
ヨーロッパに関するArtSaltのブックマーク (3)

  • Apple、iTunes Storeが東欧諸国で苦戦の可能性 - 海賊版問題などが原因か

    Apple912iTunes Store/Wall Street Journal1113() Apple92912iTunes Store西2004 AppleWSJ
    Apple、iTunes Storeが東欧諸国で苦戦の可能性 - 海賊版問題などが原因か
  • asahi.com(朝日新聞社):ロシアがNATOミサイル防衛と連携へ 双方の首脳合意 - 国際

    西206  調  19  
  • Why there's no EU Kindle: the view from a European suburb | FutureBook

    At least at first sight, there are three reasons why the development of e-book markets is much slower in continental Europe than in the USA. Firstly, there is no European Amazon. The reason for this is quite obvious: thanks to linguistic diversity, there are no online retailers that could sell and distribute all the books published in all the European languages in the same way that Amazon distribu

    ArtSalt 2010/08/09
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