

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
Jacques-Marie-Émile Lacan
生誕 (1901-04-13) 1901年4月13日
フランスの旗 フランス共和国パリ
死没 (1981-09-09) 1981年9月9日(80歳没)
フランスの旗 フランス共和国パリ
時代 20世紀の哲学
地域 西洋哲学
学派 大陸哲学精神分析学構造主義及びポスト構造主義
研究分野 精神分析学認識論セクシャリティの哲学倫理学
主な概念 鏡像段階 (Mirror Stage現実界・象徴界・想像界、欲望のグラフ、父の名大文字の他者、対象a、S(Ⱥ)、「性関係は存在しないil n'y a pas de rapport sexuel 」、享楽、「女Lⱥ Femme」、「大他者の大他者は無いil n'y a pas d'Autre de l'Autre」、「メタ言語は無いil n'y a pas de métalangage」、「象徴界は言語であるLe Symbolique, c'est le langage」など多数

Jacques-Marie-Émile Lacan1901413 - 198199

:École de la Cause freudienne

:Le retour à Freud
















稿稿2001Autres Écrits





:Association Lacanienne Internationale

JD:Les Séminaires Psychanalytiques de Paris

:Association Mondiale de la Psychanalyse

:International Psychanalytical Association

:New Lacanian School




:stade du miroir姿:signe618

:unité corporelle:corps morcelé


現実界・象徴界・想像界 (RSI)

: Réel symbolique imaginaireR.S.I.







 - :langage - 



:le Réel:l'symboliqueAB








L:schéma LSAa'a


das Ding








  1. Les Ecrits techniques de Freud 1953-1954 (『フロイトの技法論(上・下)』 小出浩之笠原嘉小川豊昭小川周二共訳 岩波書店, 1991年
  2. Le Moi dans la theorie de Freud et dans la technique de la psychanalyse 1954-1955 (『フロイト理論と精神分析技法における自我(上・下)』 小出浩之、鈴木國文、南淳二、小川豊昭共訳 岩波書店, 1998年
  3. Les psychoses 1955-1956 (『精神病(上・下)』 小出浩之、鈴木國文川津芳照、笠原嘉共訳 岩波書店, 1987年)
  4. La relation d'objet 1956-1957 (『対象関係(上・下)』 小出浩之、鈴木國文、菅原誠一共訳 岩波書店, 2006年
  5. Les formations de l'inconscient 1957-1958 (『無意識の形成物(上・下)』 佐々木孝次、原和之川崎惣一共訳 岩波書店, 2005年, 2006年
  6. Le desir et son interpretation 1958-1959
  7. L'ethique de la psychanalyse 1959-1960 (『精神分析の倫理(上・下)』 小出浩之、鈴木國文、保科正章、菅原誠一共訳 岩波書店, 2002年
  8. Le transfert 1960-1961(『転移(上・下)』 小出浩之、鈴木國文、菅原誠一共訳 岩波書店,2015年
  9. L'identification 1961-1962
  10. L'angoisse 1962-1963(『不安(上・下)』 小出浩之、鈴木國文、菅原誠一、古橋忠晃訳 岩波書店,2017年
  11. Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse 1963-1964 (『精神分析の四基本概念』 小出浩之、鈴木國文、新宮一成、小川豊昭共訳 岩波書店, 2000年
  12. Problemes cruciaux pour la psychanalyse 1964-1965、(原著未刊行)
  13. L'objet de la psychanalyse 1965-1966、(原著未刊行)
  14. La logique du fantasme 1966-1967、(原著未刊行)
  15. L'acte psychanalytique 1967-1968、(原著未刊行)
  16. D'un Autre a l'autre 1968-1969
  17. La psychanalyse a l'envers 1969-1970
  18. D'un discours qui ne serait pas du semblant 1971
  19. ...ou pire 1971-197219 Bis. Le savoir du psychanalyste 1971- 1972、(原著未刊行)
  20. Encore 1972-1973、(『アンコール』藤田博史、片山文保共訳 講談社, 2019年
  21. Les non-dupes errent 1973-1974、(原著未刊行)
  22. R.S.I. 1974-1975、(原著未刊行)
  23. Le sinthome 1975-1976
  24. L'insu que sait de l'une bevue s'aile a mourre 1976-1977、(原著未刊行)
  25. Le moment de conclure 1977-1978、(原著未刊行)
  26. La topologie et le temps 1978-1979、(原著未刊行)
  27. Dissolution 1980、(原著未刊行)



