Mapping USA/2022

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For the 2nd annual Mapping USA, OpenStreetMap US is partnering with WikiConference North America to host a virtual event celebrating the Wiki & OpenStreetMap communities across the country. The event will include a Mappy Hour on Thursday, a half day of talks on Friday, and a day of workshops, birds of a feather sessions, editing parties, and mapathons on Saturday. Saturday will also feature the global Local Chapters & Communities Congress. You can learn more about last year’s Mapping USA event here & the 2021 virtual WikiConference North America here.

Registration - Open!

Registration is open! This event will be free, but donations are welcome and appreciated. Link to register!


Thursday, November 10 ~ 8 pm ET - 9 pm ET

Join us for a casual Mappy Hour for networking and socializing before the main event Friday & Saturday.

Friday, November 11 ~ 2 pm ET - 7 pm ET

Time Session Info Link to Slides
2:00 pm ET Welcome to WikiConference NorthAmerica + Mapping USA
Opening Keynote: The Case for Sister Projects

Minh Nguyễn

Sister projects are the unsung heroes of Wikipedia’s success. Disputes between inclusionists and deletionists led to the creation of Wiktionary, Wikibooks, and more, fueling new contributions to the sum of human knowledge while reinforcing Wikipedia’s culture. OpenStreetMap is no stranger to deletion debates. Nascent sister projects like OpenHistoricalMap offer an outlet for more mapping, creating a more vibrant community than a fork ever could. As always, the hard part is starting from scratch. How can we learn from Wikimedia’s experience with sister projects to build a similar ecosystem?

The Case for Sister Projects.pdf

2:25 pm ET Break
2:30 pm ET At 18 years old, is OSM entering adulthood?

Jennings Anderson & Martijn van Exel

OpenStreetMap started 18 years ago with a blank canvas and the ambition to become the best map of the world. All we could do in the beginning was create: draw all the roads, houses, businesses, lakes and forests. Now, 18 years in, OSM looks “done” in a lot of places. Our responsibility now shifts from creating to maintaining—but not everywhere at once, or at the same pace. Jennings and Martijn uncover the fascinating and perhaps unexpected dynamics of a map in its teenage years by first looking at global trends and then diving deeper into the vast community maintaining the map in North America

Linking Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap/OpenHistoricalMap

Richard Welty

This session will cover the mechanisms that exist for specifying cross connections between various wiki media projecrts (commons, data, wikipedia) and OpenStreetMap and OpenHistoricalMap. There are connectivity mechanisms in existence that can significantly enhance both projects.

Linking Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap.pdf
Mapping the Virtual Border Wall with Public Records, Satellite Imagery, and Virtual Reality

Dave Maass

EFF Director of Investigations demonstrates how his team is combining public records, satellite imagery, and virtual reality to reveal the locations of Customs & Border Protections surveillance towers.

3:00 pm ET Break
3:15 pm ET Public Domain Map

Quincy Morgan & Jess Beutler

It’s easy to see how OpenStreetMap can be leveraged to improve the completeness and freshness of government geospatial datasets. However, licensing has prevented federal agencies from using the data to its full benefit. Public Domain Map aims to resolve this (and other challenges) by providing a workflow that allows crowdsourcing contributions to be used in both OpenStreetMap and public domain US Government databases. We will provide an introduction to Public Domain Map and showcase the work completed so far.

Tips & Tricks for the Programs & Events Dashboard

Sage Ross, LiAnna Davis

In this lightning talk, Wiki Education's Sage Ross and LiAnna Davis will give a quick overview of the Programs & Events Dashboard (, offering tips and tricks that can help novices, power users, and everyone in between. We'll cover:

* How to use this tool for editing events for all Wikimedia projects

* Showcasing new Wikidata detailed stats

* What the technical roadmap looks like

* Potential connections for the Dashboard and OpenStreetMap.

WikiConference North America 2022 - Programs & Events Dashboard lightning talk - Sage Ross.pdf
Mall Mapping with Every Door

Martijn van Exel

OpenStreetMap Utah mappers went to two different malls and mapped them using the new app Every Door. Martijn will share experiences and share some tips and tricks!

OSM Utah Goes Mall Micro Mapping - Mapping USA 2022.pdf
Diversifying Wikipedia's biographies

Ian Ramjohn

Since 2018 Wiki Education's Scholars &amp; Scientists Program has worked taught faculty, graduate students and professionals to become Wikipedians. The program has trained over 1,000 participants and contributed over 1.6 million words to over 3,500 articles. Fees from participants and sponsors have funded a substantial portion of the operational costs of the program.

In this session, we will discuss the contributions of recent courses in the Scholars &amp; Scientists program to diversifying Wikipedia's biographies by adding and expanding articles about women and underrepresented minorities. This program helps improve knowledge equity on Wikipedia.

