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Survivor (franchise)






(Redirected from Survivor tv series)

Survivor is a reality-competition television franchise produced in many countries around the world. The show features a group of contestants deliberately marooned in an isolated location, where they must provide basic survival necessities for themselves. The contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from elimination. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants until only one remains to be awarded the grand prize and named the "Sole Survivor".

A recreation of the logo for the first U.S. Survivor season, Survivor: Borneo.
Created byCharlie Parsons, Waheed Alli, Baron Alli and Planet 24
Original workExpedition Robinson (Sweden)
OwnerBanijay Entertainment[1]

The British television producer Charlie Parsons developed the format for Survivor in 1992 for Planet 24, a United Kingdom television production company; the Swedish version, which debuted in September 1997 as Expedition Robinson, became the first Survivor series to be broadcast on television. As of January 2024, the flagship American version of Survivor has aired 45 seasons of the show since its launch in 2000; the 46th season premiering in February 2024.



Survivor, through its seasons and various international versions, has maintained the basic premise of the game despite several new rules and gameplay twists introduced in later seasons. In the game, the contestants, known as castaways, are split into tribes and assigned separate camps at the filming location, typically a tropical setting. As a tribe, the castaways must survive the elements, construct shelter, build fire, look for water, and scrounge for food and other necessities for the entire length of the game, which is generally around 39 days for most versions including the American version, but has ranged from 20 days (as in some French special seasons) to over 150 days (as in some seasons of the Turkish edition). In the first half of the game, the tribes face off in challenges, some for rewards of food, shelter, or luxury items, while others are for immunity, preventing the winning tribe from having to go to the next Tribal Council. At Tribal Council, the tribes discuss the events of the last few days with the host asking questions, and then vote out one of their own players, eliminating them from the game.

In the second half of the game, the tribes are merged into a single tribe, and challenges are played at an individual level for individual rewards and immunity. At subsequent Tribal Councils, those eliminated start to form the jury, who sit in on all subsequent Tribal Councils but otherwise do not participate. When only two or three castaways remain, those castaways attend the Final Tribal Council, where the jury is given the opportunity to ask them questions. After this, the jury members then vote to decide which of the remaining castaways should be declared the Sole Survivor and be awarded the grand prize.

Episodes typically cover the events that occurred over two to three days since the start of the game or previous Tribal Council, including Challenges and events that occur at the tribes' camps. Each episode typically ends with the Tribal Council and the subsequent elimination of the voted-out player. The final episode will typically speed up the gameplay of the final couple of eliminations (which occur daily), followed by the Final Tribal Council on the final day of the completion. Many versions of the show will follow the final episode with a live reunion, during which the votes from the Jury are counted, and a "Sole Survivor" is declared, and the players reunite to discuss their experience on the island.

The following description of the show is based primarily on the U.S. versionofSurvivor, though the general format applies to all international versions.

Castaways and tribes

The tribe camp near the end of Survivor: Borneo. Tribes must build themselves basic shelters from natural resources and through reward items earned during the competition.

Players for each season are selected through applicants and casting calls, down-selecting to between 16 and 20 players and additional alternates. U.S. version host Jeff Probst noted that while 16 castaways assist in splitting the tribes with respect to age and sex, they have used 18 or 20 to provide them "wiggle room" in case of player injury or if one should want to quit the game.[2] These players undergo physical and psychological evaluation to make sure they are physically and mentally fit for the survival endurance and will not likely quit during the filming period, replacing those that are questionable with the alternates. In one case, Fiji, on the day before filming was to start after they had dismissed their alternates, one of the castaways opted out of the competition, forcing production to start with 19 players and adapting the activities of the first few days to accommodate the odd number of players.[3]

Tribes may be predetermined by production before filming starts. Often this is done to equalize the sexes and age ranges within both tribes. Other seasons have had the tribes separated by age, gender, race or other characteristics. In other cases, the tribes may be created by the castaways through schoolyard picks. Most often, only two tribes are featured, but some seasons have begun with three or four tribes. Once assigned a tribe, each castaway is given a buff in their tribe color to aid the viewers in identifying tribal allocation. Tribes are then subsequently given names, often inspired by the local region and culture, and directions to their camps.

At their camps, tribes are expected to build a shelter against the elements from the local trees and other resources. Tribes are typically given minimal resources, such as a machete, water canteens, cooking pots, and staples of rice and grains, though this varies from season to season. Sometimes, tribes are provided with a water well near the camp, but require the water to be boiled to make it potable, necessitating the need for the tribe to build a fire. The tribes are encouraged to forage off the land for food, including fruits, wild animals, and fish.

Tribe swaps


In some seasons, tribe swaps occur where one or more players shift from one tribe to another. These new tribal designations are often determined by random draw or schoolyard pick. When these occur, those players that shift tribes are given new buffs for their new tribe and return to that tribe's camp, with any personal possessions from their former camp moved with them. In seasons with more than two tribes, tribe swaps often reduce the number of tribes to two. In Survivor: Cambodia, a tribe swap increased the number of tribes from two to three; a second tribe swap later in the season reduced the number of tribes back to two.

Tribes that have lost too many members may be absorbed by the other remaining tribes, as seen with the Ulong tribe in Survivor: Palau and the Matsing tribe of Survivor: Philippines; in the former case, the lone remaining Ulong member joined the opposing Koror tribe and the tribes were treated as if they were merged, whereas in the later case the two remaining Matsing members were randomly assigned to the two remaining tribes. Alternatively, in Survivor: All-Stars, the tribe that placed third in a designated challenge was disbanded, with the members reallocated to the other two tribes by schoolyard pick.

Tribal merge


At a point in or around the middle of the game, the remaining tribes are merged into one. All of the players then live in a single camp, and are given new buffs and instructed to select a new tribe name and paint a tribe flag. The merge is often signified with a feast. Though the merge often occurs when approximately 10 to 12 players remain, the tribes have been merged with as many as 13 players (as many of the seasons since Survivor: Cambodia) and as few as eight (as in Survivor: Thailand).


Tribes compete frequently in both mental and physical challenges to win rewards or immunity, such as this race to pull cannons during the first episode of Survivor: Pearl Islands.

During both pre- and post-merge parts of the game, the castaways compete in a series of challenges. Tribes are alerted to these upcoming challenges by a message, often in rhyme, delivered to camp by the production team at a basket or box on a nearby tree; this message has come to be called "treemail", playing off the word "e-mail". The message typically hints at what the challenge might be. The message may also provide props to demonstrate this, practice equipment for the players, or a sampling of the reward. Challenges can last from a few minutes to a couple of hours. The longest Survivor challenge was 11 hours and 55 minutes in the final immunity challenge in Survivor: Palau.

Tribal challenges


Prior to the merge, tribes compete against each other in challenges. These most often are multi-segment obstacle courses that include both physical and mental elements with the tribe that finishes first declared the winner; commonly, these start with tribe members collecting puzzle pieces that are then used to solve a puzzle by other tribe members. Other challenges may be based on winning a number of rounds of head-to-head competitions. Challenges are normally held with equal numbers of all tribes participating and in some cases equal splits of gender. Tribes with more players will be asked to sit out as many players as needed to balance the numbers, with the stipulation that those players cannot sit out in back-to-back reward and immunity challenges.[4] When one tribe has more than twice the other tribe members, then players in the larger tribe cannot participate in back-to-back challenges. Tribes are given time to strategically decide who should sit out and who will perform the various duties on a challenge.

Individual challenges


After the merge, challenges are generally performed on an individual basis. These include similar obstacle courses as for team challenges, but will often also include endurance challenges, having players maintain the balance under precarious situations for as long as possible, with the last player remaining winning the challenge. In some cases, during post-merge challenges, the individuals will be split into separate teams, with only the winning team eligible for reward or immunity.

Types of challenges


Challenges can be played for rewards, immunity, or both. Rewards include food, survival equipment like flint, tarps, or fishing gear, luxury items, and short getaways from camp. Before the merge, the entire winning tribe will enjoy these rewards. Post-merge, only one player may win the reward but will be given the opportunity to select one or more other players to bring along with them on it. Individual challenge rewards may also include an advantage that can be used at the subsequent immunity challenge, such as advancing directly into the final round of the challenge without having to participate in the first round.

Immunity challenges provide the winning tribe or team with immunity from Tribal Council. Immunity is usually represented in a form of an idol prior to the merge, and a necklace afterwards. Prior to the merge, tribes with immunity do not attend Tribal Council, allowing them to stay intact. In seasons featuring more than two tribes, immunity will be available for all but the last place finishers, forcing this one tribe to Tribal Council. With individual immunity, those castaways still attend Tribal Council with the rest of the merged tribe, but, unless they assign immunity to someone else, are ineligible to be voted for. Winning immunity is only good for one Tribal Council; at the next immunity challenge, the tribe or castaway will be asked to give up the idol or necklace, making immunity "up for grabs". There have been a few cases in which individual immunity challenges have taken place prior to the merge whereupon usually, one castaway in each tribe will be given immunity, after which both tribes will attend Tribal Council, one after the other. This is used to quickly dwindle the number of remaining castaways.

Though a wide variety of challenges have been used across the Survivor's broadcast, several challenges are frequently reused:

Tribal Council


Tribal Council is a special production stage located near the tribe camps. Tribes sit across a fire pit from the host while the jury members, if present, sit off to the side. A small alcove adjoins the structure for the players to cast their votes in private. Tribal Council almost always serves as an episode's finale.

