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Vivian Cook
生誕 (1940-06-13) 1940年6月13日
死没 2021年12月
研究分野 第二言語習得
公式サイト Cook on the website of Newcastle University

Vivian James Cook1940613 - 202112[1]    EFL     20100 [2]   EuroSLA[3]  [4] 


EFLEFL Active Intonation 1968; [5] Realistic English BAbbsM. Underwood1968 70; [6] English Topics 1975 [7] Using Intonation 1979 [8] English for Life 19801983 [9]  19782004 

19701980elicited imitation  [10] Noam Chomsky [11] ChomskyUniversal GrammarAn Introduction 2Universal Grammar [12]  [13] [14] 

1990 [15] 211[16] 使2L2 [17] L2L2 

L2使 [18] L2 [19] 1997 [20] 2002 [21]  

 [22] [23] [24]  Jyotsna VaidBenedetta Bassetti 

 TESOL Quarterly  Canadian Modern Language Review  Language Learning  Second Language Research LanguageCulture and Curriculum 


  1. ^ “All: Vivian Cook (1940-2021)” (英語). linguistlist.org. (2021年12月15日). https://linguistlist.org/issues/32/32-3972/ 2021年12月18日閲覧。 
  2. ^ "Publications by Vivian Cook".
  3. ^ http://www.davidsingleton.net/clarion5/index.htm
  4. ^ Vivian Cook, Jyotsna Vaid, and Benedetta Bassetti. Writing Systems Research: A new journal for a developing field http://wsr.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol1/issue1/index.dtl#EDITORIAL
  5. ^ Active Intonation, Longman, 1968.
  6. ^ Realistic English, 3 volumes (with B. Abbs and M. Underwood), OUP, 1968–1970.
  7. ^ English Topics, OUP, 1975.
  8. ^ Using Intonation, Longman, 1979.
  9. ^ English for Life, 3 volumes, Pergamon, 1980–1983.
  10. ^ "Cognitive processes in second language learning", IRAL, 15:1, 73–90, 1977.
  11. ^ Chomsky's Universal Grammar: An Introduction, Blackwell’s, 1988 (3rd edition 2007, with M. Newson).
  12. ^ "Chomsky's Universal Grammar and second language learning", Applied Linguistics, 6, 1–8, 1985.
  13. ^ "Communication games with a microcomputer", World Language English, 3, 2, 1984.
  14. ^ "Natural language processing by computer and language teaching" (with D. Fass), System, 14/2, 163–170, 1986.
  15. ^ "The poverty-of-the-stimulus argument and multi-competence", Second Language Research, 7, 2, 103–117, 1991.
  16. ^ "Effects of the Second Language on the First", Multilingual Matters, 2003 (ed.)
  17. ^ Cook, V. J. (2002), "Background to the L2 user". In V. J. Cook (ed.), Portraits of the L2 User (pp. 1–28). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  18. ^ "The goals of ELT: reproducing native-speakers or promoting multi-competence among second language users?", in J. Cummins and C. Davison (eds), Handbook on English Language Teaching, Volume 2, Kluwer, 2007, 237–248.
  19. ^ "Linguistic relativity and language teaching". In V. Cook and B. Bassetti, Language and Bilingual Cognition, Psychology Press, 2010.
  20. ^ "The consequences of bilingualism for cognitive processing", in A. M. de Groot and J. F. Kroll (eds), Tutorials in Bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Perspectives, Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.
  21. ^ "Language and cognition: The second language user" (with B. Bassetti), in V. Cook and B. Bassetti (eds), Language and Bilingual Cognition, Psychology Press, 2010.
  22. ^ The English Writing System, Arnold, 2004.
  23. ^ http://www.hoddereducation.co.uk/Title/9780340808641/The_English_Writing_System.htm
  24. ^ Second Language Writing Systems (with Benedetta Bassetti), Multilingual Matters, 2005.


  • Cook, V. J.(1986). Experimental Approaches to Second Language Learning, Oxford: Pergamon, 23-37
  • Cook, V. J.(1993). Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. Basingstoke: Macmillan
  • Cook, V. J. (1997). Inside Language. London: Edward Arnold
  • Cook, V. J. (ed.) (2003). Effects of the Second Language on the First. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
  • Cook, V. J. (2004). Accomodating Brocolli in the Cemetary. London: Profile
  • Cook, V. J. (2004). The English Writing System. London: Edward Arnold
  • Cook, V. J., & Bassetti, B. (ed.) (2005). Second Language Writing Systems. Multilingual Matters
  • Cook, V. J., & Newson, M. (2007). Chomsky’s Universal Grammar: an Introduction. 3rd edition.Oxford: Blackwell
  • Cook, V. J. (2009). It’s All in a Word. London: Profile
  • Cook, V. J., & Bassetti, B. (2011). Language and Bilingual Cognition. New York: Taylor and Francis
  • Cook, V. J., & Singleton, D. (2014). Key Topics in Second Language Acquisition. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
  • Cook, V. J., & Ryan, D. (eds) (2016). The Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System. Routledge
  • Cook, V. J., & Li Wei (eds) (2016). The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Multicompetence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press