Sound Logo

Mehrdad Pourzaki

The Wikimedia Sound Logo contest has had stellar results–global participation surpassing even our best projections– and I would love to briefly share some of our learnings and most interestingly, play some compilations of sounds. Lean back, listen in. The sound logo team is taking the submissions around the world. Wikimedians will surely love the richness of sounds and the diversity of participation. This is something relatively new for our movement. Late November will be the open vote for the movement to choose the winning sound.

Building OSM Into the Elementary Classroom

Mike Jabot

In this session I will share how I am attempting to build OSM into the classroom work of teachers in grades 3-8. My work focuses in particular on how we can use OSM as a platform for students to understand their communities and the world around them in general.

3:45 pm ET Break
4:00 pm ET OSM US Trails Initiative

Jake Low & Diane Fritz

Data Modeling the Person

Lloyd Alimboyao Sy

WikiProject Biography ( seeks to discuss social and ethical issues concerning the biographies of people on Wikipedia and Wikidata. As part of the WikiProject, our team created a data model capturing the various "essential" qualities of human beings. This presentation discusses the model we created. We go over which properties were chosen, how that process occurred, and, especially, how we picked "examples" for each property, a process fraught with the question of how to achieve representation within data modeling. Specifically, we made a marked effort to diversify the examples used—on the grounds of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, etc. This session talks about the importance of diversifying data models and the problems with doing so.

You can help us fix it: Learning new skills at the Philadelphia WikiSalon

Mary Mark Ockerbloom, Co-facilitator; Wikipedian in Residence, Annual Reviews and Doreva Belfiore, Co-facilitator, The Philadelphia WikiSalon

In this lightning talk, Mary Mark Ockerbloom and Doreva Belfiore will introduce the work of the Philadelphia WikiSalon (, a Wikipedia Meetup that focuses on creating community while helping build Wiki skills among people of diverse interests and levels of expertise. We provide:

* Alternating monthly format of demonstrations followed by practice review and reflection to maximize skill retention

* Concise, no-frills format for presentations and demonstrations with an emphasis on building skills with easy-to-manage content blocks

* Commitment to open access: everything uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, multiple demonstrations about US copyright and open access

* Central repository for ongoing opportunities for editing in various projects (Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons) in a variety of subject areas (sciences, art, history, craft) that dovetail with demonstrated skills

* Guest speakers

* Robust Q&A with topics of concern and interest to Wikipedia editors encompassing a wide range of expertise

* Welcoming of all participants and celebration of community contributions

* Crossover with WCNA, Art + Feminism and other related events

WikiSalon WCNA 2022 Lightning Talk.pdf
Utilizing Open-Source Software Tools in Evaluating Transportation Equity and Accessibility to Pediatric Vaccination Centers in 14 Ohio Counties

Ahmad Ilderim Tokey

In urban America, people relying on public transport have lower accessibility to healthcare than people with private vehicles or access to rideshare. This work evaluates the accessibility to vaccine providers in 14 counties in Ohio from an equity perspective by utilizing a workflow with OpenTripPlanner (open-source multimodal trip planning software), OpenStreetMap data, and public transit system information. This research demonstrates the significance of open-source spatial resources to assist in policymaking for equitable pediatric vaccination in Ohio.

Fostering open knowledge by providing effective support to volunteers - an introduction to Wikimedia Foundation's Committee Support Team

Xeno (WMF) [Jack Glover]

This lightning talk will introduce the Wikimedia Foundation Committee Support Team. This team is part of the Legal Department and supports movement governance and health. The team provides essential staff support to several volunteer committees including the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds Commission, Arbitration Committees, and the Case Review Committee, among others.

The Affiliations Committee (formerly known as Chapters Committee, colloquially AffCom) is a Wikimedia community-run committee entrusted with advising the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees on the approval of new movement affiliates: national and subnational chapters, thematic organisations, and user groups. ( From "Affiliations Committee" on Meta-Wiki )

An Arbitration Committee (sometimes abbreviated as "ArbCom") is a small group of trusted users who serve as the last step of dispute resolution on some individual Wikimedia Foundation projects. Originally set up on the English Wikipedia by Jimmy Wales to take over his role in resolving complex disputes between users, Arbitration Committees are now used on eleven Wikipedia versions and the English Wikinews. ( From "Arbitration Committee" on Meta-Wiki )

The lightning talk will also serve as a notice / reminder about the open call for applicants for the Ombuds commission and the Case Review Committee.

The Ombuds commission (OC) works on all Wikimedia projects to investigate complaints about violations of the privacy policy, especially in use of CheckUser and Oversight (also known as Suppression) tools. The Commission mediates between the parties of the investigation and, when violations of the policies are identified, advises the Wikimedia Foundation on best handling.

