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いくつかの宗教文化においては、自己批判が生涯満足(lifetime satisfaction)のため、肯定的で不可欠な慣行であると考える。




introjective depression[7][8] [9] [10][11]





  1. ^ 自己批判』 - コトバンク
  2. ^ 完璧主義者がうつにならないためには「自分をいたわる」といい ダイヤモンドオンライン
  3. ^ a b 「共産主義黒書〈ソ連篇〉」ステファヌ・クルトワ, ニコラ・ヴェルト
  4. ^ 外山恒一青いムーブメント(2) (ファシズムへの誘惑・ブログ)
  5. ^ INC, SANKEI DIGITAL (2022年11月14日). “共産・小池書記局長に「警告処分」 「パワハラ」認め自己批判”. 産経ニュース. 2022年11月14日閲覧。
  6. ^ 正恩氏 新年演説で異例の自己批判=「能力不足」 - ウェイバックマシン(2018年1月13日アーカイブ分) - 聯合ニュース(2017年1月1日) 2017年4月21日閲覧
  7. ^ a b c d Blatt, S.J. (2008). Polarities of experience: Relatedness and self-definition in personality, development, psychopathology, and the therapeutic process. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  8. ^ a b Beck, A.T. (1983). Cognitive therapy of depression: New perspectives. In P.J. Clayton & J.E> Barrett (Eds.), Treatment of Depression: Old Controversies and New Approaches (265-290). New York: Raven Press.
  9. ^ Enns, M.W. & Cox, B.J. (1997). Personality dimensions and depression: Review and commentary. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 42(3), 274-284.
  10. ^ Clark, L.A., Watson, D., & Mineka, S. (1994). Temperament, personality, and the mood and anxiety disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 103-116. DOI: 10.1037//0021-843X.103.1.103
  11. ^ Ehret, A.M., Joormann, J., & Berking, M. (2015). Examining risk and resilience factors for depression: The role of self-criticism and self-compassion. Cognition and Emotion, 29(8), 1496-1504. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2014.992394
  12. ^ Mongrain, M. (1998). Parental representations and support-seeking behaviors related to dependency and self-criticism. Journal of Personality, 66(2), 151-173. DOI: 10.1111/1467-6494.00007 Moroz, M. & Dunkley, D.M. (2015). Self-critical perfectionism and depressive symptoms: Low self-esteem and experiential avoidance as mediators. Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 174-179. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2015.07.044
  13. ^ Mongrain, M. & Zuroff, D.C. (1995). Motivational and affective correlates of dependency and self-criticism. Personality and Individual Differences, 18(3), 347-354. DOI: 10.1016/0191-8869(94)00139-J
  14. ^ Santor, D.A., Pringle, J.D., & Israeli, A.L. (2000). Enhancing and disrupting ooperative behavior in couples: Effects of dependency and self-criticism following favorable and unfavorable performance feedback. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 24(4), 379-397. DOI: 10.1023/A:1005523602102
  15. ^ Powers, T.A. & Zuroff, D.C. (1992). A measure of overt self-criticism – Validation and correlates. Psychological Reports, 70(2), 562-562.
  16. ^ Zuroff, D.C., Sadikaj, G., Kelly, A.C., & Leybman, M.J. (2016). Conceptualizing and measuring self-criticism as both a personality trait and a personality state. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98(1), 14-21.

