
削除された内容 追加された内容
{{翻訳中途|[[:en:Wikipedia:Polling is not a substitute for discussion]]|date=2010年4月}}
({{trnote|部分的に翻訳したものであり、日本語版の現状に必ずしもあったものとは限りません。詳細は該当文書を参照してください。読みにくい訳があるようです。未訳部分は(13:42, 3 December 2016, UTC)となっていま時点のものです。}})
{{Navibox 合意形成|WP:PNSD|WP:POLL|WP:VOTE}}
<!--ナビが邪魔で変な所に行く [[File:Notavote.svg|right|200px]]-->
#調<ref group="" name="binding" />[[Wikipedia:#|]][[Wikipedia:|]]
== 記事を議論する際における調査投票の実施 ==
=== 調査投票のガイドライン ===
調 (straw poll) 調調調<ref group="" name="binding" />調<ref group="" name="binding">[[Wikipedia:|]][[Wikipedia:|]][[Wikipedia:#]]</ref>
#調''''<ref group="" name="binding" />
(vote) 使使調(polling)(commenting)使
[[WP:WIKIPEDIAN|Wikipedians]] often use the expression "[[Wikipedia:Glossary#.21vote|'''!vote''']]" (read as "not-vote"). The "!" symbol is used in various fields as a symbol for [[logical negation]] and was [[Wikipedia talk:Requests for adminship/Archive 59#Qualified opinions.|introduced in this way on English Wikipedia in 2006]]. So a reference to a "!vote" or "!voting" is a reminder and affirmation that the writer's comments in a poll, and the comments by others, are '''not''' voting, but are just offering individual views in a [[Wikipedia:Method for consensus building|consensus-building discussion]].
この !vote は「投票ではない」ということの重要性を思い出させるものです。一方、私たちはしばしば「投票」しているように見えますが、単に票数を数えるだけで結論を導くことはされておらず、主張の力強さもまた重要なものです。合理的な論拠に基づいていないとみなされるような「投票」は、完全に無視されるか、ほとんど考慮されない可能性があり、また単に票数として扱われているならば注意喚起されるかもしれません。そのため、なぜ投票という方法なのかということを説明することも重要となります。
It serves as a little reminder of the communal norm that ''it is "not the vote" that matters, but the reasoning behind the !vote that is important''. While we do often seem to "vote" on things, the conclusion is almost never reached by simply counting votes, as the strength of argument is also very important. A "vote" that doesn't seem to be based on a reasonable rationale may be completely ignored or receive little consideration, or may be escalated to wider attention if it appears to have been treated as a simple vote count. It is important therefore to also explain why you are voting the way you are.
=== Petitions請願署名 ===
<!--{{See also|Wikipedia:List of petitions}}
Petitions are even more problematic since they not only encourage the community to avoid meaningful discourse and engagement, but also limit their scope to only one initially-stated opinion or preference with little or no opportunity for discussing and reconciling competing or opposing points of view. As a rule, petitions should be avoided; when they are created, 調they should be closed and marked {{tl|historical}} after a reasonable period of time or once the initial interest in the petition passes.
== 削除、移動、秀逸な記事 ==
== 機能追加の要望 ==
Changes to the MediaWiki software are made by the developers and are usually discussed onソフトウェアの変更は開発者が行っており、通常は Phabricator. にて議論されています。Some people are tempted to call a vote on feature requests on the assumption that the more people support a feature, the more likely the developers are to implement it. However, this is not always the case, as the developers consider issues of feasibility and server load to be the primary concern.
However, for requests for configuration changes for the English Wikipedia, such as enabling or disabling an existing feature, a straw poll may be helpful for the [[m:System administrators|sysadmin]] tasked with determining consensus for it. Though as with feature requests, the final decision still rests with the Wikimedia sysadmins and, ultimately, the [[Chief technical officer|CTO]].