
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


cssに関するFushiharaのブックマーク (2)

  • メディアクエリーについてまとめながら勉強 - web.londoner25.net

    iPhoneMedia Queries iPhone使調 Media Queries CSS3media type CSS iPhone media type CSS <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/iphone.css" media="screen" /> media
  • Lucian Marin @lucian

    🌲 Tho i started rewriting imagemagick in c++, (initially it was rust, but i got tired of fighting the borrow checker), starting from just one command - convert. so far, it can only convert png->qoi.. you can check out the code at treeshateorcs/bathory1 on github... contributions are ... eh.. idk, i think it's not mature enough for contributions, but if you spot code that smells, feel free to open

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