The Case Review Committee (CRC) reviews appeals of eligible Trust & Safety office actions. The CRC is a critical layer of oversight to ensure that Wikimedia Foundation office actions are fair and unbiased. They also make sure the Wikimedia Foundation doesn’t overstep established practices or boundaries.

( Both from "2023 OC and CRC appointments process on Meta-Wiki" )

The lightning talk will be delivered by Xeno (WMF) [Jack Glover], Senior Committee Support Manager at Wikimedia Foundation.

Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap

Edward Betts

I describe an editing tool for adding links from OpenStreetMap objects to the corresponding Wikidata items.

Mappers use the tool by searching for a place they are familiar with. The software downloads the details of Wikidata items within the bounds of the place and find matching objects in OpenStreetMap. The matcher compares places based on names, addresses and the type of object.

The user is presented with a list of candidate matches, next to a map showing the matches. After the checks the matches are correct and then clicks a button to save the appropriate wikidata tags to OpenStreetMap.

In the talk I will give details of a new version of the editing tool.

4:30 pm ET Break
4:40 pm ET Come Here or Go Away?: Identifying Challenges to Scholarly Wikipedia Editing

Savannah Cragin, Dr. Jennifer Johnson

This talk investigates the challenges of establishing pathways for academic contributors to edit Wikipedia. While there is powerful alignment in the educational missions of the Wikimedia Foundation with those of the academic humanities, tensions still exist between the Wikipedia and scholarly community, fostering distrust and burnout from scholars. This talk will investigate the contextual background of these tensions as understood by the CCCC Wikipedia Initiative and provide useful pathways for fostering understanding between Wikipedia and scholarly values.

Parks, Spawns, Nests and Pikachu: OpenStreetMap and Pokemon GO players

Christopher Greene-Szmadzinski

In October 2022, Niantic publicly announced using OpenStreetMap to update its popular mobile game, Pokemon GO! The use of OSM data for PoGO has long been known by players and OSM contributors alike. In the past, this has meant accidental (or intentional) vandalism by well-meaning (and sometimes not so well-meaning) players. Let's look at how PoGO is using OSM data and ways to turn this pain point into a positive experience to encourage new contributors while preserving the integrity of our data.

Print an OSM Extract: Trailheads maps from OpenStreetMap

Rob Chohan

Non-Profit land trusts have map needs.  Docents want to lead a hike and describe where to meet for the monthly wildlife talk.  Land trusts want to raise awareness via social media or for public presentations.  Local educators want to get more students in the outdoors. A decent map stack & architecture for web, print & mobile can help solve all of these needs. We will discuss how we used FOSS4G tools to make a kiosk trailhead for the “Build Lebanon Trails” group in Lebanon, Oregon.  The tools we used are OSM extracts, QGIS, and Cloud Optimized GeoTiff. See for print maps, live maps and maps for social media that we built for "Build Lebanon Trails".

Collaborative Corridors to Address OSM Underrepresentation

Bill Wetherholt

US Highway corridors provide a collaborative springboard to connect vested OSM interests across underrepresented regions. US-40 offered a link between Fall 2022 mapping courses in the Department of Geography at Frostburg State University in Frostburg, Maryland and the Department of Computer Science, Information Systems and Engineering Technology at PennWest California in California, Pennsylvania. This talk explores filling in the map along the seventy miles of US-40 separating the two Appalachian universities and provides a blueprint for others interested in similar endeavors.

5:20 pm ET Break
5:30 pm ET Wikimedia New York City, Sure We Can

Wil540 art

I propose giving an informal 5 minute lightening talk about editing Wikipedia and how a Pear Tree inspired the Cartography of New York City article. I will go over the history of this article: which I started relatively recently in May 2021 and ask for comments.

WCNA 2022 Wil540 art.pdf
Magic Wand: A Plugin for JOSM

Junior Flores

Plugin created for the JOSM tool, allows you to create geometries from selected areas. the areas are selected according to the uniformity of the colors, it is also possible, also, it is possible to add and subtract selected areas.

Swiping into a love of OSM

Dan Joseph

Learn how the open source MapSwipe app fits into the toolkit of ways that the American Red Cross engages volunteers and partners in learning to love OSM.

WikiCred 2022 Grant Cycle Overview

Ariel Cetrone (WMDC)

The WikiCredibility Grants Initiative (WikiCred), a project of Hacks/Hackers, is pleased to announce the launch of its 2022-2023 grant cycle. Applicants are invited to submit proposals seeking funding for tools, projects, initiatives, or events that explore ways to improve the credibility of Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia DC is assisting with the administration of this grant program.

