
  Fraser's dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei
Fraser, 1956
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Irrawaddy dolphin Orcaella brevirostris
OweninGray, 1866
Coastal waters & rivers EN IUCN
  Orca Orcinus orca
Linnaeus, 1758
Neritic & oceanic marine zones DD IUCN
  Melon-headed whale Peponocephala electra
Gray, 1846
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN
  False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens
Owen, 1846
Neritic & oceanic marine zones NT IUCN
  Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis
Osbeck, 1765
Coastal waters VU IUCN
  Pantropical spotted dolphin Stenella attenuata
Gray, 1846
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba
Meyen, 1833
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris
Gray, 1828
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Rough-toothed dolphin Steno bredanensis
G. CuvierinLesson, 1828
Neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus
Montagu, 1821
Coastal, neritic & oceanic marine zones LC IUCN
  Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin Tursiops aduncus
Ehrenberg, 1833
Neritic & oceanic marine zones NT IUCN
Family Physeteridae
  Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus
Linnaeus, 1758
Neritic & oceanic marine zones VU IUCN
Family Kogiidae
Pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps
Blainville, 1838
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN
  Dwarf sperm whale Kogia sima
Owen, 1866
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN
Family Ziphidae
  Blainville's beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris
Blainville, 1817
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN
Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale Mesoplodon ginkgodens
Nishiwaki and Kamiya, 1958
Oceanic marine zone DD IUCN
  Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris
Cuvier, 1823
Oceanic marine zone LC IUCN

Order: Carnivora (carnivorans)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Felidae: cats
  Asian golden cat Catopuma temminckii
Vigors & Horsfield, 1827
Forest, savanna, shrubland, & grassland NT IUCN
  Jungle cat Felis chaus
Schreber, 1777
Particularly around wetlands LC IUCN
  Clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa
Griffith, 1821
Forest & shrubland VU IUCN
  Leopard Panthera pardus
Linnaeus, 1758
Wide range of habitats VU IUCN
  Marbled cat Pardofelis marmorata
Martin, 1836
Forest NT IUCN
  Leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis
Kerr, 1792
Forest, shrublands, & grasslands LC IUCN
  Fishing cat Prionailurus viverrinus
Bennett, 1833
Marshlands & near waterbodies VU IUCN
Family Viverridae
  Binturong Arctictis binturong
Raffles, 1822
Forest (arboreal) VU IUCN
  Small-toothed palm civet Arctogalidia trivirgata
Gray, 1832
Evergreen & semi-evergreen forest LC IUCN
  Masked palm civet Paguma larvata
Smith, 1827
Mainly evergreen and semi-evergreen forest LC IUCN
  Asian palm civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus
Pallas, 1777
Wide range of forest, plantation, and urban environments LC IUCN
  Large-spotted civet Viverra megaspila
Blyth, 1862
Lowland forest EN IUCN
  Large Indian civet Viverra zibetha
Linnaeus, 1758
Forests & shrublands LC IUCN
  Small Indian civet Viverricula indica
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1803
Wide range of forests & wetlands LC IUCN
Family Prionodontidae: linsangs
  Spotted linsang Prionodon pardicolor
Hodgson, 1842
Forest, shrubland, and grassland. Present in Virachey National Park[1] LC IUCN
Family Herpestidae: mongooses
  Javan mongoose Urva javanica
É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1818
Widespread in lowlands, including anthropogenic habitats LC IUCN
  Crab-eating mongoose Urva urva
Hodgson, 1836
Widespread LC IUCN
Family Canidae: dogs, foxes
  Dhole Cuon alpinus
Pallas, 1811
Forest, shrubland, & grassland EN IUCN
  Golden jackal Canis aureus
Linnaeus, 1758
Wide variety, especially lowland deciduous dipterocarp forest LC IUCN
Family Ursidae: bears
  Sun bear Helarctos malayanus
Raffles, 1821
Forest & shrubland VU IUCN
  Asian black bear Ursus thibetanus
G. Cuvier, 1823
Forest & shrubland VU IUCN
Family Mustelidae: mustelids
  Asian small-clawed otter Aonyx cinereus
Illiger, 1815
Wetland systems VU IUCN
  Greater hog badger Arctonyx collaris
Cuvier, 1825
Mainly forest VU IUCN
  Eurasian otter Lutra lutra
Linnaeus, 1758
Wide range of aquatic habitats NT IUCN
  Hairy-nosed otter Lutra sumatrana
Gray, 1865
Wide range of aquatic habitats EN IUCN
  Smooth-coated otter Lutrogale perspicillata
Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, 1826
Wide range of aquatic habitats, including flooded ricefields VU IUCN
  Yellow-throated marten Martes flavigula
Boddaert, 1785
Forests & shrublands LC IUCN
  Burmese ferret-badger Melogale personata
I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1831
Forests, shrublands, & grasslands LC IUCN
  Yellow-bellied weasel Mustela kathiah
Hodgson, 1835
Rugged highlands LC IUCN

