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 (: Treaty of Falaise) 11741212








  1. ^ The Struggle for Mastery page 226: By the Treaty of Falaise in 1174 William was released, but in return for acknowledging that his kingdom was henceforth a fief held from the king of England. Henry was also to receive homage and fealty from the earls and barons and other men of "the land of the king". All of this was to be guaranteed though the surrender by King William of the castles of Roxburgh, Berwick, Jedburgh, Edinburgh, and Sterling.
  2. ^ Andrew Lang, A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation, 1900. p. 113.
  3. ^ David Carpenter, The Struggle for Mastery, 2003. p. 230.
  4. ^ The Struggle for Mastery: With Richard in a hurry, a bargain was quickly struck. William gave £6,666 to recover the castles of Berwick and Roxburgh and free his realm from the subjection to England imposed in 1174.