The first time each player attends Tribal Council, he or she takes a torch and lights it from the fire pit while the host reminds them "fire represents life in this game". During the jury phase of the game, the host will call in the jury after the tribe is seated and remind jurors they are there to gather information but not speak or otherwise participate. The host will then proceed to ask the tribe questions about what has transpired since their last visit to Tribal Council (or the beginning of the game). The host asks these questions in hopes of bringing tribal dynamics to light, and players in precarious situations may reveal information or bargain with others to keep themselves in the game. Though the viewing audience typically sees only a few minutes of each Tribal Council, some have gone on for hours.

The host ends the formal discussion by declaring that it is time to vote. During the second half of the game, the host then gives the immunity challenge winner(s) the choice to keep their immunity necklace for themselves or give it to another player, then reminds players they cannot cast a vote for the player(s) who finally end up wearing the necklace(s). The host then directs the players to vote in the alcove one-by-one. After writing their vote, each player has the opportunity to address the camera before placing their vote in the ballot urn. Once all players have cast their votes, the host collects the urn, tallies the votes, and returns to the fire pit with the urn. Beginning from Survivor: Fiji, the host then offers players the opportunity to play an immunity idol prior to announcing the votes. If a player produces an idol, he or she must declare which player the idol protects (typically a player can protect anyone, including themselves). The host then confirms if the idol is legitimate, and if it is, the host declares that any vote for the protected player will not count. The host then reminds the tribe that once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the eliminated player must leave the Tribal Council area immediately.

When enough votes have been read to eliminate one player, any additional votes remain unread and unknown to the players (in almost all cases, the leftover votes are also for the eliminated player). The host instructs the eliminated player to bring their torch, snuffs it out, and tells the player that "the tribe has spoken" (or in rare cases, a fitting variation thereof) and "it's time for you to go." As the eliminated player walks off, the host makes a final observation before telling the remainder of the tribe to "grab your torches and head back to camp" and wishes them a good night. Occasionally, tribes who have not made fire on their own or earned it in a challenge will have to douse their torches or leave the torches at Tribal Council.

The eliminated player has a final confessional to express their feelings about being eliminated before they are sequestered with other eliminated players until the end of filming. Later eliminated players join the jury who will decide the winner. Jurors are sequestered until the end of the Final Tribal Council. While sequestered, jurors cannot discuss their jury vote or experiences with other jurors to prevent any possible cooperation or collusion from subgroups within the jury. After casting their vote at Final Tribal Council, jurors also cannot discuss their vote with anyone lest they spoil the surprise reveal at the season finale.

Ties occasionally occur. Normally, the players vote a second time with only the tied players eligible for elimination. If this second vote does not break the tie, various tiebreakers have broken the stalemates. These tiebreakers have changed throughout the seasons. In Survivor: The Australian Outback and Survivor: Africa, stalemates were broken by eliminating the player with the highest number of previous votes cast against them. If the players had the same number of previous votes cast against them, as seen in Africa, the tie was resolved by a sudden-death challenge (in this case a trivia quiz about nature), with the loser eliminated. This soon led to alliances choosing a player to eliminate based on their vote history over other relevant factors. To put all players on even ground in subsequent seasons, the non-tied voters have several minutes to deliberate and must come to a unanimous decision about which tied castaway to eliminate. If they succeed, their chosen castaway is eliminated; if they do not, all non-immune deliberators draw concealed rocks from a bag, and the castaway who draws the odd-colored rock is eliminated. This encourages players to change their votes to avoid a stalemate and punishes deliberators for stalemating. The rock-draw tiebreaker has occurred three times: in Survivor: Marquesas, Survivor: Blood vs. Water, and Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X. In Survivor: Marquesas, the rock draw occurred with four players remaining, and the tied castaways were both involved in the deliberation and eligible for elimination; host Jeff Probst later revealed that this was a mistake and that this tiebreaker should only be used when six or more players are involved.[5] Following Survivor: Marquesas, all stalemates with four remaining players have been resolved by a fire-making duel where the first tied castaway to build a small fire high enough to burn through a rope remained in the game. The fire-making tiebreaker was also used in Survivor: Palau at a Tribal Council where the losing tribe had only two members remaining.

Final Tribal Council


When only two—or, in later seasons, three—players remain in the game, the finalists and jurors convene for Final Tribal Council. The change to three finalists presents more of a challenge to the castaway who wins the final immunity challenge: while that person has clinched their spot as a finalist, they cannot unilaterally decide which of the other remaining castaways they will compete against for jurors' votes.[6]

At Final Tribal Council, each remaining castaway makes an opening statement to the jury. One-by-one, each juror then addresses any or all of the finalists, asking questions or commenting on the finalists' behavior in the game. Jurors often ask questions hoping for answers that will help make their decision, while comments and speeches are generally an effort to sway other jurors. The finalists are usually free to respond to these questions and comments as they see fit, though jurors can expressly forbid them to respond. Beginning with Survivor: Game Changers in the U.S., the process shifted from each juror receiving the floor one-by-one toward a moderated discussion highlighting the show's three major tentpoles: "Outwit", "Outplay" and "Outlast". After the interrogation, finalists often have one last chance to make their case. The host then reminds the jurors that they are writing their choice to win (versus writing their choice to eliminate, as in all other votes) and, for the last time, declares that it is time to vote. One-by-one, jurors vote privately in the alcove. As with regular elimination votes, jurors can choose to address the camera to explain their vote. The host then collects the urn, and in most seasons, leaves the votes unread until a live finale months later, at the conclusion of the season's broadcast, where they read the votes publicly and crown the Sole Survivor.

Since the 41st season of the U.S. version of the show, the structure of Final Tribal Council has been permanently changed. When the votes are cast now, Jeff Probst simply reads off the votes and announces on the spot who won the game. The reunion show also now takes place immediately after this vote at the FTC site, with all of the contestants sitting and talking over the season with themselves and Jeff.

At the finale of Survivor: Micronesia, the only season to date with two finalists and eight jurors, host Jeff Probst reportedly had a white envelope containing the tiebreaker, but the exact nature of this tiebreaker is not known publicly, as a tie did not occur.[7] This contingency plan was also in place for three-way ties involving three finalists and nine jurors. At the Survivor: Game Changers reunion, Probst revealed that a two-way tie in a final three would be broken with the third-place finisher casting the deciding vote.[8] This first happened in Survivor: Ghost Island when Wendell Holland and Domenick Abbate each received 5 votes to win. Laurel Johnson, the third-place finisher, became the 11th and final juror and cast the deciding vote.

Inthe French series, ties between two finalists are resolved by crowning them co-winners, as seen in their third, seventh and twenty-third seasons.

Evacuation and quitting


Some players have been eliminated from the game by other means than being voted out. Castaways who suffer severe injuries or exhaustion are evaluated by the medical team which is always on call. The medical team may provide treatment and give the player the option to continue in the game, warning them of the health risks involved. However, if the medical doctor determines that the player is at risk of permanent injury or death and needs to be removed from the game for their own health, they will be removed and taken to a nearby hospital. In Survivor: Cambodia, the producers were notified that one of the remaining castaways' children had been hospitalized, and the castaway was pulled from the game to return home and be with their family. Survivor: Kaoh Rong has had the most evacuations to date, with three.

Occasionally, castaways who are not in need of medical treatment have decided to quit the game, without waiting to be voted out, due to physical or emotional exhaustion—either by making an announcement at a Tribal Council, in which case they are let out of the game without any vote, or by being recovered from camp after making their intentions clear to producers and being interviewed by the host. When a player leaves the game without being voted off, the other tribes are notified of the departed player's removal, and the next Tribal Council may be cancelled. After the players merge into one tribe, any who have been removed from the game by medical evacuation are still eligible to participate as jury members once the medical examiners deem them healthy enough to do so. Those that have quit the game voluntarily may also still be eligible for the jury and, if their reasons for leaving are considered sufficient, they may also still be allowed to make a farewell speech to the camera.

Hidden immunity idols


Hidden immunity idols are pocket-sized ornaments—typically necklaces—made to fit the theme of the season, that are hidden around the tribes' camps or other locations that the castaways have access to. When played at Tribal Council, the hidden immunity idol makes the castaway who plays it immune from elimination at that Tribal Council. Idols are typically usable until the Tribal Council with five players remaining, and do not need to be declared to other castaways when found. The idol, once found by a player, cannot be stolen from them, but other castaways can look through their possessions to see if they have it. Idols can, however, be transferred to other players at any point, or be played on another player at Tribal Council. Once an idol "leaves the game", either by being played or by the holder leaving the game with their idol, a replacement idol may be hidden.

First seen in Survivor: Guatemala, several seasons have used different iterations of the idol:

The third type of idol is seen as a "happy medium" relative to the two previous versions,[9] and forces both the voters and the idol holder to make a more complicated strategic decision: the voters may have to vote without knowing whether the person they are voting for has a hidden immunity idol or without knowing whether that person will choose to play it, and the person with the idol must decide whether to play it without knowing whether enough votes have been cast to vote them out of the game. This type of idol may be "wasted" if a player uses it and does not receive the highest number of votes, and other times idol holders may choose not to use the idol, intending to save it to use at a later time, but will be eliminated with their idol unplayed. Though this third idol continues to be used, two seasons have used the two latter forms of idols concurrently: in Cagayan, clues were given to the third type of idol, but an idol with the second power was hidden with no clues; this idol could not be transferred.[10]InKaôh Rōng, all hidden idols were of the third type, but two idols could be combined into a single idol of the second type, referred to as a "super idol".[11]

Strategically, castaways have used the idol as a bargaining chip to align other players with them and swing pending votes in a specific direction; as a result, some players have been inspired to create fake hidden immunity idols, either leaving them the spot that the original idol was found (most commonly), or carrying them around as a bluff to attempt to alter people's voting strategies in advance of Tribal Council. If a fake idol is played at Tribal Council, the host notes that it is not a hidden immunity idol and throws it in the fire. In the U.S. version of the show, the producers have encouraged players to make fake idols by providing decorative materials—such as beads, string, and paint—through props within the game.[12]InCambodia, all idols were deliberately made to look different from each other to further encourage castaways to make fake idols.[13]

To help castaways find the idol, a series of clues are given to them in succession in a number of different ways. A clue may be given to the winner of a reward challenge, hidden among the reward prizes, announced by the host to all remaining castaways, or provided to a castaway who has been sent to Exile Island or temporarily sent to live with the other tribe. Castaways are under no obligation to share the idol clues with other players. Clues continue to be provided even after a player has secretly found the idol. Each successive clue includes all the previous clues given for that location. Only once a new idol is hidden are new clues provided to the players. In later seasons, players have been very aware that hidden idols may be in play from the start of the game and some have started to look for them near apparent landmarks before any clues have been provided. One castaway, Russell Hantz, was able to find two idols during Survivor: Samoa without the aid of clues. In light of this so-called "Russell factor," producers subsequently began hiding the idols in more difficult-to-find locations,[14] and, in Survivor: Nicaragua, clues contained a rebus puzzle rather than text,[15] though this did not carry into the next season or beyond.

