エンリル・バーニ[nb 1]Enlil-bāni)は、古代メソポタミアの都市国家・イシン第1王朝の王。



在位 紀元前1798年 - 紀元前1775年

王朝 イシン第1王朝

179817751860183724[i 1]



[nb 2]261[1][i 2]

muškēnum[nb 3]4殿殿[2]
Enlil-bāni Inscription、CBS 13909[i 3]

[i 4][1][3]

[nb 4][i 5]湿使Šuruppak[nb 5]Enlil-muballiapkallu2[4][5][6]

[i 6]Enlil-bāni-išdam-kīn[i 7]é-ur-gi7-ra[i 8]殿殿[i 9]é-ní-dúb-bu[i 10]é-dim-gal-an-na[i 11]Ninibgallady with patient mercy who loves ex-votos, who heeds prayers and entreaties, his shining motheré-ki-ág-gá-ni[i 12][7]

2117寿[i 13][8]



  1. ^ Ur-Isin kinglist line 15.
  2. ^ The Babylonian chronicle fragment 1 B ii 1-8.
  3. ^ CBS 13909 in the University Museum, Philadelphia.
  4. ^ Chronicle of early kings A 31-36, B 1-7.
  5. ^ Tablet K.4023 column iv lines 21 to 25.
  6. ^ Cones IM 77922, CBS 16200, and 8 others.
  7. ^ Two cones, IM 10789 and UCLM 94791.
  8. ^ Cone and another in a private collection in Wiesbaden.
  9. ^ Clay impression, IM 25874.
  10. ^ Cone in Chicago A 7555.
  11. ^ IM 79940.
  12. ^ NBC 8955 and A 7461 inscription on two cones.
  13. ^ Tablet UM L-29-578.


  1. ^ Inscribed dEn-líl-dù or dEn-líl-ba-ni.
  2. ^ I-k[u-un]-pi-Iš8-tár.
  3. ^ muškēnumは市民と奴隷の間の階級であった
  4. ^ Enuma amelu muḫḫu-šu išata u-kal.
  5. ^ (21) [na]p-šá-la-tú tak-ṣi-ra-nu lat-ku-tu4 ba-ru-ti šá ana [Š]u šu-ṣú-ú (22) šá KA NUN.ME.MEŠ-e la-bi-ru-ti šá la-am A.MÁ.URU5(abūbi) (23) šá ana LAMXKURki(šuruppak) MU.2.KÁM IdEN.LĺL-ba-ni LUGAL uruÌ.ŠI.INki (24) IdEN.LĺL-mu-bal-liṭ NUN.ME NIBRUki [ez]-bu.


  1. ^ a b ジャン・ジャック・グラスナー英語版 (2005). Mesopotamian Chronicles. SBL. pp. 107–108, 154  Glassner’s manuscript’s C and D.
  2. ^ J. N. Postgate (1994). Early Mesopotamia: society and economy at the dawn of history. Routledge. p. 239. https://archive.org/details/earlymesopotamia00post 
  3. ^ シモ・パルポラ英語版 (2009). Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal: Commentary and Appendix No. 2. Eisenbrauns. p. XXVI 
  4. ^ Alan Lenzi (2008). “The Uruk List of Kings and Sages and Late Mesopotamian Scholarship”. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 8 (2): 150. doi:10.1163/156921208786611764. 
  5. ^ William W Hallo (2009). The World's Oldest Literature: Studies in Sumerian Belles Lettres. Brill. p. 703 
  6. ^ R. Campbell Thompson (1923). Assyrian medical texts from the originals in the British Museum. Oxford University Press. pp. iii, 104–105  for line art.
  7. ^ A. Livingstone (1988). “The Isin "Dog House" Revisited”. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 40 (1): 54–60. doi:10.2307/1359707. 
  8. ^ Douglas Frayne (1990). Old Babylonian period (2003-1595 BC): Early Periods, Volume 4 (RIM The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia). University of Toronto Press. pp. 77–90