
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


WebPlatformAPIとwebに関するefclのブックマーク (2)

  • The Lumpy Web

    It's well over a year since I started to write this post, but there have been a couple of things that have happened recently that I finally dusted of the digital cob webs and started to write it up again. I started to think about writing it when I was presenting This is the web platform at Fronteers in Amsterdam in 2014. I was doing a lot of research off the back of caniuse.com and I was building

    The Lumpy Web
    efcl 2016/07/18
     Web3 ()   




  • The Extensible Web

    This post adapts my talk from JSConf EU 2013. The web platform has, historically, been somewhat of a kludge. It’s grown, organically, into something with no real sense of cohesion. Most of its APIs have been poorly designed, by C++ developers, via a binding layer meant originally for CORBA. Worse, there have been major gaps in what we can do compared to native apps. And for those things that we ca

    efcl 2013/10/13
    Extensible Web Manifestoについて。 問題と解決、実際にどのような取り組みが行われているかについて http://www.slideshare.net/domenicdenicola/the-extensible-web
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