
workに関するbraitomのブックマーク (42)

  • A hybrid approach to work

    Sundar sent the following email to Google employees earlier today. Hi Googlers, We’ve spent the last year focused on supporting employees during the pandemic. I hope the extra benefits such as Carer’s Leave, the work-from-home allowance, the extra reset days, and the ability to work from wherever you need have been helpful in getting through this tough time. And we’re not through it yet. It’s hear

    A hybrid approach to work
    braitom 2021/05/06
     Googlehybrid workWork-from-anywhere weeksFocus timeReset dayshybrid  



  • Efficiency is the Enemy

    Farnam Street Mastering the best of what other people have already figured out There’s a good chance most of the problems in your life and work come down to insufficient slack. Here’s how slack works and why you need more of it. Imagine if you, as a budding productivity enthusiast, one day gained access to a time machine and decided to take a trip back several decades to the office of one of your

    Efficiency is the Enemy
    braitom 2021/05/05
    効率性とゆとりについて。書籍「Slack ゆとりの法則」に書かれている内容
  • Being Glue — No Idea Blog

    Talk Abstract:Your job title says "software engineer", but you seem to spend most of your time in meetings. You'd like to have time to code, but nobody else is onboarding the junior engineers, updating the roadmap, talking to the users, noticing the things that got dropped, asking questions on design documents, and making sure that everyone's going roughly in the same direction. If you stop doing

    Being Glue — No Idea Blog
  • 仕事ができない人の特徴はこれだ - orangeitems’s diary

    仕事ができない人の特徴はこれだ - orangeitems’s diary
  • Spotify says it's letting employees work from anywhere, while still paying San Francisco and New York salaries

    An icon in the shape of a person's head and shoulders. It often indicates a user profile.

    Spotify says it's letting employees work from anywhere, while still paying San Francisco and New York salaries
    braitom 2021/02/16
  • 属人性をどう捉えるか? - Magnolia Tech

        (@sugimoto_kei) 2021116   (@sugimoto_kei) 2021116  magnoliak🍧 (@magnolia_k_) 2021116 
    属人性をどう捉えるか? - Magnolia Tech
  • 個人アプリ作家の夢のデスク構成 (2020年末)

    8    TAKUYAInkdropMarkdown Software as a Service  
    個人アプリ作家の夢のデスク構成 (2020年末)
    braitom 2020/12/25
  • で、シリコンバレーでいくら稼げるのか(Part 9)

     : Part-8 https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20201018143903  :  🙏   Unvested RSU, Visa, GC layoff   Unvested RSUX3vest
    で、シリコンバレーでいくら稼げるのか(Part 9)
    braitom 2020/11/10
  • Lark | Productivity Superapp for Chat, Meetings, Docs & Projects

    4.5⭐ on G2! Share your experience and see why users love Lark!

    Lark | Productivity Superapp for Chat, Meetings, Docs & Projects
    braitom 2020/01/19
    O365やG Suiteみたいなコラボレーションツール。日本語対応もしっかりしているようだ。
  • A guide to distributed teams – Increment: Teams

    This guide is a collaboration between:Katie Womersley, VP of engineering at Buffer. When I’m writing, you’ll see this: ● Juan Pablo Buriticá, VP of engineering at Splice. When I’m writing, you’ll see this: ▲ When we’re both writing, you’ll see this: ■ ▲ All teams past a certain size become distributed, whether across rooms, floors, buildings, cities, or continents. But tech is only starting to exp

    A guide to distributed teams – Increment: Teams
    braitom 2019/12/06
  • Google will no longer hold weekly all-hands meetings amid growing workplace tensions

    Google is getting rid of one of its best-known workplace features: TGIF, its weekly all-hands meeting. The company confirmed to CNBC that it will instead hold monthly all-hands meetings that will be focused on business and strategy while holding separate town halls for "workplace issues." An email announcing the change was previously reported by The Verge. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin start

    Google will no longer hold weekly all-hands meetings amid growing workplace tensions
  • Why You Should Be Working Asynchronously

    Distributed teams need distributed processes. When employees no longer share an office, they cannot continue to work together under the weight of outdated systems. A change in environment must be followed by a corresponding change in operations. What does that change look like? Maximizing productivity and efficiency in a remote environment means rethinking the outdated need for employees to clock

    Why You Should Be Working Asynchronously
    braitom 2019/10/26


  • Dropbox で4年働いて学んだこと10のこと

    Dropbox 420196退20154424IT退10% IT1 Dropbox 4120020006809 Dropbox4
    Dropbox で4年働いて学んだこと10のこと
    braitom 2019/10/13
  • Shepherd - Explore, discover, read!

    braitom 2019/10/02
    Google Calendar、Office 365に接続して仕事や会議に関する情報を収集して働き方の状況をレポートしてくれるサービス。
  • Introducing the Slack State of Work report

    Introducing the Slack State of Work reportA new global survey of 17,000 knowledge workers on the challenges and opportunities in today's workplaces Slack チーム一同作成2019年8月14日 To understand the pressures and promise of today’s state of work, start with the people doing the work. This is what set Slack off on a journey to survey 17,000 knowledge workers across 10 countries in partnership with market re

    Introducing the Slack State of Work report
    braitom 2019/08/17
  • Discover thousands of collaborative articles on 2500+ skills

    braitom 2019/04/01
  • ベイジで働く意義


    braitom 2019/02/05
  • 分散チームがオフィス内駆引きのルールを書き換える | TechCrunch Japan

    Care/of, a company offering personalized subscription vitamin packs, says it will be canceling all subscriptions as of Monday, June 17 and will no longer be accepting new orders. The news…

    分散チームがオフィス内駆引きのルールを書き換える | TechCrunch Japan
    braitom 2018/08/26
  • フェイスブックの人事リーダーが明かす、社員が離職する真の理由と対処法 | リーダーシップ|DIAMOND ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー

    調沿3   調 
    フェイスブックの人事リーダーが明かす、社員が離職する真の理由と対処法 | リーダーシップ|DIAMOND ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー
    braitom 2018/03/04
  • プログラマー35歳、定年まではいかなかったが身体の一部を失うことになった - dunno logs

     34     35
    プログラマー35歳、定年まではいかなかったが身体の一部を失うことになった - dunno logs
    braitom 2018/01/29