Order: Chiroptera (bats)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Pteropodidae: flying foxes, Old World fruit bats
  Lesser short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus brachyotis
Müller, 1838
Forest LC IUCN
  Greater short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx
Vahl, 1797
Forest LC IUCN
  Cave nectar bat Eonycteris spelaea
Dobson, 1871
Caves & forest LC IUCN
  Long-tongued nectar bat Macroglossus minimus
É. Geoffroy, 1810
Forest LC IUCN
  Long-tongued fruit bat Macroglossus sobrinus
K. Andersen, 1911
Forest LC IUCN
Ratanaworabhan's fruit bat Megaerops niphanae
Yenbutra & Felten, 1983
Forest LC IUCN
  Small flying fox Pteropus hypomelanus
Temminck, 1853
Forest NT IUCN
  Lyle's flying fox Pteropus lylei
K. Andersen, 1908
Forest VU IUCN
  Large flying fox Pteropus vampyrus
Linnaeus, 1758
Forest NT IUCN
  Geoffroy's rousette Rousettus amplexicaudatus
É. Geoffroy, 1810
Caves, rocky areas, & forests LC IUCN
  Leschenault's rousette Rousettus leschenaultii
Desmarest, 1820
Caves & forests NT IUCN
Family Vespertilionidae
Bronze sprite Arielulus circumdatus
Temminck, 1840
Montane forest LC IUCN
Indochinese thick-thumbed bat Glischropus bucephalus
Csorba, 2011
Bamboo forest LC IUCN
Blanford's bat Hesperoptenus blanfordi
Dobson, 1877
Caves & forests LC IUCN
  Tickell's bat Hesperoptenus tickelli
Blyth, 1851
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Long-toothed pipistrelle Hypsugo dolichodon
Görföl et al., 2014
Caves & forests DD IUCN
Flat-skulled woolly bat Kerivoula depressa
Evergreen forest LC IUCN
Indochinese woolly bat Kerivoula dongduongana
Caves & forest LC IUCN
  Hardwicke's woolly bat Kerivoula hardwickii
Horsfield, 1824
Caves & forest LC IUCN
  Papillose woolly bat Kerivoula papillosa
Temminck, 1840
Forest LC IUCN
Least woolly bat Kerivoula minuta
Miller, 1898
Forest NT IUCN
  Painted bat Kerivoula picta
Pallas, 1767
Wide variety of habitats NT IUCN
Hairy-faced bat Myotis annectans
Dobson, 1871
Evergreen forest LC IUCN
  Round-eared tube-nosed bat Murina cyclotis
Dobson, 1871
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Fea's tube-nosed bat Murina feae
Forest LC IUCN
Fiona’s Tube-nosed Bat Murina fionae
Forest LC IUCN
Harrison's tube-nosed bat Murina harrisoni
Csorba & Bates 2005
Forest LC IUCN
  Walston's tube-nosed bat Murina walstoni
Furey, Csorba & Son, 2011
Forest DD IUCN
Peters's myotis Myotis ater
Peters, 1866
Forest LC IUCN
Lesser large-footed bat Myotis hasseltii
Temminck, 1840
Caves & forests LC IUCN
  Horsfield's bat Myotis horsfieldii
Temminck, 1840
Caves & forest LC IUCN
  Wall-roosting mouse-eared bat Myotis muricola
Gray, 1846
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Thick-thumbed myotis Myotis rosseti
Oey, 1951
Forest LC IUCN
Himalayan whiskered bat Myotis siligorensis
Horsfield, 1855
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Peters's trumpet-eared bat Phoniscus jagorii
Peters, 1866
Forest & wetlands LC IUCN
Indian pipistrelle Pipistrellus coromandra
Gray, 1838