Exile Island


Exile Island is a remote location away from the tribal camps, where one or two castaways are sent to live in isolation from the rest of their tribe. Exile Island was first introduced in Survivor: Palau when a single contestant was made to stay alone on a beach for a day as a result of being the first to drop out of an Immunity Challenge. This twist was not used regularly until Survivor: Panama; it was also used in Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, Gabon, Tocantins, and San Juan del Sur. The first contestant to send him/herself to Exile Island was Yau-Man Chan.

A selected player is exiled to a location (typically a small island) apart from the main tribe camps. Typically, the castaway is exiled after the reward challenge, leaving the challenge location for Exile Island, and usually returns immediately before the following immunity challenge. The exiled castaway is chosen as a result of the reward challenge: in the tribal phase, a member of the losing tribe is exiled (usually exiled by the winning tribe), while in the individual phase, the reward challenge winner holds the sole right to choose. Unless stated otherwise, players who win the right to decide who goes to Exile Island may also choose to go themselves. In Micronesia, Tocantins, and San Juan del Sur, one person from each tribe was sent to Exile Island. In several seasons with Exile Island, there were tribe swaps with an uneven number of castaways remaining, as in Panama, Fiji, Gabon, David vs. Goliath; the leftover contestant was treated as "tribeless" and exiled immediately after formation. In this case, the contestant was immune until following the next Tribal Council, joining the tribe that lost the next immunity challenge.

Once selected, the exiled contestant is immediately sent there. They are given minimal survival tools, typically a water canteen, a machete, a pot, and a limited amount of shelter. The two main disadvantages of being on Exile Island are the lack of food and water, which can weaken a player and make them less effective in challenges, and the isolation from other contestants, which can cause a player to become out of the loop and weaken their position in their tribe. Contestants are often sent to Exile Island for one or both of these strategic reasons.

In certain seasons, exiled castaways receive a consolation prize: in all seasons with Exile Island, the exiled castaway receives a clue to the hidden immunity idol (or the idol nullifier on David vs Goliath.), which may or may not be located on the island. On Survivor: Gabon, the exiled castaway was given the option to give up their idol clue for "instant comfort," and in Survivor: Tocantins, the exiled castaway had the right to change tribes. Occasionally the exiled castaway is instructed to return after the next Tribal Council, earning them automatic immunity.

Other exile twists


Two seasons of the U.S. version have used different variations on the Exile twists. In China, tribes who won reward challenges earned the right to "kidnap" a member of the losing tribe, who would stay with them until the next immunity challenge. The kidnapped person was given a clue to the hidden immunity idol which he or she must give to one member of the winning tribe. In Samoa a reverse version of the kidnapping rule was used, called "spy expedition" (also known as "observing"). The winning tribe had to send one of their own to accompany the other tribe until the immunity challenge. Both of these twists were retired after the merge. In Kaôh Rōng, the three tribes were shuffled into two tribes with 13 players remaining; the leftover castaway, Julia Solowski, was exiled to the now-defunct third camp and joined the tribe that lost the next immunity challenge the day after their Tribal Council. In Game Changers, the tribes switched with 15 players remaining, with Debbie being exiled for not being put on a tribe. Unlike other visitors to Exile Island, Debbie was sent to a luxury yacht.

The 36th season of the U.S. version introduced the titular Ghost Island, which was similar to Exile Island but featured mementos and props from previous seasons of Survivor, including several misplayed advantages. Banished castaways were given the opportunity to acquire these advantages in a game of chance where they could either win the advantage or lose their vote at their next Tribal Council (represented as a parchment stating "No Vote"). However, not every episode has advantages given out at Ghost Island.

Redemption Island


Redemption Island is a twist used in Survivor: Redemption Island, Survivor: South Pacific and Survivor: Blood vs. Water, in which voted out contestants remain in the game, exiled from the other castaways, competing in challenges for a chance to return to the game. It was first used in several international editions, including the Swedish version, the Israeli version as "The Island of the Dead", Philippine version's second season as "Isla Purgatoryo" (Purgatory Island), the Serbian version's second season as "Ghost Island" and the Romanian version's first season as "Exile Island".

After being voted out, contestants are exiled to Redemption Island, where they will fend for themselves like the castaways in the game proper until the next person is voted out. The day following Tribal Council, there is a duel in which the winner remains on the island and the losers are eliminated for good; upon elimination, the duel losers must remove their buff and throw it into a small fire pit. There are two places where the winner of the duel returns to the game: at the merge, where Redemption Island is cleared and reset; and when there are four players remaining in the main game, at which point Redemption Island is retired.

Double elimination cycles, or any other disruption of the game's pattern, leads to three or four duelists instead of two. In Survivor: Redemption Island only the loser of the duel was eliminated, resulting in four players competing in the final duel due to two double elimination cycles, with two Tribal Councils and no duels in between. For Survivor: South Pacific, the rules were changed so only the winner remained in the game while all others were eliminated. In Survivor: Blood vs. Water, there were three competitors at every duel, with only one player eliminated at each duel except for ones in which a sole winner returned to the main game.

Redemption Island in Blood vs. Water featured additional alterations to fit with the game's primary twist of featuring pairs of loved ones. Prior to any duel, the castaways with loved ones on Redemption Island are given the choice to replace their loved one on Redemption Island, with their loved one returning to the main game and taking their place in the tribe. In addition, the first-place winner of the duel must give a clue to a hidden immunity idol to any castaway in the main game.

A short-term variation of the Redemption Island twist is used on Australian Survivor, where at Tribal Council, the castaways are informed that the next two players voted-off (the castaway voted for that night and at the following Tribal Council) will not be eliminated from the game, but rather they will be Exiled. In Exile, the two castaways will compete in a "Redemption Island" style duel with the winner returning to the tribe and remaining in the game, and the loser being officially eliminated. This twist was used Australian Survivor 2018 and Australian Survivor 2019. Two variations of the Exile Twist was used during the Australian Survivor: All Stars - The first was during a Double Tribal Council, in which both tribes voted out a player, who would compete in a Fire Making Duel. The winner returns to the tribe and the loser is eliminated. The second variation had 3 players voted out in 2 tribal councils - the 6 players would compete in 2 challenges to return to the game - the 3 who remained would face a tribal council vote to determine who is eliminated.

Other seasons have featured alternate twists in which voted out players can return to the game. In 2003, Survivor: Pearl Islands featured the Outcast twist, in which the six eliminated castaways competed as the Outcast tribe against the two remaining tribes; as the Outcast tribe won the challenge, they earned the right to vote two of their own back into the game, while the other two tribes had to vote players out; following this, the tribes merged. In the seventh season of the Israeli version, voted out players remained in the game as "zombies", challenging their former tribemates to stay in the game and vote in their stead at Tribal Council; similar to Redemption Island, zombies returned to the game at the merge and near the end of the game. The 2019 season Survivor: Edge of Extinction allowed eliminated players the decision of either leaving the game, or going to the titular island. Once there, the contestants survived on fewer supplies than were available in the main game, but had the option to quit at any time. The players on the island competed in an individual challenge at the merge, and with five players remaining, with the winner returning to the main game. This twist returned two seasons later for Survivor: Winners at War.



The Sole Survivor receives a cash prize of $1,000,000 prior to taxes and sometimes also receives a car provided by the show's sponsor. Every player receives a prize for participating on Survivor depending on how long they last in the game. In most seasons, the runner-up receives $100,000, and third place wins $85,000. All other players receive money on a sliding scale, though specific amounts have rarely been made public. Sonja Christopher, the first player voted off Survivor: Borneo, received $2,500.[16]InSurvivor: Fiji, the first season with tied runners-up, the two runners-up received $100,000 each, and Yau-Man Chan received $60,000 for his fourth-place finish.[17] All players also receive an additional $10,000 for their appearance on the reunion show.[18] In the 40th season of the American version (an all winners edition), winner Tony Vlachos received $2,000,000, the biggest cash prize in the show's history.

Most seasons between The Australian Outback and Fiji have featured a late-season reward challenge where the winner receives a car. This reward was infamous for what was later dubbed the "car curse,"[19] referring to the fact that no player who won the car ever went on to win the game during his, her or their original season.

Other prizes are given out post-game, usually at the live reunion that immediately follows the coronation of the winner.