Applications are welcome via WikiCred’s Meta page through November 28, 2022. All are welcome to apply regardless of geographical location. Grant awards will range from $1,000 to $10,000. This year, WikiCred is particularly interested in supporting the development of Wikimedia tools, projects or initiatives that will benefit underserved communities or improve content related to timely topics such as, but not limited to, reproductive health care and election misinformation. WikiCred also welcomes applications seeking funds needed to facilitate Wiki meetups or gatherings. Sample attendees may include journalists, librarians, editors, teachers, media literacy groups or NGO’s.

Applicants should expand on the ideas, themes, and work of past WikiCred projects. In short, applicants should think about how their tools, initiatives or events can generate momentum for themes and ideas behind 2020’s slate of successfully funded WikiCred projects.

Once applications are submitted using WikiCred’s dedicated Meta page, applicants will be invited to present their ideas virtually to the grant review panel and fellow applicants. The panel, which consists of experienced and active Wikimedians, will review and score applications. Awards will be announced in December of 2022 and funds will be disbursed by May 31, 2022. During this lightning talk, Ariel Cetrone of Wikimedia DC will discuss the application process and review how new applicants can align projects with the themes of previous ones. The session will also include a Q&A for potential applicants.

WikiCred's full CFP is available on Meta. Funding for WikiCred is provided by the Wikimedia Foundation and Craig Newmark Philanthropies.

Future of North American Wikimedia affiliates

Peter B Meyer

I'll describe briefly some of the administrative aspects of running a Wikimedia affiliate, based on my experience as an officer of Wikimedia DC and consultation with others. I can list several of the North American affiliates -- chapters especially. These groups are doing a lot substantively on the projects and in partnerships with other organizations who contribute to them or benefit from them. However our affiliates per se are weak. They have far fewer employees than affiliates on other continents. Sometimes they struggle with some basic responsibilities or they wink in and out of active existence. To me this problem comes about because they are too small. Note by contrast that OpenStreetMap USA has a basic national organization that handles administration, and more staff than all US Wikimedia affiliates together.

The WMF has invited affiliates to propose larger organizations, called Hubs. A Hub might help support many small affiliates, and it might take on a larger multi-year visionary roles such as developing and supporting software, supporting Wikimedians in Residence, holding conferences, and systematically conducting training on a larger scale. A key element would be simply to apply for enough grant funding to sustain our existing user groups, chapters, and partnerships, and keep them out of financial or legal danger. Affiliates around the world have begun Hub pilot projects, generally funded by WMF grants. We can probably adopt their models to get started experimentally. To do this requires some consensus on what to try, and perhaps a grant application. Likely member/partners would include at least WMNY, WMDC, WCNA, and quite possibly many other

Among many open questions: What geographical scope do we want to try -- US-only? English North America? All North America plus Caribbean? A Hub need not be geographically exclusive, so it is not necessarily in conflict with existing affiliate partnerships organized by language or other interest (Ibericoop, Francophone alliance, Wikisource, user group, Black Lunch Table, LGBT editors, etc.) What kind of visionary elements should we include? GLAM partnerships? Software development, e.g. related to WikiCite or Commons? The lightning talk will highlight the issue and some basic facts.

5:55 pm ET Break
6:00 pm ET Closing Remarks

Announcements from OpenStreetMap US & WikConference North America

6:15pm ET to 7:00pm ET Open socializing

Use this time to socialize virtually, ask questions of speakers. The event platform will be moderated until 7:00 pm ET.

Saturday, November 12 ~ 11:30 am ET - 5 pm ET

Immediately before the official schedule, all are welcome to join:

Time Track 1

Location: Green Room

Track 2

Location: Red Room

Track 3

Location: Stage

Track 4

Location: Blue Room

11:30 am ET - 12:00 pm ET Better tagging, better bike lanes, better cities

We’ll be discussing a proposed schema for detailed tagging of bicycle lane protection. We’ll talk about how to improve the proposal and how to use it in practice. By promoting better data on bicycle ways, we won’t just help cyclists pick the safest route - we’ll help city planners across the country and the world create better cities.

Facilitator: Taylor Reich

Atlas of Surveillance: Building a crowdsource map of police technology

In this session, EFF researchers will explain some of the common surveillance technologies, then work with attendees to submit more data through our "Report Back" tool, which assigns micro research assignments to volunteers and students.

Facilitators: Dave Maass, Beryl Lipton and Paul Tepper

Tool Time!

Demos + Q&A for software including:

Monitoring the features you care about with OSMCha

Wille Marcel

OSM mappers always wished the possibility to find changesets that affect a certain type of feature. For example, a user would like to know all the changesets that created, changed or deleted restaurants in New York or a company could be interested in monitoring changes to the railway network in India. In partnership with Wikimedia Italia, Development Seed implemented that feature in OSMCha, one of the main OpenStreetMap validation tools. In this talk, we will show how Wikimedia and OSM contributors can benefit of this new OSMCha resource.

