Commons:Valued image scope

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    Valued Image Scope

    What would be a suitable scope for this image?

    By nominating an image for VI status you are stating that, in your view, the image is more valuable than any other on Commons within the generic scope you have specified.

    Note that scope is not a simple description of your image. Rather, it defines a generic field or category within which your image is the most valuable example.

    How to choose your scope


    Think of scope as being akin to a Commons Category, or to the generic title of a Gallery page. If you wish, you can make use of an existing category - or alternatively write your own scope.

    There should be something visible in the nominated image which links it specifically in some way with the chosen scope. So for example "storm clouds over London" would not be acceptable unless there were buildings or other features visible which could distinguish it from, say, "storm clouds over Sydney" or "storm clouds over Tokyo". The image should also be reasonably characteristic of the typical range of subjects falling within the claimed scope. For example, the image File:Sphinx2 July 2006.jpg would not be appropriate as a VI nomination within the scope "cats" as it is extremely atypical of the normal range of animals falling within that scope. That would be the case even if that image happened to be technically the best of all cat images on Commons.

    Not too narrow...


    Your chosen scope must be broad enough to be realistically useful to somebody who wishes to search the VI repository. For example, a suitable scope for the image on the right could be "mouldy fruit", "mouldy nectarines" or something similar (or you could use the US spelling "moldy"). Both expressions define generic fields or categories that someone might realistically be looking for an image to illustrate.

    On the other hand "some mouldy nectarines in a fruit bowl" would not be acceptable: it is too narrow, and is more a description of the image than a generic field or category. It is unlikely that anyone would want to use that phrase as the basis of an image search. There is no point in mentioning the bowl at all, as that merely serves to limit the scope to a peripheral feature which is really not part of the generic concept illustrated by the image.

    Remember: The more elements you mention in your wording, the narrower the scope will be.

    ...and not too broad....


    A scope that is overly broad may not be capable of objective review. For example, nominating a really valuable photograph of a lemon within the scope "fruit" is likely to be unacceptable. It is easy to imagine other reviewers claiming that a nice image of a banana would be more valuable to them, and there is really no objective way of deciding between those two entirely personal points of view.

    ...but just right.


    You need to strike a balance between too narrow a scope (the nomination may be rejected on that basis) and too broad a scope (the nomination runs the risk of failing because of greater competition from other images falling within the wording, or because it is too broad to be reviewed objectively).

    Examples of suitable scopes

    1. A visually distinct plant or animal species, like Abludomelita obtusata;
    2. A visually distinct type or significant aspect of an object, like car park ramps;
    3. A location of more than local interest, like Château Frontenac;
    4. An historic or rare event, like ejection from a jet fighter;
    5. A portrait of a notable person, like Juan Carlos I of Spain;
    6. A diagram of a process or an object, like flight control surfaces;
    7. A map of a certain region/location.

    Concurrent and overlapping scopes


    There can be no more than one VI for each distinct scope. An image cannot be nominated with several different scopes within the same nomination. However there is no objection to a single image being nominated several times, each time for some distinct scope.

    Scope spamming is, however, discouraged. For example, in the following series of scopes: "Lemon", "Ripe lemon", "Lemons from Brazil", "Uncut lemon", "Lemon depicted on a neutral background", "Photograph of a lemon", only "Lemon" makes sense as a scope. There should be a certain minimum difference between scopes.

    Different types of maps for the same region (historical, geological, topographical, ethnographical etc.) could be allowable within different scopes.

    For animal and plant images, there can be more than one VI of each species as long as each demonstrates different and significant aspects of the species. Examples: This photo of a male frog and this photo of two frogs mating show different aspects of the well known Common Frog. A scope directed to a head and body view of an animal may also be considered distinct from a scope covering the full animal since these show different and significant aspects of the species. Of course, in each of the different views have to be considered valuable in their own right for Wikimedia projects.

    Not all unique species photographs are sufficiently valuable to become VI. For instance there are more than 5,000 known species of Ladybird, the Coccinellidae family of beetles. Several species may look so similar that it is impossible to identify the species based on a photograph alone. This is where a scope directed to some higher taxa, e.g. genus, may be more valuable.


    You are encouraged to add relevant links in the scope, in the following way:


    In the future, scopes should be internationalized, embedding links in different languages. In the meantime, please limit cross-project links to the English Wikipedia.

    Domain-specific scope guidelines


    Depending on the subject, there are specific guidelines on how to formulate the scope and whether a scope is acceptable.







    Works of art


    Natural sites


    Valued Image Set scopes


    The scope of a Valued Image Set (VIS) nomination should support the principle that the set, when taken as a whole, has significantly more value than a collection of individual images. There should be some useful overarching concept that binds the images together.

    Examples of suitable VIS scopes

    1. A process, such as for example: a volcano erupting, ageing, building a bridge, baking a cake, before-and-after images, stages in pregnancy.
    2. Different types or aspects of an object, such as for example: macro shots of all the various different parts of an insect, all types of stringed instrument, all coins and banknotes of a particular country (copyright permitting).
    3. A unified collection of works of art, like the set of all illustrations printed in a certain edition of a book, provided they consistute a work notable enough (see above).

    Where the set aims to illustrate different objects that by their nature are finite in number, complete sets are preferred to incomplete. Thus, the scope "coins and banknotes of x" may be rejected if only a small selection is shown. The scope "paintings by the artist Y" may be acceptable if all known paintings are included, but may be rejected if the set includes only a random selection, for example only those that the photographer had easy access to, or only those held in a particular gallery. Such incomplete sets may often be valuable in their own right, but may fail the principle that the set, when taken as a whole, must be significantly more valuable than a collection of individual images.

    See also: Commons:Valued image criteria

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