Variations in the format


Aside from the U. S. version, other franchises introduced variations and twists for the game. Most of these twists and variations are used in other franchises as well:

Expedition Robinson Sweden
Expeditie Robinson Belgium/Netherlands
Koh-Lanta (France)
Robinson Ekspeditionen Denmark
Robinsonid (Estonia), Robinsoni (Latvia), Robinzonai (Lithuania)
Survivor Israel
Robinsonekspedisjonen Norway
Survivor Philippines
Twists of unknown origins

Survivor around the world


The Survivor format has been adapted for numerous international versions of the show, some named after the original Expedition Robinson.


  Currently airing franchise
  Franchise with an upcoming season
  Franchise no longer aired
  Status unknown
Country/Region Local title
English title
Network(s) Winners Host(s)
Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe Survivor Africa M-Net Season 1, 2006: Tsholofelo Gasenelwe Anthony Oseyemi
Argentina Expedición Robinson
Expedition Robinson
Canal 13

Season 1, 2000: Sebastián Martino
Season 2, 2001: María Victoria Fernández

Julián Weich
Survivor, Expedición Robinson
Survivor, Expedition Robinson

Season 3, 2024: Upcoming season

Alejandro Wiebe
Australia Australian Survivor Nine Network Season 1, 2002: Rob Dickson Lincoln Howes
Network 10
  • Season 4, 2017: Jericho Malabonga
  • Season 5, 2018: Shane Gould
  • Season 6, 2019: Pia Miranda
  • Season 7, 2020: David Genat
  • Season 8, 2021: Hayley Leake
  • Season 9, 2022: Mark Wales
  • Season 10, 2023: Liz Parnov
  • Season 11, 2024: Feras Basal
  • Season 12, 2025: Upcoming season
  • Jonathan LaPaglia
    Australian Celebrity Survivor Seven Network Season 2, 2006: Guy Leech Ian "Dicko" Dickson
    Austria, Germany Expedition Robinson ORF
    RTL 2
    Season 1, 2000: Melanie Lauer[a] Volker Piesczek
    Azerbaijan Ekstrim Azərbaycan
    Extreme Azerbaijan
    Space TV Season 1, 2011: Kemal Cenk İçten Emin Əhmədov
    Survivor RTL Televizija (Croatia)
    Prva Srpska Televizija (Serbia)
    Season 1, 2012: Vlada Vuksanović[b] Andrija Milošević
    Marijana Batinić
    Antonija Blaće
    Milan Kalinić
    Nova BH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Nova M (Montenegro)
    Nova S (Serbia)
    Nova TV (Croatia)

    Season 2, 2022: Stefan Nevistić and Nevena Blanuša[c]
    Season 3, 2023: Nataša Kondić and Antonia Ivić[d]
    Season 4, 2024: Tijana Jeremić and Luka Rimac[e]

    Bojan Perić
    Mario Mlinarić
    Danijela Buzurović [f]
    Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Robinsonid / Robinsoni / Robinzonai
    TV3 Estonia
    TV3 Latvia
    TV3 Lithuania

    Season 1, 2000: Zane Mukāne
    Season 2, 2001: Māris Šveiduks
    Season 3, 2002: Rimas Valeikis

    Emil Rutiku
    Mārtiņš Freimanis
    (Season 1)
    Pauls Timrots
    (Seasons 2-3)
    Vytautas Kernagis
    Džunglistaar / Džungļu zvaigznes / Džiungles
    Jungle Stars
    Season 1, 2004: Dagmāra Legante Tõnu Kark
    Raimond Dombrovskis
    Vytautas Kernagis
    Belgium, Flanders Expeditie Robinson
    Expedition Robinson

    Season 1, 2018: Robbe De Backer

    Bartel Van Riet
    Belgium, Netherlands Expeditie Robinson
    Expedition Robinson
    NET 5

    Season 1, 2000: Karin Lindenhovius
    Season 2, 2001: Richard Mackowiak
    Season 3, 2002: Derek Blok
    Season 4, 2003: Jutta Borms
    Season 5, 2004: Frank de Meulder

    Ernst-Paul Hasselbach (1–5)
    Désiré Naessens (1)
    Roos Van Acker (2–5)

    RTL 5

    Season 6, 2005: Marnix Allegaert
    Season 7, 2006: Olga Urashova

    Ernst-Paul Hasselbach (6–7)
    Lotte Verlackt (6–7)
    Evi Hanssen (7)

    RTL 5

    Season 8, 2007: Vinncent Arrendell
    Season 9, 2008: Yin Oei Sian
    Season 10, 2009: Marcel Vandezande
    Season 11, 2010: Regina Romeijn
    Season 12, 2011: Tanja Dexters
    Season 13, 2012: Fatima Moreira de Melo

    Ernst-Paul Hasselbach (8–9)
    Evi Hanssen (8–13)
    Eddy Zoëy (10–12)
    Dennis Weening (13)


    Season 21, 2020: Thomas Roobrouck

    Bartel Van Riet
    Geraldine Kemper

    Expeditie Robinson: Strijd der Titanen
    Expedition Robinson: Battle of the Titans
    Season 1, 2006: Ryan van Esch Ernst-Paul Hasselbach
    Lotte Verlackt
    Brazil No Limite
    On the Edge
    TV Globo

    Season 1, 2000: Elaine de Melo
    Season 2, 2001: Léo Rassi
    Season 3, 2001: Rodrigo Trigueiro
    Season 4, 2009: Luciana de Araújo
    Season 5, 2021: Paula Amorim
    Season 6, 2022: Charles Gama
    Season 7, 2023: Dedé Macedo

    Fernando Fernandes (6–present)
    André Marques (5)
    Zeca Camargo (1–4)

    Bulgaria Сървайвър БГ
    Survivor BG

    Season 1, 2006: Neli Ivanova
    Season 2, 2007: Georgi Kostadinov
    Season 3, 2008: Nikolay Martinov
    Season 4, 2009:[24] Georgi Kehaiov
    Season 5, 2014: Vanja Džaferović
    Season 6, 2022: Zoran Petrovski
    Season 7, 2023: Blagoy Georgiev

    Kamen Vodenicharov (1)
    Vladimir Karamazov (2–3; 4 [from day 21]–6)
    Evtim Miloshev (4 [to day 20])
    Vanja Džaferović (7)

    Survivor Québec Noovo[25]

    Season 1, 2023: Nicolas Brunette
    Season 2, 2024: Ghyslain Octeau-Piché

    Patrice Bélanger
    China 走入香格里拉
    Into the Shangri-La
    CCTV Season 1, 2001: Members of Sun Village Unknown
    Chile Expedición Robinson: La Isla VIP
    Expedition Robinson: The VIP Island
    Canal 13 Season 1, 2006: Marcela Roberts Sergio Lagos
    Karla Constant
    Colombia Expedición Robinson
    Expedition Robinson
    Caracol TV

    Season 1, 2001: Rolando Patarroyo
    Season 2, 2002: Cristóbal Echevarría

    Margarita Francisco
    La Isla de Los Famos.o.s. (1–4)
    The Island of the Famous
    Survivor: La Isla de Los Famosos (5)
    RCN TV

    Season 1, 2004: María Cecilia Sánchez
    Season 2, 2005: Leonel Álvarez
    Season 3, 2006: Lucas Jaramillo
    Season 4, 2007: José Javier Ramírez
    Season 5, 2023: Juan del Mar

    Tatán Mejía (5–present)
    Guillermo Prieto (1–4)
    Katerine Porto (1)

    Croatia Survivor: Odisejev Otok
    Survivor: Odyssey Island
    HRT 2 Season 1, 2005: Vazmenko Pervan Kristijan Potočki
    Czech Republic Trosečník Prima televize Season 1, 2006: Ingrid Golasová Marek Vašut
    Robinsonův ostrov
    Robinson Island
    TV Nova

    Season 1, 2017: Marek Orlík
    Season 2, 2018: Martin Složil

    Ondřej Novotný
    Survivor Česko & Slovensko Current
    TV Nova
    Voyo SK (2)
    Markíza (1)

    Season 1, 2022: Vladimír Čapek
    Season 2, 2023: Tomáš Weimann
    Season 3, 2024: Martin『Mikýř』Mikyska
    Season 4, 2025: Upcoming season

    Ondřej Novotný
    Martin Šmahel (1)
    Denmark Robinson Ekspeditionen
    Robinson Expedition
  • Season 2, 1999: Dan Marstrand
  • Season 3, 2000: Sonny Rønne Pedersen
  • Season 4, 2001: Malene Hasselblad
  • Season 5, 2002: Henrik Ørum
  • Season 6, 2003: Frank Quistgard
  • Season 7, 2004: Mette Frandsen
  • Season 8, 2005: Mogens Brandstrup
  • Season 9, 2006: Diego Tur
  • Season 10, 2007: Rikke Gøransson
  • Season 11, 2008: Daniela Hansen
  • Season 12, 2009: Villy Eenberg
  • Season 13, 2010: Søren Engelbret
  • Season 14, 2011: Hugo Kleister
  • Season 15, 2013: Jeppe Bruun Hansen
  • Season 16, 2014: Stina Herbenö
  • Season 17, 2015: Kenneth Mikkelsen
  • Season 18, 2016: Henrik Oltmann Andersen
  • Season 19, 2017: Marlene Berardino
  • Season 20, 2018: Jamil Faizi
  • Season 21, 2019: Nis Andreas Prio Sørensen
  • Season 22, 2021: Katrine Ørskov Hedeman
  • Season 23, 2022: Mikkel Bertelsen
  • Season 24, 2023: Majbritt Fejfer Olsen
  • Season 25, 2024: Upcoming season
  • Current
    Jakob Kjeldbjerg (7–present)
    Thomas Mygind (1–6)