Mikro: Sustainable Approach to Community Mapping

Chad Blevins

Local communities have first hand knowledge of the places they live but may not have resources to regularly contribute to OSM. Mapping requires expensive hardware, reliable internet, and free time. Not everyone has access to these resources for mapping, or could scale their existing mapping campaign with better tools. Kaart is currently developing Mikro, a micropayment system that allows OSM mappers to get paid for their contributions compensating users for work that isn’t always fun but necessary for making great maps. Mikro is the tool local mappers need to sustain and scale their work.

Working with Daylight Open Data on AWS

Mike Jeffe & Jennings Anderson

Daylight Map is a distribution of OSM data that has undergone a series of quality and consistency checks to create a no-cost, stable, and simple-to-use street-scale global map. Updated with the latest changes from OSM each month, The Daylight Map Distribution is available at no cost on the Registry of Open Data on AWS. This talk will provide an overview of the Open Data repository on AWS including a quick demonstration on how anyone can begin working with Daylight today.

Transforming Visual Data into Meaningful Maps with RoadBotics by Michelin

Sam Stephan, Lisa McCune-Noll

At RoadBotics by Michelin, we create AI-powered maps that help those involved in infrastructure maintenance make objective decisions. In this talk, RoadBotics by Michelin Cartographer, Lisa McCune-Noll, will provide an overview of our applications of OpenStreetMap, including generating blueprints, identifying data collection routes, and creating custom maps for tracking project progress. Then, she’ll cover how we integrate other technologies, like artificial intelligence, with OSM data to transform images and videos into meaningful maps for governments and civil engineering firms worldwide.

US Mapillary Missions United States Edition

Albert Gonzalo Bautista

This talk centers on the introduction of the brand new launch of the  Mapillary Mission Challenge United States Edition. Join this talk to learn about this challenge and how you can join and  understand the motivations behind the Mapillary missions project .This challenge encourages you to collect imagery in mission areas, earn prizes, and compete on the leaderboard.   This Challenge utilizes Mapillary Missions, a new feature that helps you to collect imagery in fast-changing areas.Earn prizes by completing Mapillary Missions in select cities in the United States for the Month of November.  

Making street-level imagery available as open data with Mapillary

Albert Gonzalo Bautista

Mapillary is a collaborative platform for street-level images that makes it easy to collect, view, and share street-level imagery. Street-level imagery provides a multitude of real world use cases even more so when it is available as open data.

This talk will specifically focus on the following:

  • How to capture street-level imagery using any device.
  • How to upload street-level imagery to Mapillary via various methods.
  • How to utilize map features generated automatically by Mapillary using computer vision.
  • Integrating Mapillary imagery with ArcGIS
  • Applications of Mapillary across agencies

OSM-Seed for packaging the key tools from OSM ecosystem

Ruben Lopez Mendoza

OSM Seed makes this easier by packaging the key tools in the OSM ecosystem, and allowing you to deploy an OSM system with a few Docker or Kubernetes commands. Having OSM software in our platform or server, could allow us to use all editing , export and processing tools for our data.

Wikimedia Indiana: A New User Group Rooted in Cultural Heritage

Wikimedians in Indiana would like to use the occasion of WCNA to announce the formation of a new prospective user group, Wikimedia Indiana—currently being reviewed by the Affiliations Committee for affiliate status. This new group, led by several longtime Wikipedians active in the GLAM space, has been kickstarted by work centered on IUPUI University Library in Indianapolis and its many community partners. We are a small group, but we have already held several events and training in the past few months and would like to share our successes and invite others to collaborate. In 2022, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis received a grant from the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) Library Fund to increase public participation in Indiana’s history and cultural heritage by implementing two inter-related projects: 1.) contributing images to Wikimedia Commons from Indiana cultural heritage sites that take part in the Indiana Memory Project and 2.) fostering a community of Wikipedia contributors in Indiana with a campaign of public programs, training, and other outreach. Launched in June, the project has already resulted in over 10,000 uploads to Wikimedia Commons from 3 Indiana cultural institutions, 2 editathons (with 2 more scheduled on Nov. 1), 6 successful DYKs, and staff training at multiple local cultural institutions. With this core, funded project in motion, Wikimedians are invigorating a new community in Indiana with the hope that it can sustain activity and grow beyond the university library. During this presentation, we will discuss the Wikimedia community in Indiana, the state of the IUPUI project, the grant process, and advice from the team on starting new initiatives in areas of the country without much activity. The proposed session will also look to the project's future and discuss how the rest of the Wikimedia community, anywhere in North America, can help the effort.

