



Hi, I'm from Porto Alegre, and my fivorite team is the Grêmio, and I have brand news for us. I don't know japanese, but someone can translate for this article.

In 2004 Grêmio down for the second division of Brazil. And in 2005 do a brilhant championship and up for the first division. And, do a incrible fact: Won the final game, against everybody, 4 expulsions, 2 penaltis against. And make a goal to the 61 minutes of second time (or 106 minutes of the game). Won the game for 0 x 1, because the game was outside of home.

U can se the video of this battle in: http://www.4proxy.com/index.php?q=aHR0cDovL3lvdXR1YmUuY29tL3dhdGNoP3Y9MGlSTnUtZ0dSeWM%3D

Tricolores Greetings!--以上の署名のないコメントは、会話/Whois)さんが 2006年12月6日 (水) 16:46 に投稿したものです(Ohtani tanya会話)による付記)。

報告 節タイトルと署名付記を行いました。--Ohtani tanya会話2012年4月20日 (金) 21:55 (UTC)[返信]


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