    Ecuador Expedición Robinson
    Expedition Robinson
    Teleamazonas Season 1, 2003: Tito Grefa Marisa Sánchez
    Finland Suomen Robinson
    Finnish Robinson

    Season 1, 2004: Marjaana Valkeinen
    Season 2, 2005: Mira Jantunen

    Jarmo Mäkinen (1)
    Arttu Harkki (2)

    Selviytyjät Suomi
    Survivor Finland
    MTV3 Season 1, 2013: Jarkko Kortesoja Heikki Paasonen

    Season 2, 2018: Sampo Kaulanen
    Season 3, 2019: Miska Haakana
    Season 4, 2019: Kai Fagerlund
    Season 5, 2021: Kristian Heiskari
    Season 6, 2021: Shirly Karvinen
    Season 7, 2022: Sami Helenius
    Season 8, 2023: Teemu Roivainen
    Season 9, 2024: Upcoming season

    Riku Rantala (8–present)
    Juuso Mäkilähde (2–7)
    Koh-Lanta TF1
  • Season 2, 2002: Amel Fatnassi
  • Season 3, 2003: Isabelle Seguin and Delphine Bano
  • Season 4, 2004: Philippe Bordier
  • Season 5, 2005: Clémence Castel
  • Season 6, 2006: François-David Cardonnel
  • Season 7, 2007: Jade Handi and Kevin Cuoco
  • Season 8, 2008: Christelle Gauzet
  • Season 9, 2009: Christina Chevry
  • Season 10, 2010: Philippe Duron
  • Season 11, 2011: Gérard Urdampilleta
  • Season 12, 2012-13: Ugo Lartiche
  • Season 13, 2013: Cancelled
  • Season 14, 2015: Marc Rambaud
  • Season 15, 2016: Wendy Gervois
  • Season 16, 2016: Benoît Assadi
  • Season 17, 2017: Frédéric Blancher
  • Season 18, 2017: André Deleplace
  • Season 19, 2018: Cancelled
  • Season 20, 2019: Maud Bamps
  • Season 21, 2020: Alexandra Pornet
  • Season 22, 2021: Maxine Eouzan
  • Season 23, 2022: Bastien San Pedro and François Descamp
  • Season 24, 2023: Frédéric Khouvilay
  • Season 25, 2024: Léa Sahin
  • Season 26, 2025: Upcoming season
  • Current
    Denis Brogniart (2–present)
    Hubert Auriol (1)

    Koh-Lanta: All-Stars

    Season 1, 2009: Romuald Lafite
    Season 2, 2010: Grégoire Delachaux
    Season 3, 2012: Bertrand Bolle
    Season 4, 2014: Laurent Maistret
    Season 5, 2018: Clémence Castel
    Season 6, 2020: Naoil Tita
    Season 7, 2021: No Winner[26]
    Season 8, 2024: Upcoming season

    Denis Brogniart
    Georgia უკანასკნელი გმირი
    The Last Hero
    Rustavi 2 Season 1, 2007–08: Tamar Chanturashvili Giorgi Korkia
    Germany Das Inselduell Sat.1 Unofficial adaption, 2000: Michael Holger Speckhahn
    Expedition Robinson ORF
    RTL 2
    Season 1, 2000: Melanie Lauer Volker Piesczek
    Gestrandet – Zeig, was in dir steckt!1 RTL 2 Season 1, 2001: Alexander Kolo Pierre Geisensetter
    Outback RTL Unofficial adaption of Survivor: The Australian Outback, 2002: Sergej Schmidt Markus Lanz
    Survivor ProSieben Season 1, 2007: Volker Kreuzner Sascha Kalupke
    VOX Season 2, 2019: Lara Grünfeld Florian Weber
    Survivor Mega TV

    Season 1, 2003: Evaggelia Dermetzoglou
    Season 2, 2004: Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos

    Grigoris Arnaoutoglou
    Skai TV
    Sigma TV

    Season 5, 2017: Giorgos Angelopoulos
    Season 6, 2018: Ilias Gotsis
    Season 8, 2020-21: Sakis Katsoulis
    Season 9, 2021-22: Stathis Schizas
    Season 11, 2024: Daniel Nurka
    Season 12, 2025: Upcoming season

    Giorgos Lianos (6–present)
    Sakis Tanimanidis (5-6)
    Survivor Patagonia
    The Edge of the World
    Mega TV Season 4, 2010: Vaggelis Gerasimou Giannis Aivazis
    Survivor: Greece vs. Turkey[i] Season 3, 2006: Derya Durmuşlar Konstantinos Markoulakis
    Skai TV
    Sigma TV
    Season 7, 2019: Katerina Dalaka & Yusuf Karakaya Sakis Tanimanidis
    Giorgos Lianos
    Survivor All Star Season 10, 2023: Sakis Katsoulis Giorgos Lianos
    Hungary Survivor – A sziget
    Survivor - The Island

    Season 1, 2003: Tünde Molnár
    Season 2, 2004: Dávid Hankó
    Season 3, 2017: Iliász Shweirif
    Season 4, 2018: Dávid Tömböly
    Season 5, 2021: Dániel Pintér
    Season 6, 2023: Viktória Kiss

    Miklós Varga (5–present)
    András Stohl (1–2)
    Istenes Bence (3-4)

    Survivor India – The Ultimate Battle Star Plus Season 1, 2012 : Raj Rani Sameer Kochhar
    Survivor Tamil Zee Tamil Season 1, 2021: Vijayalakshmi Feroz Arjun Sarja
    Israel הישרדות
    Channel 10

    Season 1, 2007–08: Na'ama Kaesari
    Season 2, 2008–09: Erik Alper
    Season 3, 2009: Shay Arel
    Season 4, 2010: Natan Bashevkin
    Season 5, 2011: Irit Rahamim Basis

    Guy Zu-Aretz
    Channel 2

    Season 7, 2015–16: Liron "Tiltil" Orfali
    Season 8, 2017: Inbar Pinievsky Basson

    Reshet 13 Season 12, 2022-23: Elit Musayof
    הישרדות VIP
    Survival VIP
    Channel 10 Season 6, 2012: Itay Segev
    Reshet 13

    Season 9, 2019: Đovani Roso
    Season 10, 2020: Asi Buzaglo
    Season 11, 2021-22: Alla Eibinder

    Italy Survivor Italia Italia 1 Season 1, 2001: Milica Miletic

    Pietro Suber
    Benedetta Corbi (Studio)

    L'Isola dei Famosi
    The Island of the Famous
    Rai 2

    Season 1, 2003: Walter Nudo
    Season 2, 2004: Sergio Múñiz
    Season 3, 2005: Lory Del Santo
    Season 4, 2006: Luca Calvani
    Season 5, 2007: Manuela Villa
    Season 6, 2008: Vladimir Luxuria
    Season 7, 2010: Daniele Battaglia
    Season 8, 2011: Giorgia Palmas
    Season 9, 2012: Antonella Elia

    Simona Ventura (Studio, 1–8)
    Marco Mazzocchi (1)
    Massimo Caputi (2–3)
    Paolo Brosio (4)
    Francesco Facchinetti (5)
    Filippo Magnini (6)
    Rossano Rubicondi (7)
    Daniele Battaglia (8)
    Nicola Savino (Studio, 9)
    Vladimir Luxuria (9)

    Canale 5

    Season 10, 2015: Donatella
    Season 11, 2016: Giacobbe Fragomeni
    Season 12, 2017: Raz Degan
    Season 13, 2018: Nino "Gaspare" Formicola
    Season 14, 2019: Marco Maddaloni
    Season 15, 2021: Simone Paciello
    Season 16, 2022: Nicolas Vaporidis
    Season 17, 2023: Marco Mazzoli
    Season 18, 2024: Aras Şenol

    Vladimir Luxuria (Studio, 18–present)
    Elenoire Casalegno (18–present)
    Alessia Marcuzzi (Studio, 10–14)
    Alberto 'Alvin' Bonato (10–11, 14,16-17)
    Stefano Bettarini (12)
    Stefano De Martino (13)
    Ilary Blasi (Studio, 15-17)
    Massimiliano Rosolino (15)

    Japan サバイバー

    Season 1, Spring 2002: Eri Minoshima
    Season 2, Summer 2002: Asami Kawamura
    Season 3, Fall 2002: Yasuhito Ebisawa
    Season 4, Winter 2003: Kōshin Gunji

    Munehiro Tokita

    Lebanon سرفايفر
    LBC Season 1, 2004: Hussein El-Abass Tareq Mounir
    Mexico Survivor México
    Survivor Mexico
    Azteca Uno

    Season 1, 2020: Eduardo Urbina
    Season 2, 2021: Pablo Martí
    Season 3, 2022: Julian Huergo
    Season 4, 2023: Pablo Martí
    Season 5, 2024: Esmeralda Zamora

    Carlos Guerrero (2–present)
    Arturo Islas Allende (1)

    Netherlands Expeditie Robinson
    Expedition Robinson
    RTL 5

    Season 14, 2013: Edith Bosch
    Season 15, 2014: Kay Nambiar
    Season 16, 2015: Amara Onwuka
    Season 17, 2016: Bertie Steur
    Season 18, 2017: Carlos Platier Luna
    Season 19, 2018: Jan Bronninkreef

    Nicolette Kluijver (15–present)
    Art Rooijakkers (25–present)
    Evi Hanssen (14)
    Dennis Weening (14–19)
    Kaj Gorgels (20–22)
    Rick Brandsteder (24)

    RTL 4

    Season 20, 2019: Hugo Kennis
    Season 22, 2021: Robbert Rodenburg
    Season 24, 2022: Dennis Wilt
    Season 25, 2023: Willem Voogd
    Season 26, 2024: Upcoming season

