
IDEOに関するYassLabのブックマーク (2)

  • 世界を変えるはずだった 「デザイン思考」とは 何だったのか?

    Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did itgowrong?     by Rebecca Ackermann2023.04.07 409 96 2011IDEOEdible Schoolyard Projec
    世界を変えるはずだった 「デザイン思考」とは 何だったのか?
    YassLab 2023/04/10
    “意味のある変革を実現することなく一連の項目にチェックを入れるだけの「イノベーション劇場」が企業内で常態化 / さまざまな社会的インパクトのある取り組みが、試験プロジェクトの枠を超えられずに苦戦している”
  • Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong?

    Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong? When Kyle Cornforth first walked into IDEO’s San Francisco offices in 2011, she felt she had entered a whole new world. At the time, Cornforth was a director at the Edible Schoolyard Project, a nonprofit that uses gardening and cooking in schools to teach and to provide nutritious food. She was there to meet with IDEO.org, a new

    Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong?
    YassLab 2023/04/10
    "But in recent years, for a number of reasons, the shine of design thinking has been wearing off. Critics have argued that its short-term focus on novel and naive ideas has resulted in unrealistic and ungrounded recommendations. ... “innovation theater” had become endemic in corporate settings"
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