
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


promiseに関するbokuwebのブックマーク (2)

  • Promise が resolve されてるかチェックする - Humanity

       syntax error 2017/2/15 21:50 delay()  2017/2/19 21:50  delay(1) (1ms)  Promise  resolve  resolved    resolve  2017/2/19 22:
    Promise が resolve されてるかチェックする - Humanity
  • Promise Cancellation Is Dead — Long Live Promise Cancellation!

    Promise Cancellation Is Dead — Long Live Promise Cancellation! Not very long ago Domenic Denicola (worth a follow, a very smart guy) withdrew his proposal for promise cancellation from the TC39. A lot of people might think that means that promise cancellation isn’t coming to JavaScript. Those people would be right, if you couldn’t already cancel a promise via very similar means to what was propose

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