    Expeditie Robinson: All Stars
    Expedition Robinson: All Stars

    Season 23, 2022: Niels Gomperts

    Art Rooijakkers
    Geraldine Kemper

    New Zealand Survivor NZ TVNZ 2

    Season 1, 2017: Avi Duckor-Jones
    Season 2, 2018: Lisa Stanger

    Matt Chisholm
    Norway Robinsonekspedisjonen
    Expedition Robinson

    Season 1, 1999: Christer Falch
    Season 2, 2000: Therese Andersen
    Season 3, 2001: Mia Martinsen
    Season 4, 2002: Ann Karene Molvig
    Season 5, 2003: Emil Orderud
    Season 6, 2004: Jan Stian Gundersen
    Season 7, 2007: Ann-Kristin Otnes
    Season 8, 2008: Tom Andre Tveitan
    Season 9, 2009: Lina Iversen
    Season 10, 2010: Alita Dagmar Kristensen
    Season 11, 2011: Lillan Ramøy
    Season 12, 2012: Elisabeth Nielsen
    Season 13, 2013: Bjørn Tore Bekkeli
    Season 16, 2021: Maiken Charlotte Hetle
    Season 17, 2022: Are Lundby Kvaal

    Nils Ole Oftebro (1)
    Christer Falck (2–15)
    Silje Torp (16-17)


    Season 14, 2015: Maiken Sæther Olsen
    Season 15, 2016: Thomas Larsen

    Pakistan Survivor Pakistan PTV
    Season 1, 2006: Muhammad Ziad Unknown
    Philippines Survivor Philippines GMA Network

    Season 1, 2008: John Carlo "JC" Tiuseco
    Season 2, 2009: Amanda Coolley Van Cooll

    Paolo Bediones
    Survivor Philippines: Celebrity Showdown

    Season 3, 2010: Akihiro Sato
    Season 4, 2011–12: Albert "Betong" Sumaya Jr.

    Richard Gutierrez
    Poland Wyprawa Robinson
    Expedition Robinson
    TVN Season 1, 2004: Katarzyna Drzyżdżyk Hubert Urbański
    Wyspa przetrwania
    Island of Survival
    Polsat Season 2, 2017: Katarzyna Cebula Damian Michałowski
    Portugal Survivor TVI Season 1, 2001: Pedro Besugo Paulo Salvador
    Teresa Guilherme
    Romania Rătăciți în Panama
    Lost in Panama
    Kanal D Season 1, 2009: Aly Elsiddig Andrei Gheorghe
    Pro TV

    Season 1, 2016: Lucian "Zapp" Lupu

    Dragoș Bucurenci (1)

    Survivor România
    Survivor Romania
    Kanal D

    Season 1, 2020: Elena Ionescu
    Season 2, 2021: Edmond Zannidache

    Daniel Pavel (2–present)
    Dan Cruceru (1)

    Pro TV,

    Season 3, 2022: Alex Delea
    Season 4, 2023: Dan Ursa
    Season 5, 2024: Edmond Zannidache
    Season 6, 2025: Upcoming season

    Russia Последний герой
    The Last Hero

    Season 1, 2001: Sergey Odintsov
    Season 2, 2002–03: Veronika Norkina
    Season 3, 2003: Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.
    Season 4, 2003–04: Yana Volkova
    Season 5, 2004: Aleksandr Matveev
    Season 6, 2008–09: Vladimir Lysenko

    Sergei Bodrov Jr. (1)
    Dmitry Pevtsov (2)
    Nikolai Fomenko (3)
    Aleksandr Domogarov (4)
    Vladimir Menshov (5)
    Ksenia Sobchak (6)


    Season 7, 2019: Anfisa Chernykh
    Season 8, 2020: Nadezhda Angarskaya
    Season 9, 2021: Roman Nikkel
    Season 10, 2023: Alexey Lukin
    Season 11, 2024: Current season

    Kseniya Borodina (10–present)
    Yana Troyanova (7-9)

    Denmark, Norway, Sweden Expedition Robinson: VIP[k] TV3 Denmark
    TV3 Norway
    TV3 Sweden
    Season 1, 2005: Tilde Fröling Mikkel Beha Erichsen (Denmark)
    Christer Falck (Norway)
    Robert Aschberg (Sweden)
    Serbia Survivor Srbija
    Survivor Serbia
    Prva Srpska Televizija

    Season 1, 2008–09: Nemanja Pavlov
    Season 2, 2009–10: Aleksandar Krajišnik
    Season 3, 2010–11: Andrej Maričić

    Andrija Milošević
    Slovakia Celebrity Camp TV JOJ Season 1, 2007: Aneta Parišková Janko Kroner
    Petra Polnišová
    Markíza Season 1, 2016: Filip Ferianec Marián Mitaš
    Slovenia Survivor Srbija
    Survivor Serbia
    TV 3 Season 1, 2009–10: See Survivor Srbija 2 Ula Furlan
    Survivor Slovenija
    Survivor Slovenia
    POP TV Season 2, 2016: Alen Perklič Miran Stanovnik
    South Africa Survivor South Africa M-Net

    Season 1, 2006: Vanessa Marawa
    Season 2, 2007: Lorette Mostert
    Season 3, 2010: Perle "GiGi" van Schalkwyk
    Season 4, 2011: Hykie Berg
    Season 5, 2014: Graham Jenneker
    Season 6, 2018: Tom Swartz
    Season 7, 2019: Robert "Rob" Bentele
    Season 8, 2021: Nicole Wilmans
    Season 9, 2022: Dino Paulo

    Nico Panagio (3–9)
    Mark Bayly (1–2)

    Spain Supervivientes: Expedición Robinson
    Survivors: Expedition Robinson

    Season 1, 2000: Xavier Monjonell
    Season 2, 2001: Alfredo "Freddy" Cortina

    Juan Manuel López Iturriaga (1–2)
    Paco Lobatón (2)

    La Isla de los FamoS.O.S.
    The Island of the Famou-S.O.S.
    Antena 3

    Season 3, 2003: Daniela Cardone
    Season 4, 2003: Felipe López

    Paula Vázquez
    Alonso Caparrós (3)
    Nuria Roca (4)

    La Selva de los FamoS.O.S.
    The Jungle of the Famou-S.O.S.

    Season 5, 2004: Jose Antonio Canales Rivera

    Paula Vázquez
    Nuria Roca

    Aventura en África
    Adventure in Africa

    Season 6, 2005: Víctor Janeiro

    Paula Vázquez
    Nuria Roca


    Season 7, 2006: Carmen Russo
    Season 8, 2007: Nilo Manrique
    Season 9, 2008: Miriam Sánchez
    Season 10, 2009: Maite Zúñiga
    Season 11, 2010: María José Fernández
    Season 12, 2011: Rosa Benito
    Season 13, 2014: Abraham García
    Season 14, 2015: Christopher Mateo
    Season 15, 2016: Jorge Díaz
    Season 16, 2017: José Luis Losa
    Season 17, 2018: Sofía Suescun
    Season 18, 2019: Omar Montes
    Season 19, 2020: Jorge Pérez
    Season 20, 2021: Olga Moreno
    Season 21, 2022: Alejandro Nieto
    Season 22, 2023: Bosco Blach Martínez-Bordiú
    Season 23, 2024: Pedro García Aguado[27]
    Season 24, 2024: Current season

    Main host:
    Jesús Vázquez (7–11)
    Christian Gálvez (10)
    Jorge Javier Vázquez (12–)
    Carlos Sobera (22)
    Island host:
    José María Íñigo (7)
    Mario Picazo (8–10)
    Eva González (11)
    Raquel Sánchez Silva (12–13)
    Lara Álvarez (14–21)
    Laura Madrueño (22–)
    Tuesday gala:
    Jorge Javier Vázquez (16–17)
    Carlos Sobera (18–)
    Lucía Riaño (8)
    Emma García (9; 11)
    Daniel Domenjó (10)
    Christian Gálvez (12)
    Álvaro de la Lama (13)
    Raquel Sánchez Silva (14)
    Sandra Barneda (15–17; 23-)
    Jordi González (18–20)
    Ion Aramendi (21–22)

    Sweden Expedition Robinson SVT

    Season 1, 1997: Martin Melin
    Season 2, 1998: Alexandra Zazzi
    Season 3, 1999: Jerker Dalman
    Season 4, 2000: Mattias Dalerstedt
    Season 5, 2001–02: Jan Emanuel Johansson
    Season 6, 2002: Antoni Matacz
    Season 7, 2003–04: Emma Andersson

    Harald Treutiger (1–2)
    Anders Lundin (3–7)


    Season 8, 2004: Jerry Forsberg
    Season 9, 2005: Karolina Conrad

    Robert Aschberg

    Season 10, 2009: Ellenor Pierre
    Season 11, 2009–10: Hans Brettschneider
    Season 12, 2010: Erik Svedberg
    Season 13, 2011: Mats Kemi
    Season 14, 2012: Mariana "Mirre" Hammarling
    Season 16, 2018: Daniel "DK" Westlund
    Season 17, 2019: Klas Beyer
    Season 18, 2020: Michael "Micke" Björklund
    Season 19, 2021: Dennis Johansson
    Season 20, Spring 2022: Filip Johansson
    Season 21, Fall 2022: Lars-Olov Johansson
    Season 22, 2023: Oskar Hammarstedt
    Season 23, 2023: Pelle Lilja
    Season 24, 2024: Olivia Lindegren
    Season 25, 2024: Upcoming season

    Anders Lundin (3–7, 22–present)
    Petra Malm (21, 23–present)
    Anders Öfvergård (16-20)
    Linda Isacsson (10)
    Paolo Roberto (11–14)

