
photoに関するVoQnのブックマーク (78)

  • 中国版アトランティス。千島湖に沈んだ古代都市「獅城」と「賀城」が神秘的 | TABIZINE

    Palin: 'I Owe America A Global Apology' 2014-09-12 11:13:32 The Palin Family Allegedly Got Into A Messy Brawl In Alaska 2014-09-11 15:12:39 'Ray Donovan' Star, 57, Steps Out With 18-Year-Old Girlfriend 2014-09-11 12:07:39 REPORTS: Adrian Peterson Indicted In Child Injury Case, Arrest Warrant Issued 2014-09-12 17:34:10 How To Tell If You Need The New iPhone, In 1 Simple Flowchart 2014-09-12 07:37:3

    中国版アトランティス。千島湖に沈んだ古代都市「獅城」と「賀城」が神秘的 | TABIZINE
    VoQn 2014/09/16
  • これからRAW現像する人が知っておくべき、たった一つの考え方。

  • 写真を絵のようにする写真加工技術「PhotoDramatica-PRO」 - あやえも研究所

    PhotoDramatica-PRO Photoshop11 87 x 08 562 13 551410 138 16 HTML HTMLHTML
    VoQn 2014/01/15
  • 2nd写真集「kusigahama in TokyoSkyTree」@ 12/31東Y14b - いぬビーム

     2012/12/31()14b MagicMirror  @tboffice  @Omegamega 3 @hysysk ............ 
    VoQn 2012/12/24
    デザイン @hysysk なのかよ…

  • (^^;)
    VoQn 2012/12/21
    ほ、本当につらい… っていうか、これロケットでも星でもたぶん望まない相手にくっつかれうるって意味で更につらい
  • ナミビア、ナミブ・ナウクルフト国立公園で撮られた写真(絵画ではない)

    写真である事が分かってからも、未だに疑問を感じ続けているのですが、この画像は絵画ではなく、ナミビアにある「ナミブナウクルフト国立公園」の風景を撮影した写真だそうです。 参照元は、下記のNational Geographicサイト、「今日の一枚(Photo of the Day)」より。 Namib-Naukluft Park Picture - Travel Wallpaper - National Geographic Photo of the Day http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day Namibia's Coastal Parks - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine http://ngm.nationalgeogr

    VoQn 2011/08/01
  • 世界報道写真大賞、「耳と鼻をそぎ落とされたアフガン女性」に

    Bibi Ayesha182011211(c)AFP/TIME MAGAZINE /JODI BIEBER 212 AFPWorld Press Photo2010World Press Photo AwardJodi BieberBibi Ayesha11 1881Time Magazine
    VoQn 2011/02/13
  • ふんわりした毛並みのうさぎ大集合

    2011年の干支でもある、愛らしいうさぎの写真です。 野生のうさぎからペットのうさぎまで激写されていて、撫でまわしたくなるフワフワの毛並みを視覚的に堪能できるはず。 うさぎの写真オンパレードは以下から。Cute Adorable Bunny Photos theBERRY 芝の中にちょこんと座っています。短い耳が何とも魅力的。 淡い色の毛並みをなでたくなります。 横一列に整列。お行儀がいいですね。 中腰のピーターラビットみたいな立ち姿。 厳しい岩場と、ちょいと差し出した前足のギャップがたまりません。 ロップイヤーの兄弟でしょうか、仲良く寄り添っています。 ほわほわの毛と、口元の形がかわいい。 身を隠しているのでしょうか。 ダッシュ! 見ている方までゆったり、のんびりした気持ちになります。 パクリとニンジンにかぶりついています。 雪原に立つ野ウサギはどこか凛々しい。 瞳がうるうるしています。

    VoQn 2011/01/14
  • Sculptural Photography - today and tomorrow

    The Polish photographers Szymon Roginski and Kasia Korzeniecka worked together to create these images for the “O Mia O” Spring Summer 2009 collection of Ania Kuczynska. First they photographed the collection which they then cut up and transformed into 3d objects. The result was photographed again and used for the “O Mia O” collection. found at designboom weblog

    VoQn 2010/08/07
  • sergey_larenkov

    После того, как я разместил свой ролик о Невском пятачке, меня часто стали спрашивать о том, как удалось отыскать и привязать к местности точки съёмки старых фотографий. ( Read more...Collapse ) Связь времен Дорогие друзья, если вас интересует путешествие в прошлое, я постараюсь помочь вам в этом. Но предупреждаю, зачастую история таит очень страшные страницы, и возвращение в современность бывает

    VoQn 2010/08/04
  • 日々是写真の練習

    VoQn 2009/03/07
  • Most Interesting

  • Creative designer, Retoucher, Digital artist — Somistar

  • At work

    When the economy makes big news, many photographs of people at work come across the wires, usually to help illustrate a particular story or event. By collecting these disparate photos over the past few months, I found that a global portrait emerged of we humans producing things. People assembling, generating, and building items small and large, mundane and expensive, trivial and important. I hope

    At work
  • 株式会社モルフォ

    2004 AIAI 姿
    VoQn 2009/02/15
  • Chinese New Year - Welcoming the Ox

    Today is the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, met with celebrations and observations by ethnic Chinese and others around the world. This year, we welcome the Year of the Ox, the sign representing solemn hard work and prosperity - an animal that appears aptly symbolic for these difficult times. Millions of people traveled long distances to be with family during this Spring Festival, choking

    Chinese New Year - Welcoming the Ox
    VoQn 2009/02/15
  • More of London from above, at night

    In August of last year, I was happy to be able to share some amazing photos of London, as seen from above at night by photographer Jason Hawkes. That entry continues to be one of the most consistently popular ones I've ever put together, so I was happy to hear from Jason again recently, and to find that he wanted to share another 24 photos from 2008 below. Jason shot these images with a camera att

    More of London from above, at night
    VoQn 2009/02/15
  • Bio-designer, Maker & Photographer - ZENA HOLLOWAY

    Bio-designer. Photographer. underwater photography & bio-sculpture Zena Holloway is a British photographer best known for her distinctive images of people and animals in underwater environments. Her imagery delivers audiences to a breathtaking aquatic realm. View photography > As a bio-designer and material innovator, Zena Holloway grows sustainable sculpture and fashion from grass root. She takes

    Bio-designer, Maker & Photographer - ZENA HOLLOWAY
    VoQn 2009/01/26
  • The 2009 Dakar Rally

    The Dakar Rally was traditionally an off-road multi-stage race from Paris to Dakar, Senegal. However, due to fears of terrorist attacks, the Rally was cancelled last year - and this year moved to an entirely different continent, South America. 540 teams started the 2009 Dakar Rally in Buenos Aires, Argentina on January 3rd, and, after 9,578 kilometres (5,951 mi) in 14 stages, will return to Buenos

    The 2009 Dakar Rally
    VoQn 2009/01/25
  • The Inauguration of President Barack Obama

    Yesterday was a historic day. On January 20th, 2009, Barack H. Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States of America - the first African-American ever to hold the office of U.S. Commander-in-Chief. The event was witnessed by well over one million attendees in chilly Washington D.C., and by many millions more through coverage on television and the Internet. Collected here are pho

    The Inauguration of President Barack Obama
    VoQn 2009/01/25