(一)^ 1[]23


  1. ^ エクリ1. 弘文堂. (1972年) 
  2. ^ インタビュー:ドゥルーズという人物について”. ヌースアカデメイアブログ. 2019年10月27日閲覧。
  3. ^ 新宮一成『ラカンの精神分析』310頁 講談社現代新書、1995年
  4. ^ 『フロイトの技法論 上』日本語版への序にかえて 7頁
  5. ^ ジャック・ラカン『精神分析の四基本概念』 斎藤環(下)”. 2014年9月28日閲覧。
  6. ^ 『フロイトの技法論 上』日本語版への序にかえて 8頁
  7. ^ 立木康介編『精神分析の名著 フロイトから土居健郎まで』282頁



  • Badiou, Alain, "The Formulas of l'Étourdit", New York: Lacanian Ink 27, Spring 2006.
  • Badiou, A. (2006年). “Lacan and the Pre-Socratics”. Lacan Dot Com. 2023年6月2日閲覧。
  • Badiou, A.; Roudinesco, E.; Smith, J.E. (2014). Jacques Lacan, Past and Present: A Dialogue. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-16511-2. https://books.google.com/books?id=bhEZBQAAQBAJ 
  • Benvenuto, B.; Kennedy, R.; Lacan, J. (1986). The Works of Jacques Lacan: An Introduction. Free Association Books. ISBN 978-0-946960-21-7. https://books.google.com/books?id=buMtAAAAYAAJ 
  • Bowie, Malcolm, Lacan, London: Fontana, 1991.
  • Bracher, Mark; Massardier-Kenney, Françoise; Alcorn, Marshall W.; Corthell, Ronald J. (1994). Lacanian theory of discourse: subject, structure, and society. New York: New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-1299-1. OCLC 30109123 
  • Dor, Joel, The Clinical Lacan, New York: Other Press, 1999.
  • Dor, Joel, Introduction to the Reading of Lacan: The Unconscious Structured Like a Language, New York, Other Press, 2001
  • Reading seminars I and II: Lacan's return to Freud: seminar I, Freud's papers on technique, seminar II, the ego in Freud's theory and in the technique of psychoanalysis. Albany: State University of New York Press. (1996). ISBN 0-7914-2780-3. OCLC 42854739 
  • Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis: the Paris seminars in English. Albany: State University of New York Press. (1995). ISBN 0-7914-2148-1. OCLC 42854927 
  • Reading Seminar XX: Lacan's major work on love, knowledge, and feminine sexuality. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. (2002). ISBN 0-7914-5432-0. OCLC 53275064 
  • Benvenuto, Sergio (2020). Conversations with Lacan: seven lectures for understanding Lacan. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-367-14879-9. OCLC 1134622118 
  • Benvenuto, Sergio, Lacan to the Letter: Reading Ecrits Closely, University of Minnesota, 2004.
  • Fink, Bruce (2014) (ドイツ語). Against understanding, vol. 1: Commentary and Critique in a Lacanian Key. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN 978-0-415-63543-1. OCLC 832706096 
  • Forrester, John, Language and the Origins of Psychoanalysis, Basingstoke and London, Macmillan, 1985.
  • Glynos, Jason and Stavrakakis, Yannis (eds) Lacan and Science. London: Karnac Books, May 2002.
  • Harari, Roberto, Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: An Introduction, New York: Other Press, 2004.
  • Harari, Roberto, Lacan's Seminar on "Anxiety": An Introduction, New York: Other Press, 2005.
  • Hendrix, John Shannon (2006). Architecture and Psychoanalysis: Peter Eisenman and Jacques Lacan. New York: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-0-820481-71-5 
  • Homer, Sean, Jacques Lacan, London, Routledge, 2005.
  • Ireland, Mardy S. (October 2004). “Phallus or penis: commentary on Cornelia St. John's paper”. Studies in Gender and Sexuality 5 (4): 459–472. doi:10.1080/15240650509349259. 
  • Johnston, Adrian, Time Driven: Metapsychology and the Splitting of the Drive, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2005.
  • Kovacevic, Filip, "Liberating Oedipus? Psychoanalysis as Critical Theory" (Landham, MD: Lexington Books, 2007)
  • Lee, Jonathan Scott, Jacques Lacan, Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 2002.
  • Mandal, Mahitosh. Jacques Lacan: From Clinic to Culture. Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan, 2018. Available here.
