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lapackに関するdelta-jaのブックマーク (3)

  • Naming Scheme

    The name of each LAPACK routine is a coded specification of its function (within the very tight limits of standard Fortran 77 6-character names). All driver and computational routines have names of the form XYYZZZ, where for some driver routines the 6th character is blank. The first letter, X, indicates the data type as follows:

  • Memo about lapack

    LapackC++使 Fortran Lapack C++   Fortran C++  template  Lapackstatic  C LapackC CLapack  C++使 Lapack++   FortranC++   A A x =b  (dg
  • kkaneko.com

    kkaneko.com 2024 著作権. 不許複製 プライバシーポリシー

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