Facilitators: Dominic Byrd-McDevitt, Jere Odell, Jamie Flood

12:00 pm ET - 1:00 pm ET View it! tool: utilizing Structured Data on Commons for image discovery

View it! is a user script and Toolforge-hosted media search tool to show Wikimedia users (editors and readers) Wikimedia Commons depicting– or otherwise related to– the article they are viewing. View it! helps editors easily find and add relevant items to a given Wikimedia page and can be used across all Wikimedia projects and language versions. The tool allows users access to the full catalog of relevant, tagged images on Wikimedia Commons vs the finite, highly curated images you may find on a Wikipedia article or Wikidata item.  

View it! has refined its search capabilities and now offers a standard and advanced search option. The team will walk attendees through View it!’s capabilities and structured data usage and discuss the user interface’s final manifestation. We will show how results have changed throughout the development process and discuss ways View it! has been found helpful by early adopters. View it! is currently available for installation, and we will discuss our efforts for language localization—and invite participants to install and provide feedback for the team.

1:00 pm ET - 1:45 pm ET Tagging Party

Come with examples of things you aren’t sure about how to tag in OpenStreetMap. Try to stump us with the gnarliest edge cases and most blatant gaps in our tagging system that you can think of. The rest of us will try our best to suggest a tag – or five. Afterwards, we’ll put together a list of what we’re stumped on and post it to a wider forum for ideas.

Facilitator: Minh Nguyễn

Wikimedia sued the National Security Agency for mass surveillance. Now what?

The US government engages in surveillance on a massive scale, including the communications of journalists, researchers, dissidents, artists, and human rights activists. Because Wikimedia projects are borderless and interconnected, US surveillance programs impact the projects. Mass surveillance impedes engagement with the projects and hinders our mission of sharing the sum of all human knowledge. The Foundation sued the National Security Agency, attempting to end one of these programs. We will also advocate in the US federal legislature to make meaningful changes to mass surveillance. We will discuss these effort and will be joined by experts from the American Civil Liberties Union and the Knight Foundation for the discussion.

Presenter: Kate Ruane

100 Caribbean Leaders on Wikidata: Launching WikiCari's newest project

Caribbean leaders (including public servants, activists, labour leaders, and scientists) are under-represented on Wikidata and Wikipedia. Join Wikimedians of the Caribbean as we launch a project to add new Wikidata items for 100 Caribbean leaders as the first step in a new project to add 10,000 Caribbean people to Wikidata. The presentation will consist of a panel discussion featuring Sherry Antoine, Ian Ramjohn of WikiCari together with invited guests.

We will discuss the current level of (under)representation of Caribbean people on Wikidata, and the importance of representation as a crucial knowledge equity goal.

Presenters: Ian Ramjohn, Sherry Antoine

OSM Education Birds of a feather

Listen to presentations from two educators, Jamie Dickinson & Celeste Reynolds on using OpenStreetMap in the Classroom, followed by a discussion for those sharing an interest in open mapping in education. The discussion is open but should focus on what the project needs to do to identify and remove obstacles to adoption by a broader community of educators in a broader variety of institutions. This could include new tools, tactics, and techniques to assist uptake by students of all stripes.

Facilitator: Steven Johnson (TeachOSM)

1:45 pm ET - 2:30 pm ET Reclaiming the right to privacy with grassroots tactics

We are proposing a panel discussion followed by Q&A.The US government engages in surveillance on a massive scale, including the communications of Wikimedians. Although the Foundation has sued the National Security Agency, lawsuits and advocacy in the federal legislature are not enough to make meaningful changes to mass surveillance. In the past few years, grassroots organizing campaigns across the country have found creative ways to ensure that local communities can make demands that are heard so that they do not have to live under constant watch. This panel of activists and organizers will share their experiences and tips so that Wikimedians can fight for their right to privacy.

Panelists will include:

* WMF: Franziska Putz

* Micah Epstein, Coveillance

* Lia Holland, Fight for the Future

* TBC, member of ACLU or AmnestyTech

Moderator: Franziska Putz

Automatic citations in Wikipedia: how they work and how to fix them

References are one of Wikipedia's main pillars. However, inserting citations may be tedious. Fortunately, Wikipedia's visual editor includes a tool, Citoid, that generates citations automatically given a URL or other unique identifier. But this tool doesn’t work as expected all of the time. How often does this happen and why? Can we do something to fix it? For the last year at the Web2Cit project we worked to answer these questions. In this presentation we will first show how automatic citations in Wikipedia work and why they may fail. Then, we will present our research results showing how often this happens and where. Next, we will discuss how the project was conducted in as close cooperation as possible with the communities whose needs we were trying to address. And finally we will introduce the tools we developed and how they may be used to collaboratively improve automatic citations in Wikipedia.

