
hackに関するbelgianbeerのブックマーク (7)

  • takram laboratory » 1時間で日本縦断してみた

    Google使 Google     Hyperlapse 使Hyperlapse調使
    belgianbeer 2013/07/15
    Google ストリートビュー の画像を連続動画にするHack
  • 楽天Kobo Touch - .mjtの日記復帰計画

    Kobo Touch Kobo Touch .tgz GPLGitHub : https://github.com/kobolabs/Kobo-Reader () U-boot  Kindle2( http://d.hatena.ne.jp/mjt/20110501/p2 )nmosh  KoboWindowsMac
    楽天Kobo Touch - .mjtの日記復帰計画
  • MobileRead Wiki - Kobo Touch Hacking

    This page is still under construction. A big thanks to stef70 for being the first to document how to hack the Kobo Touch. [edit] Overview The method used by the Kobo Touch to upgrade its firmware is quite simple: If the file .kobo/KoboRoot.tgz is found in the Kobo's public partition, then the .tgz file is extracted to the root of the internal system partition. By editing some of the files within K

  • 書店で買えるLinuxマシン

    LinuxLinuxARMLinux93000PCRaspberry Pi6Linux 719kobo Touch7980LinuxLinux kobo Touch9LinuxL
    belgianbeer 2012/08/08
  • clc: Hacking the Kobo Touch

    Table of Contents Intro Recovery "Activating" without Desktop App Upgrading without Desktop App Enabling Access Preventing Phoning Home Customizations Tinkering Documentation Intro ObCheerleading Of the three major e-readers out today, Kobo rocks the hardest. Kobo supports the ePub standard, has released code as required by the GPL, and has made the life of the hacker surprisingly easy (not locked

    belgianbeer 2012/08/08
    Kobo touchみんな頑張るなぁ
  • 常駐プログラム隠蔽テクニック

     WindowsCtr+Alt+Del WindowsOSOS 使OSWindowsXPVC++.NETWin32APIDLL
    belgianbeer 2012/05/23
  • 【完全版】アップル非公開『iPhone』の隠しコマンド全部見せます! バッテリ寿命がのびるコマンドもアリ – ロケットニュース24(β)

    201087 iPhoneiPhone 調 ...iPhone 寿 201087 iPhoneiPhone 調  iPhone
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