
3DとWebGLに関するefclのブックマーク (4)

  • Announcing Babylon.js 6.0

    Our mission is to build one of the most powerful, beautiful, simple, and open web rendering engines in the world, and we are excited to announce the next step forward in that journey: the release of Babylon.js 6.0. Babylon.js 6.0 brings a smorgasbord of performance improvements, rendering enhancements, and exciting new features that you will NOT want to miss! Let’s get started by talking about one

    Announcing Babylon.js 6.0
    efcl 2023/05/04
    Babylon.js 6.0リリース。 Havokの物理エンジンの追加、パフォーマンス優先モードの追加、流体レンダリングのサポートなど。 GUIエディタをStableへと変更。スクリーンリーダのサポート、ドキュメントの刷新など
  • Announcing Babylon.js 3.0

    Babylon.js is an open source framework that allows you to create stunning 3D experiences in your browser. Built with simplicity and performance in mind, it is the engine that fuels the Remix3D site or the Xbox Design Lab. Today, I’m thrilled to announce the availability of Babylon.js’s biggest version ever: Babylon.js v3.0. This version is packed with incredible features, but before listing some o

    Announcing Babylon.js 3.0
    efcl 2017/07/14
    WebGLフレームワークのBabylon.js 3.0リリース。 WebGL 2、WebVR 1.1のサポート、Babylon.GUIの追加、morph targetのサポート、WebCamを使ったライブテクスチャに対応など
  • BrainBrowser v2.5.2

    BrainBrowser is an open source JavaScript library exposing a set of web-based 3D visualization tools primarily targetting neuroimaging [Sherif et al. 2015]. Using open web-standard technologies, such as WebGL and HTML5, it allows for real-time manipulation and analysis of 3D imaging data through any modern web browser. The BrainBrowser Surface Viewer is a WebGL-based 3D viewer capable of displayin

    BrainBrowser v2.5.2
    efcl 2014/07/30
    神経画像用の3Dビジュアライズライブラリ。 WebGLをつかってる
  • yktmt blog: MMDModel on THREE.js

    20101231 MMDModel on THREE.js THREE.jsMMD (.pmd)(.bmp .png .tga) Chromium(10.0.614.0)ChromeTHREE.js demo"webGL"Chrome8/9 or Firefox4"2d"Chrome   :  使Firefox3  http://www.yktmt.com/threemmd/   : h
    efcl 2011/01/04
    THREE.jsを利用してMMDのモデルデータを表示。 Canvas,SVG,WebGLを使ってMMDモデルの描画
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