Presenters: Diego de la Hera, Evelin Heidel (WMUY), Gimena Del Río Riande (CONICET), Nidia Hernández (CONICET), Romina De León (CONICET), Dennis Tobar (WMCL)

2:30 pm ET - 3:15 pm ET Catskill Park, NY forest landcover mapathon

Catskill Park is a popular tourist destination for people in New York State, and some OSMers have been there, it would be nice to make the map look better than what's on a trail map! There's already an OSM Tasking Manager task of it, which I will share during the session.

Facilitator: Attila Kun

Digital platforms as repositories of shared knowledge about conflict

During this session, we aim to discuss the impact of technology on collective memory and to explore how open source platforms are increasingly becoming the dominant way to remember past atrocities. Similarly, this session is intended to broaden our understanding of how platforms such as Wikipedia can ensure that what happened in the past is not forgotten and become a primary vehicle for collective memory.

Facilitator: Valentina Vera-Quiroz

How Wiki Education supports 12,000 new editors a year

In this panel, three Wiki Education staff (Senior Program Manager, Wikipedia Student Program Helaine Blumenthal, Senior Wikipedia Expert Ian Ramjohn, and Chief Programs Officer LiAnna Davis) will explain how we successfully bring 12,000 new editors to the English Wikipedia each year through our Wikipedia Student Program. We'll cover:

* How do we find new instructors to join the program, particularly those who teach in diverse subject areas or at diverse institutions, to promote our movement strategy of knowledge equity?

* How do we communicate with the thousands of instructors who have now taught with Wikipedia, and who we want to encourage to participate in the program again? What technical tools do we use?

* What tools do we use to get instructors who've never edited Wikipedia up to speed on how to teach with Wikipedia?

* How do we provide Wikipedia training for that many students using technical tools?

* How can we possibly track what that many new editors are doing at once?!

* Why do we use paid staff and not volunteers for our work?

* How do we evaluate the quality of the work students add to Wikipedia?

* What are some examples of the types of content student editors add to Wikipedia through our Wikipedia Student Program?

* How do we encourage courses that added great content to participate again?

* And some open time for audience questions!

We'll focus on how we've scaled up our impact, from supporting 200 students initially to routinely supporting 12,000 student editors and growing. People who attend this session can expect to learn how Wiki Education harnesses the power of technical tools like the Dashboard, Salesforce, and Pardot to scale the impact of our program. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and learn more about how Wiki Education works!

Facilitators: LiAnna Davis, Helaine Blumenthal, Ian Ramjohn

Wiki99 and the global canon

"Wiki99 as the canon for global discourse presents

*Wiki99, a project to encourage Wikipedia translation

*Module:Wiki99, the tool which supports the project

*the concept of the global canon, which Wiki99 produces

Wiki99 identifies the 99 most important topics for a broad subject and stages those topics so that humans and Wikimedia tools can more easily review and development them can more easily develop them. A consequence of this project is the establishment of a global canon of essential information which everyone in a field, regardless of geography, culture, or language, must know.

After briefly presenting the technology, we discuss the social and ethical issues which arise from the establishment of canonical lists. Keeping with the theme of the conference, we propose the establishment of Wiki99 projects as a way to invoke [[:meta:Cunningham's Law]] to recruit open knowledge allies to correct the global canonical lists.

To ensure that everyone in the world has access to basic information on LGBT studies, Wiki99/LGBT+ asserts that 3 of the 99 essential topics to translate are ""[[w:LGBT|LGBT]]"", ""[[w:sexual orientation|sexual orientation]]"", and ""[[w:same-sex marriage|same-sex marriage]]"".]]"

Facilitator: Lane Rasberry

Queering Wikipedia 2022 (Saturday) slides.pdf
3:15 pm ET - 4:00 pm ET Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap

I describe an editing tool for adding links from OpenStreetMap objects to the corresponding Wikidata items.

Mappers use the tool by searching for a place they are familiar with. The software downloads the details of Wikidata items within the bounds of the place and find matching objects in OpenStreetMap. The matcher compares places based on names, addresses and the type of object.

The user is presented with a list of candidate matches, next to a map showing the matches. After the checks the matches are correct and then clicks a button to save the appropriate wikidata tags to OpenStreetMap.

In the talk I will give details of a new version of the editing tool.

Presenter: Edward Betts

Tools for linking Wikidata and OpenStreetMap - WCNA 2022.pdf
Wikifunctions - a new Wikimedia project

Wikifunctions is a new Wikimedia project we are working on with the goal of allowing a community to create and maintain a library of functions. The main goal of Wikifunctions is to support the creation of Abstract Wikipedia, a Wikipedia where the content is created and maintained only once, but can be read in any of the more than 300 languages Wikipedia supports, and can be edited in any of those languages. But Wikifunctions explicitly aims for a wider goal: to provide a library of functions for many different use cases.