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Java pipistrelle Pipistrellus javanicus
Gray, 1838
Caves & forest LC IUCN
  Least pipistrelle Pipistrellus tenuis
Temminck C. J., 1840
Forest, shrubland, & grassland LC IUCN
  Greater Asiatic yellow bat Scotophilus heathii
Horsfield, 1831
Forest & shrublands LC IUCN
  Lesser Asiatic yellow bat Scotophilus kuhlii
Leach, 1821
Forest & shrublands LC IUCN
Greater bamboo bat Tylonycteris robustula
Thomas, 1915
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Family Molossidae: free-tailed bats
  Wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat Chaerephon plicatus
Buchanan, 1800
Caves, rocky areas, savanna & forests LC IUCN
  Wroughton's free-tailed bat Otomops wroughtoni
Thomas, 1913
Caves & forest; only known from one location in Cambodia DD IUCN
Family Miniopteridae
Small bent-winged bat Miniopterus pusillus
Dobson, 1876
Caves & forest LC IUCN
Family Emballonuridae
  Naked-rumped pouched bat Saccolaimus saccolaimus
Temminck, 1838
Caves, forest, & savanna LC IUCN
  Long-winged tomb bat Taphozous longimanus
Hardwicke, 1825
Caves, rocky areas, savanna & forests LC IUCN
  Black-bearded tomb bat Taphozous melanopogon
Temminck, 1841
Caves, rocky areas, shrubland & forests LC IUCN
  Theobald's tomb bat Taphozous theobaldi
Dobson, 1872
Caves & forest LC IUCN
Family Megadermatidae: false vampire bats
  Greater false vampire bat Lyroderma lyra
E. Geoffroy, 1810
Caves, rocky areas & forests LC IUCN
  Lesser false vampire bat Megaderma spasma
Linnaeus, 1758
Caves, rocky areas & forests LC IUCN
Family Rhinolophidae: horseshoe bats
  Intermediate horseshoe bat Rhinolophus affinis
Horsfield, 1823
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Acuminate horseshoe bat Rhinolophus acuminatus
Peters, 1871
Caves & forests LC IUCN
  Bornean horseshoe bat Rhinolophus borneensis
Peters, 1861
Caves, rocky areas, & forests LC IUCN
  Great woolly horseshoe bat Rhinolophus luctus
Temminck, 1835
Caves, rocky areas, & forests LC IUCN
Malayan horseshoe bat Rhinolophus malayanus
Bonhote, 1903
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Indo-Chinese Lesser Brown Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus microglobosus
Csorba and Jenkins, 1998
Caves & forests LC IUCN
  Least horseshoe bat Rhinolophus pearsonii
Temminck, 1834
Caves & forests LC IUCN
  Least horseshoe bat Rhinolophus pusillus
Temminck, 1834
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Shamel's horseshoe bat Rhinolophus shameli
Tate, 1943
Caves & forests LC IUCN
Family Hipposideridae: Old World leaf-nosed bats
  East Asian tailless leaf-nosed bat Coelops frithii
Blyth, 1848
Caves & forest NT IUCN
  Great roundleaf bat Hipposideros armiger
Hodgson, 1835
Caves & forest LC IUCN
Ashy roundleaf bat Hipposideros cineraceus
Blyth, 1853
Caves & forest LC IUCN
  Diadem leaf-nosed bat Hipposideros diadema
É. Geoffroy, 1813
Caves, savanna, & forests LC IUCN
  Cantor's roundleaf bat Hipposideros galeritus
Cantor, 1846
Caves & forests LC IUCN
  Intermediate roundleaf bat Hipposideros larvatus
Horsfield, 1823
Caves & forests LC IUCN