    Sjuan Season 15, 2015: Dan Spinelli Scala & Jennifer Egelryd Linda Lindorff
    Switzerland Expedition Robinson TV3

    Season 1, 1999: Andreas Widmer
    Season 2, 2000: Stefanie Ledermann
    Season 3, 2002: Carole Haari[l][28]

    Silvan Grütter
    Turkey Survivor: Büyük Macera
    Survivor: Great Adventure
    Kanal D Season 1, 2005: Uğur Pektaş Ahmet Utlu[29]
    Survivor: Greece vs. Turkey Show TV Season 2, 2006: Derya Durmuşlar Acun Ilıcalı (2)
    TV8 Season 13, 2019: Yusuf Karakaya & Katerina Dalaka Acun Ilıcalı
    Murat Ceylan
    Survivor Show TV

    Season 3, 2007: Taner Özdeş
    Season 4, 2010: Merve Oflaz

    Acun Ilıcalı (3–4)
    Hanzade Ofluoğlu (4)
    Survivor: Ünlüler vs. Gönüllüler
    Survivor: Celebrities vs. Volunteers

    Season 5, 2011: Derya Büyükuncu
    Season 6, 2012: Nihat Altınkaya

    Acun Ilıcalı
    Burcu Esmersoy (6)
    Star TV

    Season 7, 2013: Hilmi Cem İntepe
    Season 8, 2014: Turabi Çamkıran

    Acun Ilıcalı
    Alp Kırşan

    Season 10, 2016: Çağan Atakan Arslan
    Season 11, 2017: Ogeday Girişken
    Season 12, 2018: Adem Kılıççı

    Season 14, 2020: Cemal Can Canseven
    Season 15, 2021: İsmail Balaban
    Season 17, 2023: Nefise Karatay

    Acun Ilıcalı
    Murat Ceylan
    Survivor All Star

    Season 9, 2015: Turabi Çamkıran
    Season 16, 2022: Nisa Bölükbaşı
    Season 18, 2024: Ogeday Girişken

    Acun Ilıcalı
    Alp Kırşan
    Murat Ceylan
    Ukraine Oстанній герой
    The Last Hero
    ICTV Season 1, 2011: Andrey Kovalski
    Season 2, 2012: Alexei Diveyeff-Tserkovny
    Ostap Stupka
    1+1 Season 3, Upcoming season TBA
    United Kingdom Survivor ITV

    Series 1, 2001: Charlotte Hobrough
    Series 2, 2002: Jonny Gibb

    Mark Austin (1)
    John Leslie (1)
    Mark Nicholas (2)

    BBC One Series 3, 2023: Matthew Haywood Joel Dommett[30]
    United States
    Survivor CBS
  • Season 2, 2001: Tina Wesson
  • Season 3, 2001–02: Ethan Zohn
  • Season 4, Spring 2002: Vecepia Towery
  • Season 5, Fall 2002: Brian Heidik
  • Season 6, Spring 2003: Jenna Morasca
  • Season 7, Fall 2003: Sandra Diaz-Twine
  • Season 8, Spring 2004: Amber Brkich
  • Season 9, Fall 2004: Chris Daugherty
  • Season 10, Spring 2005: Tom Westman
  • Season 11, Fall 2005: Danni Boatwright
  • Season 12, Spring 2006: Aras Baskauskas
  • Season 13, Fall 2006: Yul Kwon
  • Season 14, Spring 2007: Earl Cole
  • Season 15, Fall 2007: Todd Herzog
  • Season 16, Spring 2008: Parvati Shallow
  • Season 17, Fall 2008: Robert "Bob" Crowley
  • Season 18, Spring 2009: James "J.T." Thomas Jr.
  • Season 19, Fall 2009: Natalie White
  • Season 20, Spring 2010: Sandra Diaz-Twine
  • Season 21, Fall 2010: Jud "Fabio" Birza
  • Season 22, Spring 2011: Rob Mariano
  • Season 23, Fall 2011: Sophie Clarke
  • Season 24, Spring 2012: Kim Spradlin
  • Season 25, Fall 2012: Denise Stapley
  • Season 26, Spring 2013: John Cochran
  • Season 27, Fall 2013: Tyson Apostol
  • Season 28, Spring 2014: Tony Vlachos
  • Season 29, Fall 2014: Natalie Anderson
  • Season 30, Spring 2015: Mike Holloway
  • Season 31, Fall 2015: Jeremy Collins
  • Season 32, Spring 2016: Michele Fitzgerald
  • Season 33, Fall 2016: Adam Klein
  • Season 34, Spring 2017: Sarah Lacina
  • Season 35, Fall 2017: Ben Driebergen
  • Season 36, Spring 2018: Wendell Holland Jr.
  • Season 37, Fall 2018: Nick Wilson
  • Season 38, Spring 2019: Chris Underwood
  • Season 39, Fall 2019: Tommy Sheehan
  • Season 40, 2020: Tony Vlachos
  • Season 41, 2021: Erika Casupanan
  • Season 42, Spring 2022: Maryanne Oketch
  • Season 43, Fall 2022: Mike Gabler
  • Season 44, Spring 2023: Yamil "Yam Yam" Arocho
  • Season 45, Fall 2023: Dee Valladares
  • Season 46, Spring 2024: Kenzie Petty
  • Season 47, 2024: Upcoming season
  • Jeff Probst
    Venezuela Robinson: La Gran Aventura
    Robinson: The Great Adventure

    Season 1, 2001: Gabriel Pérez
    Season 2, 2002: Graciela Boza

    Roberto Messuti
    Vietnam Tôi là người dẫn đầu
    I am the Leader
    HTV7 Season 1, 2012: Quách Văn Đen Phan Anh
    1. ^ The German RTL2 created their own version of Survivor, Gestrandet – Zeig, was in dir steckt!, after airing a co-production of Austrian-German Survivor in season 1. Austria had not continued its own series nor co-produced an Austrian-German Survivor after season 1.
  • ^ Is a season co-produced by the Croatian and Serbian franchises. It was the second season of Survivor to air in Croatia and the fourth season to air in Serbia.
  • ^ Is a season co-produced by the Croatian and Serbian franchises. It was the third season of Survivor to air in Croatia and the fifth season to air in Serbia.
  • ^ Is a season co-produced by the Croatian and Serbian franchises. It was the fourth season of Survivor to air in Croatia and the sixth season to air in Serbia.
  • ^ Is a season co-produced by the Croatian and Serbian franchises. It was the fifth season of Survivor to air in Croatia and the seventh to air in Serbia.
  • ^ Is host of the Tv show Survivor plus, which is aired on Nova S and Nova M
  • ^ Starting from the 11th season, Belgians were eligible to apply for the French series.
  • ^ Starting from the 10th season, the Swiss were eligible to apply for the French series.
  • ^ Survivor: Greece vs. Turkey is a co-production between the Greek and Turkish Survivor franchises.
  • ^ Channel name was RTL Klub for seasons 1-5 before the station's name change to RTL starting with season 6.
  • ^ Expedition Robinson 2005 (VIP) was a pan-regional version of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
  • ^ The season never aired due to the television network being shut down. The winner was only revealed later in a news article.
  • Current series

      Season currently being aired.
    Country Season name Launch date Finale date Network Days Survivors Host Grand prize
    Argentina Survivor, Expedición Robinson 8 July 2024 2024 Telefe TBD 25 Alejandro Wiebe TBD
    Australia Australian Survivor January 2025 March 2025 10 47 24 Jonathan LaPaglia A$500,000
    Canada (Quebec) Survivor Québec 2024 31 March 2024 Spring 2024 Noovo 42 20 Patrice Bélanger $100,000
    Colombia Survivor: La Isla de Los Famosos 2024 2024 RCN TV TBD TBD Tatán Mejía TBA
    Denmark Robinson Ekspeditionen September 2024 November 2024 TV3 42 22 Jakob Kjeldbjerg 500,000 DKK
    Czech Republic
    Survivor Česko & Slovensko 2024 25 January 2024 17 May 2024 TV Nova
    Voyo SK
    74 24 Ondřej Novotný 2,500,000
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Croatia
    • Montenegro
    • Serbia
    Survivor Hrvatska & Srbija 2024 4 March 2024 May 2024 Nova BH
    Nova TV
    Nova M
    Nova S
    TBD 20 Bojan Perić
    Mario Mlinarić
    Finland Selviytyjät Suomi August 2024 December 2024 Nelonen TBD TBD Riku Rantala 30,000
    France Koh-Lanta 13 February 2024 2024 TF1 40 22 Denis Brogniart €100,000
    Greece Survivor Greece (season 11) 7 January 2024 July 2024 Skai TV TBD 36 Giorgos Lianos €100,000
    Hungary Survivor - A Sziget 2024 2024 RTL 39 TBA Miklós "Joe" Varga 20,000,000 Ft
    Israel Survivor Israel (season 12) 17 December 2022 1 April 2023 Reshet 13 45 18 Guy Zu-Aretz 1,000,000
    Italy L'isola dei Famosi Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Canale 5 TBD TBD Alberto 'Alvin' Bonato
    Vladimir Luxuria
    Mexico Survivor México (season 5) 11 March 2024 7 June 2024 Azteca Uno TBD 20 Carlos "Warrior" Guerrero $2,000,000 MXN
    Netherlands Expeditie Robinson September 2024 December 2024 RTL 4 35 20 Nicolette Kluijver
    Art Rooijakkers
    Romania Survivor România All Stars 16 January 2024 30 May 2024 Pro TV TBD 26 Daniel Pavel €100,000
    Russia Последний герой. Остаться семьёй
    Last Hero: Stay as a Family
    28 October 2023 30 December 2023 TV-3 30 14 Kseniya Borodina 5.000.000 ₽
    Spain Supervivientes: Perdidos en Honduras (2024) 7 March 2024 June 2024 Telecinco
    TBD 19 Laura Madrueño €200,000
    Sweden Robinson 2024 17 March 2024 19 May 2024 TV4 42 22 Anders Lundin 500,000 SEK
    Turkey Survivor Turkey (season 18) 1 January 2024 TBA TV8 TBD 35 Acun Ilicali
    Murat Ceylan
    United Kingdom Survivor (British TV series) 2024 2024 BBC One TBD TBD Joel Dommett £100,000
    United States Survivor 46 February 28, 2024 May 29, 2024 CBS 26 18 Jeff Probst $1,000,000[a]
    1. ^ On the 40th season of the American version of Survivor, a season where all contestants were winners of previous seasons, the prize was increased to US$2 million.

