
GNU Screenバージョン4.2がリリースされました

2014417 GNU Screen  4.2 

[screen-devel] GNU Screen v.4.2.0
Hello everyone,

it is my pleasure to announce release of GNU Screen v.4.2.0

available at http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/screen/
(I will also upload to ftp.gnu.org as soon as my access is authorized)

Many are probably using it due to their distributions packaging
development versions, so they know at least some of changes.
Short list of them:
 * layouts
 * window groups
 * better mouse support
 * vertical split
 * new and expanded commands

For full list of changes please check Changelog.

Please note that due to some changes it may be not possible to attach
to sessions created with older binaries.

With this I also plan to put v.4 into maintenance mode and start
developing v.5 with cleaned up source code, new features (some already
in development tree, currently outside of official repository):
 * 256 color hardstatus
 * truecolor
 * firstline hardstatus
 * top line caption
 and more

Amadeusz Sławiński

使 4.1  4.2 


GNU Screen - 

GNU Screenlayout使 - 

GNU Screen使 - 

GNU Screen - 

GNU Screen - 

GNU Screen Watch: January 2011 - April 2013 -  %E 

 4.2  screen-v4  openSUSE 

2014-04-16 3599ae2 prepare for v.4.2.0

2014-04-18 14f23ca incompatible protocol

2014-04-18 4402024 fix screen to run on terminals with long $TERM

2014-04-18 937fcec test more libraries for tgetent

2014-04-18 5b2ba5b Fix bug when building without nethack commands

2014-04-18 049a3bf do proper checks if we are on altscreen or not

Debian  experimental  4.2 

Accepted screen 4.2.0-1 (source i386)

 Amadeusz  screen  GitHub 5 Upstream 


2014-01-15-161848_1366x768_scrot.png (1366×768)

hardstatus  256 1 caption 24bit 

1 d94037c  "Support non-BMP utf8 characters" Sixel  DRCS 

Vim(DRCSSIXEL) - Qiita

Sixel Graphics - Togetter


home-commands/qrcode-aa at master · fumiyas/home-commands

ssh - blog


Soft Character Set (DRCS) - Togetter


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