Order: Dermoptera (colugos)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Cynocephalidae: flying lemurs
  Sunda flying lemur Galeopterus variegatus
Audebert, 1799
Forest LC IUCN

Order: Eulipotyphla (Hedgehogs, shrews, moles and relatives)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Erinaceidae: hedgehogs
Northern short-tailed gymnure Hylomys peguensis
Blyth, 1859
Forest & shrubland
Family Soricidae: shrews
Asian gray shrew Crocidura attenuata
Milne-Edwards, 1872
Forest, shrubland, & grassland LC IUCN
Southeast Asian shrew Crocidura fuliginosa
(Blyth, 1856
Forest, shrublands, grasslands & rocky areas LC IUCN
Indochinese shrew Crocidura indochinensis
(Robinson and Kloss, 1922
Forest LC IUCN
Dr. Phan Luong shrew Crocidura phanluongi
(Jenkins, Abramov, Rozhnov, & Olsson, 2010
Forest LC IUCN
  Asian house shrew Suncus murinus
Linnaeus, 1766
Widespread LC IUCN

Order: Lagomorpha (lagomorphs)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Leporidae: rabbits, hares
  Burmese hare Lepus peguensis
Blyth, 1855
Grasslands, shrublands, savanna, & forest LC IUCN

Order: Pholidota (pangolins)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Manidae
  Sunda pangolin Manis javanica
Desmarest, 1822
Forest & shrubland CR IUCN

Order: Primates

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Lorisidae: lorises, bushbabies
  Bengal slow loris Nycticebus bengalensis
Lacépède, 1800
Forest EN IUCN
  Sunda slow loris Nycticebus coucang
Boddaert, 1785
Forest EN IUCN
  Pygmy slow loris Xanthonycticebus pygmaeus
Bonhote, 1907
Forest EN IUCN
Family Cercopithecidae: Old World monkeys
  Stump-tailed macaque Macaca arctoides
I. Geoffroy, 1831
Forest VU IUCN
  Crab-eating macaque Macaca fascicularis
Raffles, 1821
Forest, wetlands, & intertidal marine zone EN IUCN
  Northern pig-tailed macaque Macaca leonina
Blyth, 1863
Forest VU IUCN
  Germain's langur Trachypithecus germaini
Milne-Edwards, 1876
Forest & rocky areas EN IUCN
  Annamese langur Trachypithecus margarita
Elliot, 1909
Forest EN IUCN
  Red-shanked douc Pygathrix nemaeus
Linnaeus, 1771
Forest CR IUCN
  Black-shanked douc Pygathrix nigripes
Milne-Edwards, 1871
Forest CR IUCN
Family Hylobatidae: gibbons
  Pileated gibbon Hylobates pileatus
Gray, 1861
Forest EN IUCN
Northern buffed-cheeked gibbon Nomascus annamensis
Thinh et al., 2010
Forest EN IUCN
  Yellow-cheeked gibbon Nomascus gabriellae
Thomas, 1909
Forest EN IUCN
Family Hominidae: great apes
  Human Homo sapiens
Linnaeus, 1758
Widespread LC

Order: Proboscidea (elephants)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Elephantidae: elephants
  Asian elephant Elephas maximus
Linnaeus, 1758
Forest, shrubland, grassland EN IUCN

