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  • Topics of slow event (in Japanese)
  • Researches (in Japanese)
  • SHINGEN-Kun (in Japanese)
  • SHINGEN-Chan (in Japanese)
  • 3-D Hypocenter Distribution using VRML Technology
  • 3-D Hypocenter Distribution
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  • NIED Hi-net
    High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Japan
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  • What is "AQUA" System?
    (in Japanese)
  • Catalog of Focal Mechanism
  • Hi-net Hypocenter Maps
  • Max. Amplitude Distribution Maps
    (in Japanese)
  • Backnumber of Recent Large Earthquake
    (in Japanese)
  • Continuous Waveform Images
  • 100-trace Continuous Waveform Images
  • Earthquake Info rmation at the Kanto-Tokai district, Japan
  • Teleseismic Waveform
  • NIED Hi-net
    High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Japan
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  • NIED Hi-net
    High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Japan
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  • NIED Hi-net
    High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Japan
  • For Registered Users
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  • Continuous waveform data download
  • Download site for longer-time data or data before March 2004
  • Event waveform data download
  • Preliminary Catalog by the Hi-net Automatic System
  • JMA Unified Hypocenter Catalogs
  • Epicentral distribution of deep low-frequency tremor in southwest Japan
  • Catalog Download
  • Azimuth information of the Hi-net borehole sensors (in Japanese)
  • Borehole Sensors Maintenance History
  • Response of Observation Equipments
  • Hi-net WIN Channels Table
  • Reporting the Research Result
  • Manual / Tools
  • NIED Hi-net
    High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Japan
    ▌Seismograph Network How to see the continuous waveform images
    ▌Search Region
    ▌Date and Time (JST) Year Month Day Hour  

    Policies  |  ▶How to use the data  |  ▶Contact us  |  ▶Web site for mobile phones (in Japanese)

    We, NIED, do not deliver any e-mails of immediate seismic information obtained by the AQUA system.
    In addition, please understand that we prohibit the redistribution of the seismic data. For more information, please read How to use the Hi-net data and FAQ.

    High Sensitivity Seismograph Network Laboratory, Network Center for Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcano,
    National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience.
    3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, 305-0006, JAPAN
    Copyright © National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, All rights Reserved.