  • McGowan, Todd and Sheila Kunkle Eds., Lacan and Contemporary Film, New York: Other Press, 2004.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain, "Introduction to Reading Jacques Lacan's Seminar on Anxiety I", New York: Lacanian Ink 26, Fall 2005.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain, "Introduction to Reading Jacques Lacan's Seminar on Anxiety II", New York: Lacanian Ink 27, Spring 2006.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain, "Jacques Lacan's Later Teachings", New York: Spring Lacanian Ink 21, 2003.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain, "The Paradigms of Jouissance" New York, Lacanian Ink 17, Fall 2000.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain, "Suture: Elements of the Logic of the Signifier", Lacan Dot Com, The Symptom 2006.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain, "Religion, Psychoanalysis", Lacanian Ink 23, Spring 2004.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain, "Pure Psychoanalysis, Applied Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy", Lacanian Ink 20, Spring 2002.
  • Miller, Jacques-Alain (2013) (ポーランド語). Applied Lacanian psychoanalysis. Minneapolis London: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 978-0-8166-8319-2. OCLC 842322946 
  • Lacan, Jacques (1985). Feminine sexuality: Jacques Lacan and the école freudienne. Rose, Jacqueline (translator and editor). New York, London: Pantheon Books W.W. Norton. ISBN 9780393302110. https://archive.org/details/femininesexualit00laca 
  • Nasio, Juan-David, Book of Love and Pain: The Thinking at the Limit with Freud and Lacan, transl. by David Pettigrew and Francois Raffoul, Albany: SUNY Press, 2003.
  • Nasio, Juan-David, Five Lessons on the Psychoanalytic Theory of Jacques Lacan, Albany, SUNY Press, 1998.
  • Nasio, Juan-David, Hysteria: The Splendid Child of Psychoanalysis. Translated by Susan Fairfield, New York, Other Press, 1999.
  • Nobus, Dany (ed.), Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis, New York: Other Press, 1999.
  • Parker Ian, Psychology after Lacan, New York, 2005.
  • Pettigrew, David and François Raffoul (eds.), Disseminating Lacan, Albany: SUNY Press, 1996.
  • Rabaté, Jean-Michel (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Lacan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Rose, Jacqueline, Sexuality in the Field of Vision (London: Verso, 1986)
  • Roudinesco, Élisabeth, Lucien Febvre à la rencontre de Jacques Lacan, Paris 1937. with Peter Schöttler, Genèses, Année 1993, Vol.13, n°1.
  • Roudinesco, Élisabeth, and Michel Plon, Dictionnaire de la psychanalyse, Paris, Fayard, 2000.
  • Généalogies, Paris, Fayard, 1994.
  • Roudinesco, Élisabeth, "Lacan, The Plague", Psychoanalysis and History, ed. John Forrester, Teddington, Artesian Books, 2008.
  • Safouan, Moustafa, Four Lessons of Psychoanalysis, New York, Other Press, 2004.
  • Schneiderman, Stuart, Jacques Lacan: the death of an intellectual hero, Harvard University Press, 1983
  • Soler, Colette (2006). What Lacan said about women: a psychoanalytic study. New York: Other Press. ISBN 978-1-59051-170-1. OCLC 58546399 
  • Stavrakakis, Yannis, The Lacanian Left, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007.
  • Turkle, Sherry and Wandollheim, Richard, 'Lacan: an exchange', New York Review of Books, 26 (9), 1979.
  • Verhaeghe, Paul, On Being Normal and Other Disorders, New York, Other Press, 2004.
  • Wilden, Anthony, 'Jacques Lacan: A partial bibliography', Yale French Studies, 36/37, 1966, pp.  263–268.
  • Žižek, Slavoj, "Jacques Lacan's Four Discourses", Lacan Dot Com, 2008.
  • "Woman is One of the Names-of-the-Father, or how Not to misread Lacan´s formulas of sexuation", Lacan Dot Com, 2005.
  • Žižek, Slavoj, 'The object as a limit of discourse: approaches to the Lacanian real', Prose Studies, 11 (3), 1988, pp.  94–120.
  • Žižek, Slavoj, Interrogating the Real, ed. Rex Butler and Scott Stephens, London, Continuum, 2005.
  • Žižek, Slavoj, "Jacques Lacan as Reader of Hegel", New York, Lacanian Ink 27, Fall 2006.
  • Žižek, Slavoj, "How to Read Lacan (London: Granta Books, 2006)
  • Žižek, Slavoj; Salecl, Renata (eds.), Gaze and Voice as Love Objects (Durham: Durham University Press, 1996)