Order: Rodentia (rodents)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Hystricidae: Old World porcupines
  Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine Atherurus macrourus
Linnaeus, 1758
Montane forest LC IUCN
  Malayan porcupine Hystrix brachyura
Linnaeus, 1758
Forest, shrubland, & grassland LC IUCN
Family Sciuridae: squirrels
  Pallas's squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus
Pallas, 1779
Montane forest & scrubland LC IUCN
  Finlayson's squirrel Callosciurus finlaysonii
Horsfield, 1823
Forest, shrubland, & inland wetlands LC IUCN
  Asian red-cheeked squirrel Dremomys rufigenis
Blanford, 1878
Forest & shrubland LC IUCN
  Particolored flying squirrel Hylopetes alboniger
Hodgson, 1836
Forest & shrubland LC IUCN
  Berdmore's ground squirrel Menetes berdmorei
Blyth, 1849
Forest, shrubland, & grassland LC IUCN
  Red giant flying squirrel Petaurista petaurista
Pallas, 1766
Forest LC IUCN
  Indian giant flying squirrel Petaurista philippensis
Elliot, 1839
Forest LC IUCN
  Black giant squirrel Ratufa bicolor
Sparrman, 1778
Forest NT IUCN
  Himalayan striped squirrel Tamiops mcclellandii
Horsfield, 1840
Forest, shrubland, grassland, & inland wetlands LC IUCN
  Cambodian striped squirrel Tamiops rodolphii
Milne-Edwards, 1867
Forest & shrubland LC IUCN
Family Spalacidae
  Lesser bamboo rat Cannomys badius
Hodgson, 1841
Forest LC IUCN
  Hoary bamboo rat Rhizomys pruinosus
Blyth, 1851
Gorest & grassland LC IUCN
  Large bamboo rat Rhizomys sumatrensis
Raffles, 1821
Forest LC IUCN
Family Muridae: mice, rats, gerbils
  Greater bandicoot rat Bandicota indica
Bechstein, 1800
Primarily cropland & cities LC IUCN
Savile's bandicoot rat Bandicota savilei
Thomas, 1916
Primarily cropland LC IUCN
Small white-toothed rat Berylmys berdmorei
Blyth, 1851
Forest LC IUCN
Indomalayan pencil-tailed tree mouse Chiropodomys gliroides
Blyth, 1856
Forest LC IUCN
Long-tailed giant rat Leopoldamys sabanus
Thomas, 1887
Forest LC IUCN
  Red spiny rat Maxomys surifer
Miller, 1900
Forest LC IUCN
Ryukyu mouse Mus caroli
Bonhote, 1902
Shrubland & grassland LC IUCN
Fawn-colored mouse Mus cervicolor
Hodgson, 1845
Forest, shrubland, & grassland LC IUCN
  House mouse Mus musculus
Linnaeus, 1758
Introduced; commensal with humans LC IUCN
  Gairdner's shrewmouse Mus pahari
Thomas, 1916
Forest LC IUCN
Shortridge's mouse Mus shortridgei
Thomas, 1914
Grassland & shrubland LC IUCN
  Chestnut white-bellied rat Niviventer fulvescens
Gray, 1847
Forest LC IUCN
Lang Bian white-bellied rat Niviventer langbianis
Robinson & Kloss, 1922
Evergreen forest LC IUCN
Tenasserim white-bellied rat Niviventer tenaster
Thomas, 1916
Montane forest LC IUCN
Sikkim rat Rattus andamanensis
Blyth, 1860
Forest LC IUCN
  Ricefield rat Rattus argentiventer
Robinson & Kloss, 1916
Grassland LC IUCN
  Polynesian rat Rattus exulans
Peale, 1848
Widespread LC IUCN
Lesser ricefield rat Rattus losea
R. Swinhoe, 1871
Grassland & cropland LC IUCN
  Brown rat Rattus norvegicus
Berkenhout, 1769
Introduced; Widespread in the presence of humans LC IUCN
  Black rat Rattus rattus
Linnaeus, 1758
Introduced; commensal with humans LC IUCN
Tanezumi rat Rattus tanezumi
Temminck, 1844
Forest, shrublands, & grasslands LC IUCN
  Asiatic long-tailed climbing mouse Vandeleuria oleracea
Bennett, 1832
Forest, shrublands, & grasslands LC IUCN

Order: Scandentia (treeshrews)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Tupaiidae: treeshrews
  Northern smooth-tailed treeshrew Dendrogale murina
Schlegel & S. Müller, 1843
Forest LC IUCN
  Northern treeshrew Tupaia belangeri
Wagner, 1841
Forest & shrubland LC IUCN

Order: Sirenia (manatees and dugongs)

Image Common name Scientific name (authority) Preferred habitat IUCN status Range
Family Dugongidae
  Dugong Dugong dugon
Müller, 1776
Neritic & intertidal marine zones VU IUCN

See also



  1. ^ McCann, Gregory Edward; Pawlowski, Keith; Willcox, Daniel (October 2017). "Small carnivores' records from Virachey National Park, north-east Cambodia". Small Carnivore Conservation. 55: 26–41. Retrieved 2022-09-14.

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