Home > 2015 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes > Mental Disorders 290-319 > Other Psychoses 295-299 > Episodic mood disorders 296-
Non-specific code 2015 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 296.3 
Major depressive disorder recurrent episode
Non-Billable Code

There are 7 ICD-9-CM codes below 296.3 that define this diagnosis in greater detail. Do not use this code on a reimbursement claim.

296.3 Excludes 
circular type, if previous attack was of manic type (296.5)
depression NOS (311)
reactive depression (neurotic) (300.4)
psychotic (298.0)
Applies To
Any condition classifiable to 296.2, stated to be recurrent
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to 296.3:
Climacteric (see also Menopause) 627.2
disease 627.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
Depression 311
acute (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
agitated (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
autogenous (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
endogenous (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
involutional, climacteric, or menopausal (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
major 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
monopolar (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
psychotic (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
reactive 298.0
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
recurrent 296.3
Disorder - see also Disease
depressive NEC 311
atypical 296.82
major (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
major depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
Hypothymergasia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
Involution, involutional - see also condition
depression (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
Manic-depressive insanity, psychosis, reaction, or syndrome (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
depressed (type), depressive 296.2
atypical 296.82
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
Melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.90
climacteric 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
intermittent 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
involutional 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
menopausal 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
recurrent 296.3
stuporous 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
Menopause, menopausal (symptoms) (syndrome) 627.2
depression (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
agitated 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
psychotic 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
melancholia (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
Psychosis 298.9
affective (see also Disorder, mood) 296.90
drug-induced 292.84
due to or associated with physical condition 293.9
involutional 293.83
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
manic-depressive 296.80
circular (alternating) 296.7
currently depressed 296.5
currently manic 296.4
depressed type 296.2
atypical 296.82
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2 manic 296.0
atypical 296.81
recurrent episode 296.1
single episode 296.0 mixed type NEC 296.89
specified type NEC 296.89
senile 290.21
specified type NEC 296.99 depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
atypical 296.82
involutional 296.2
with hypomania (bipolar II) 296.89
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
psychogenic 298.0
reactive (emotional stress) (psychological trauma) 298.0
recurrent episode 296.3
with hypomania (bipolar II) 296.89
single episode 296.2
involutional 298.8
depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
melancholic 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
paranoid state 297.2
paraphrenia 297.2
manic-depressive 296.80
circular 296.7
depressed 296.5
manic 296.4
mixed 296.6
depressive 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
with hypomania (bipolar II) 296.89
single episode 296.2
hypomanic 296.0
recurrent episode 296.1
single episode 296.0
manic 296.0
atypical 296.81
recurrent episode 296.1
single episode 296.0
mixed NEC 296.89
perplexed 296.89
stuporous 296.89
melancholia 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
depressive 300.4
acute 309.0
affective (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
brief 309.0
manic (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
neurotic 300.4
psychoneurotic 300.4
psychotic 298.0
manic-depressive (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.80
depressed 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
hypomanic 296.0
psychotic (see also Psychosis) 298.9
depressive 298.0
due to or associated with physical condition (see also Psychosis, organic) 293.9
involutional (see also Psychosis, affective) 296.2
recurrent episode 296.3
single episode 296.2
ICD-9-CM codes are used in medical billing and coding to describe diseases, injuries, symptoms and conditions. ICD-9-CM 296.3 is one of thousands of ICD-9-CM codes used in healthcare. Although ICD-9-CM and CPT codes are largely numeric, they differ in that CPT codes describe medical procedures and services. Can't find a code? Start at the root of ICD-9-CM, check the 2015 ICD-9-CM Index or use the search engine at the top of this page to lookup any code.

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