
plackに関するazumakuniyukiのブックマーク (3)

  • WEB+DB PRESS vol.95で「Plack::Middleware再入門」という記事を書きました

    Perl稿 2016/10/22 WEB DBPRESS vol.95 !!Perl Hackers Hub Plack::MiddlewarePlack/PSGI Plack::Middleware  Plack/PSGI Perl Hackers Hub 2( miyagawa1  kazeburo24 )3Pl
    WEB+DB PRESS vol.95で「Plack::Middleware再入門」という記事を書きました
  • Plack Advent Calendar

    The content of this blog has been updated, and now is available as an e-book called Plack Handbook. The e-book includes Japanese translation as well, and the source code of this book is available for free. 24 days have passed so fast and this is the last entry for this Plack advent calendar. Best Practices Plack and PSGI are still really young projects but we've already discovered a couple of sugg

    Plack Advent Calendar
  • バカでもわかるPlack/PSGI - JPerl Advent Calendar 2009

    Plack/PSGI - JPerl Advent Calendar 2009 Perl  Tips  nobjas  使PSGIPlack::Request使 miyagawaPlack Advent Calendar(http://advent.plackperl.org/)  PSGI Plack  PlackCGIus
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