    Other media


    Thrill ride


    One of the more novel merchandising items has been the interactive Survivor: The Ride thrill ride at California's Great AmericainSanta Clara, California. The ride includes a rotating platform on which riders are divided into one of four "tribes." As the ride moves along an undulating track, riders can be sprayed by water guns hidden in oversized tribal masks while drums and other familiar Survivor musical accents play in the background. Other theming includes Survivor memorabilia throughout the queue line and other merchandise for sale in nearby gift shops.[31] The ride has since been rethemed as Tiki Twirl.

    Online games


    During the first Survivor seasons many online games based on forums were created. More specific Survivor online games appeared later.

    In late 2013, a former contestant of the American version of the show, Erik Reichenbach, launched a Kickstarter campaign for a Survivor-styled online mobile app called "Islands of Chaos". The app pits players from all over the world in a battle of challenges and strategy to be the last one standing. If the campaign is successful, the plan is to release the game free of charge on a range of platforms including on Apple and Android devices.[32]

    Survivor: Castaway Island, a video game in partnership with Microids is slated for release on 3 October 2023.[33]



    Beginning on July 8, 2007, a parody of Survivor called Total Drama Island appeared on the Canadian television network Teletoon. This animated show included 22 summer campers who signed up to stay at a five-star resort, which actually turned out to be a cruddy summer camp on an island somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario. The host, Chris McLean, is modeled after Survivor host Jeff Probst. The campers are taken to the island on boats to meet their fellow competitors, being heartbroken at the sight of their wasted summer. The campers were separated into two teams: The "Screaming Gophers" and the "Killer Bass". Every three days there would be a challenge for the campers to face, from jumping off a 1,000-foot (300 m) high cliff into a lake to survival skills. The losing team of each challenge would go to the Bonfire Ceremony the night of the challenge, and vote someone off the team, like Survivor. Each team member still in the game would receive a marshmallow, leaving one team member without one. The member who does not receive a marshmallow (the symbol of life on the island) would have to walk the Dock of Shame and board the Boat of Losers to leave the island, and "Never ever ever ever ever" return (which turned out to be a lie in the episode "No Pain, No Game"). After 12 members of the island were voted off, the teams were merged. The winner receives a check for the C$100,000 and the final marshmallow. The show then ends with Chris thrown off the Dock of Shame. The show aired in 188 countries and also appeared on the channels of Cartoon Network and Jetix. The show became a critical and commercial success and it spun off into a series.

    See also



    1. ^ Tartaglione, Nancy (July 10, 2017). "Banijay Raises $416M To Help Finance Acquisition Of 'Survivor's Castaway Prods".
  • ^ Probst, Jeff (October 23, 2009). "Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Samoa': episode #6". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved October 23, 2009.
  • ^ "Jeff Probst Talks "Survivor: Fiji"". Retrieved January 12, 2007.
  • ^ Probst, Jeff (February 26, 2010). "Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs Villains': Episode 3". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved February 26, 2010.
  • ^ Ross, Dalton (February 7, 2005). "The Host Has Spoken". Entertainment Weekly. Archived from the original on August 30, 2009. Retrieved June 4, 2008.
  • ^ "Returning Shows". Retrieved September 21, 2007.
  • ^ Rocchio, Christopher (May 12, 2008). "Exclusive: Amanda Kimmel discusses 'Micronesia,' losing 'Survivor' twice". Reality TV World. Retrieved May 12, 2008.
  • ^ Survivor: Game Changers reunion show, CBS, May 24, 2017
  • ^ "The Slug: Jeff Probst Talks "Survivor: Fiji"". asapblogs.typepad.com. Retrieved September 13, 2018.
  • ^ "Survivor: Cagayan Preview Special". CBS. February 12, 2014. Retrieved February 13, 2014.
  • ^ Ross, Dalton (January 11, 2015). "Survivor host Jeff Probst reveals latest twist: a new 'super idol'". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 11, 2015.
  • ^ Probst, Jeff (April 3, 2009). "Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Tocantins' (episode 6)". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved April 3, 2009.
  • ^ Ross, Dalton (January 11, 2015). "Survivor exclusive: Immunity idols to be hidden at challenges this season". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved February 6, 2016.
  • ^ Probst, Jeff (April 30, 2010). "Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 11". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved April 30, 2010.
  • ^ Ross, Dalton (August 9, 2010). "'Survivor: Nicaragua': New cast and new twists revealed!". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved August 9, 2010.
  • ^ "Senior Women Web &gt Articles &gt Margaret Cullison". seniorwomen.com. Retrieved September 13, 2018.
  • ^ "He lost a million, won our hearts on 'Survivor'". Retrieved May 15, 2007.
  • ^ "Survivor's Lindsey Discusses Fame, Fortune, and the AIDS Benefit". Reality News Online. Archived from the original on September 27, 2007.
  • ^ Smith, Stephan (December 9, 2006). "Car Curse In Cruise Control". CBS News. Retrieved May 12, 2008.
  • ^ Murphy, Helen (May 16, 2019). "Sia Gifts Her Favorite Survivor Contestant $100,000 During Season Finale". People. Retrieved January 2, 2024.
  • ^ Travis, Emlyn (June 1, 2022). "Watch Sia Surprise Survivor Contestant Drea Wheeler With $100,000". E! Online. Retrieved January 2, 2024.
  • ^ Chan, Anna (December 23, 2022). "Sia Gives Her Favorite 'Survivor' Season 43 Players Major Cash Prizes". Billboard. Retrieved January 2, 2024.
  • ^ Trepany, Charles (May 25, 2023). "'Survivor' 44: Sia awards $130K in prize money to these three losing contestants". USA Today. Retrieved January 2, 2024.
  • ^ "Bulgaria Survivor contestant dies". BBC News. June 1, 2009. Retrieved March 27, 2010.
  • ^ "Noovo, Banijay Rights Strike Deal to Launch SURVIVOR in French-Speaking Canada". Bell Media. December 7, 2021. Retrieved December 7, 2021.
  • ^ ""Koh-Lanta" : En raison des tricheries, aucun candidat n'est déclaré vainqueur de "La Légende"". 20minutes.fr. December 14, 2021. Retrieved December 15, 2021.
  • ^ "Bombazo Supervivientes 2024: Mediaset anuncia el gran cambio de cara a la nueva edición". La Nueva España. July 1, 2023. Retrieved October 1, 2023.
  • ^ "Der verlorene Sieg". Neue Zürcher Zeitung. February 29, 2004. Retrieved September 30, 2023.
  • ^ Semercioğlu, Cengiz (May 20, 2005). "Ahmet Utlu bir kez bile denize girmedi". Hürriyet. Retrieved May 1, 2015.
  • ^ "The tribe has spoken and Joel Dommett is confirmed to host Survivor, lighting a torch on BBC One and BBC iPlayer". www.bbc.co.uk. February 17, 2023. Retrieved February 17, 2023.
  • ^ "Survivor: The Ride – LoveToKnow Themeparks". Archived from the original on May 24, 2009. Retrieved April 27, 2010.
  • ^ "Islands of Chaos: The Strategic Adventure Mobile App". kickstarter.com.
  • ^ "Microids announces a partnership with Banijay Brands for the video game Survivor: Castaway Island". July 17, 2023.
  • Further reading


    United Kingdom Season #1 (2001)

    United Kingdom Season #2: Survivor: Panama (2002)

    United States Season #1: Survivor: Pulau Tiga, Borneo (2000)

    United States Season #2: Survivor: The Australian Outback (2001)

    United States Season #6: Survivor: Amazon (2003)

    United States Season #9: Survivor: Vanuatu -Islands of Fire (2004)

    Various Seasons, esp. United States 1–6

  • Survivor Africa
  • Expedition Robinson Belgium Archived May 2, 2018, at the Wayback Machine
  • Survivor Bulgaria
  • Survivor Croatia
  • Expedition Robinson Czech Republic
  • Survivor Czech Republic & Slovakia
  • Expedition Robinson Denmark
  • Survivor Finland
  • Survivor France
  • Survivor Germany
  • Survivor Greece Archived April 16, 2017, at the Wayback Machine
  • Survivor Hungary
  • Survivor India
  • Survivor Israel
  • (Celebrity) Survivor Italy
  • Survivor Mexico
  • Expedition Robinson Netherlands
  • Survivor New Zealand
  • Survivor Pakistan
  • Survivor Philippines
  • Survivor Poland
  • Last Hero Russia
  • Survivor Serbia
  • Survivor Slovakia
  • Survivor South Africa
  • Survivor Spain
  • Expedition Robinson Sweden
  • Survivor Turkey
  • Last Hero Ukraine
  • Survivor United States

  • Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Survivor_(franchise)&oldid=1233575503"

    Last edited on 9 July 2024, at 20:21  



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