Functions answer questions. And as such, functions are an integral part of knowledge for a modern world. Besides the functions necessary to support the goals of Abstract Wikipedia, i.e. functions which allow for natural language generation, we envision also to support functions for other domains. Maps and geographical data provide a rich environment for the application of functions. We will be able to use functions in order to ensure constraints on the geographical data in Wikidata or in projects such as OpenStreetMaps, or to use the data in novel ways and thus also to encourage the creation of more data. Wikidata has still large gaps regarding for example historical maps of former countries, distribution maps of species, or for describing the geographical extension of climates or ecosystems.

In this talk we will present Wikifunctions, the current state of the project, and the plans regarding Abstract Wikipedia. We will also present some possibilities regarding how geodata can be used and leveraged with Wikifunctions, in order to start a conversation with the community, collect ideas and to see how interesting certain use cases might be.

More information about Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia can be found here:

Previous presentations and articles about the project can be found here:,_press,_and_videos

Facilitator: Denny Vrandečić

WW, WWWWW (Wikiproject Witches, Who, What, When, Where, Why) & A Woman of the Century

This double session will include the talks:

  • Wikiproject Witches is a coordinated campaign on Meta, associated with various sister projects including Wikipedia (in multiple languages), Wikidata, and Wikimedia Commons. While a lot of work has been done (in some language Wikipedias; on some items in Wikidata), I envision an expansion of the scope and this session is meant to address that. While most of the work done so far addresses historical people and events (15th, 16th, 17th and 19th century), witchcraft is common in the present-day, too. By promoting the scope of this project to more wiki language communities, as well as to academics (e.g., via WikiEdu) and other experts in the field (e.g., via 1000 Women in Religion), we can address additional gaps associated with Witches. I've been following the work for about a year, and addressed scope expansion at the Wikimedia Summit (Berlin, September 2022) and it was positively received, including by editors from other language communities not currently associated with the project. If this session is accepted, I will invite the editors who co-founded the project, those that have expressed interest in joining, as well as experts in the field to a panel discussion. See also: * *
  • According to Wikipedia, ''A Woman of the Century: Fourteen Hundred Seventy Biographical Sketches, Accompanied by Portraits of Leading American Women, in all Walks of Life'' (1893) is a compendium of biographical sketches of American women born in the 19th-century. For years, editors have worked on various components (creating Wikipedia articles; uploading the women's images to Wikimedia Commons; adding Property:P1343 to the Wikidata item) associated with the entries in this book, but there is no coordinated "project" across sister projects (WikiSource, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikipedia). As I've created many of these women's biographies on EN-WP, I've come to see a need for coordination to fill gaps. In my session, 'll articulate the state of "A Woman of the Century" in each sister project, and then make a call to action for coordination. Some useful links: * * * *

Presenter/Facilitator: Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight

4:00 pm ET - 5:00 pm ET Wikidata's tenth birthday

Help celebrate the occasion of Wikidata turning 10 years old as of the end of October 2022.

Facilitator: Andrew Lih

The session will quickly describe Wikidata's history and how the birthday has been celebrated around the world.

Then a panel of discussants will discuss the impact of Wikidata in the last decade and what's to come.

The Wikidata/OSM semantic Bridge
  • Phoebe Ayers, MIT Libraries
  • Andrew Lih, Smithsonian Institution Wikimedian at Large
  • Minh Nguyen, OpenStreetMap USA board member and Wikimedian
  • Denny Vrandečić, creator of Wikidata and Abstract Wikipedia
  • Richard Welty, Open Historical Map

Facilitator: Andrew Lih

Sunday, November 13 ~ 1:00 pm ET - 5:30 pm ET

WCNA 2022 will continue their programming on Sunday, November 13. See program for Sunday here.


This will be an online event hosted on HopIn. Learn more about the Hopin platform here.

In-Person Events

Hosting a gathering in your area during the conference? Please share the details here!

In-Person Gatherings
Event Name Location Date Details Organizer
WikiConference North America 2022

Local Meetup in Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IUPUI Library See wiki page for more details! Indiana Wikimedians User Group
WikiConference North America in New York City BPL Central Library, Brooklyn, NY Details on Wikipedia Wikimedia New York City
WikiConference North America 2022

Local Meetup in Washington, DC

Washington DC Friday, November 11, 2022, 11:30 - 7pm

Possibly dinner on Sunday, November 13 too.

Details on Wikipedia Washington DC-area chapter (Wikimedia DC)

OpenStreetMap US is seeking sponsors to help keep our online events free. Is your company interested? Email us at to learn more.

Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct exists to support a healthy and sustainable community where diversity and inclusion can thrive. Towards that end, Mapping USA + WikiConference North America is governed by a Safe Space Policy, acting as a guide to make it easier to enrich all of us and the community in which we participate. Read the Safe Space Policy here.

OpenStreetMap US is committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of level of experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical abilities, neurodiversity, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, national origin, and socio-economic background.

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