
articleとiOSに関するefclのブックマーク (8)

  • "react-strict-dom", why it's so great?

    Introduction Last week Meta open-sourced a new library called react-strict-dom, its goal is to improve and standardize the way of writing React components for Web and Native. In this article, I'd like to go through the historical background of building a universal codebase that shares components between Web and Native, and how react-strict-dom changes the way we can do it. Historical background As

    "react-strict-dom", why it's so great?
    efcl 2024/03/10
    react-strict-domについて。 React Native for WebのアプローチではReact Nativeのプリミティブをウェブ向けに変換する互換Shimが大きかった。 react-strict-domでは逆のアプローチを採用し、DOM APIのサブセットをネイティブ側で扱う。
  • iOS向け日本語キーボードアプリ「azooKey」をOSSにした

    2iOSiPadOSazooKeyMIT License azooKey2App StoreiOSSimejiFlickOSS  azooKey調 IMENLPGUI azooKeySwift
    efcl 2023/02/05
    変換はMozcと同じく統計的かな漢字変換、辞書はNEologd+SudachiDict+独自。 辞書ファイルをLOUDS trieにしてサイズを小さくしてメモリ使用量を抑えている。
  • Push Notifications, WebXR, and better PWA support coming to iOS-firt.dev

    Push Notifications, WebXR, and better PWA support coming to iOS iOS 15.4 beta has finally added icon support in the manifest, Web Push, AR, and VR experiments. by Maximiliano Firtman Twitter @firt About Newsletter Published 2 years ago (31 Jan 2022) About 8 min reading time #ios #webview #pwa #store Not every minor iOS version update includes changes in the Web platform. Still, iOS 15.4 will be an

    efcl 2022/02/14
    iOS 15.4の変更予定
  • SMS OTPの自動入力によるリスクとその対策

     SMS OTPWebSMS OTPGutmannMITM232iOSPayPayAndroidPayPal2 PayPalMITMEvilginx2Android11Chro
    SMS OTPの自動入力によるリスクとその対策
    efcl 2021/02/08
    iOSとAndroidにおけるSMS OTPの自動入力(`autocomplete="one-time-code"`)の動作の検証。 フィッシングなどの攻撃への利用やDomain-bound codesでの自動入力の検証や仕様などについて
  • Introducing Private Click Measurement, PCM

    This blog post covers a new feature called Private Click Measurement, or PCM, for measuring ad clicks across websites and from iOS apps to websites. It is part of iOS and iPadOS 14.5 betas. Motivation and Goals Classic ad attribution on the web is done with cookies carrying user or device IDs. Such attribution constitutes cross-site tracking which WebKit is committed to preventing. Websites should

    Introducing Private Click Measurement, PCM
    efcl 2021/02/02
    iOS 14.5ベータでSafariとアプリでできるPrivate Click Measurement(PCM)についての解説。 トラッカーからプライバシーを保護しながら、広告のコンバージョンを遅延して送信する仕組みについて
  • React Native at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium

    UpdateThis article was published in 2018 and reflects the state of React Native at the end of 2017. When using these articles to make decisions about your business, please use discretion. Any technical points should be revalidated because the maturity and size of the ecosystem was significantly different back then. Any organizational points should also be considered within the context, size, and c

    React Native at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium
    efcl 2018/06/20
    AirbnbでのReact Nativeについて。 React Nativeの技術的解説、上手くいった点、上手くいかなかった点。 クロスプラットフォームアプリ開発の技術的/組織的な難しさなどから、当初の目標を達成できないためAirbnbではReact Nativeから
  • Progressive Web Apps on iOS are here 🚀

    With iOS 11.3, Apple has silently added support for the basic set of new technologies behind the idea of “Progressive Web Apps” (PWAs). It’s time to see how they work, what are their abilities and challenges, and what do you need to know if you already have a published PWA. ⚠️ Updated version of this article ⏩ firt.dev This App is a PWA and it appears full screen -offline capable- on an iPad. It a

    Progressive Web Apps on iOS are here 🚀
    efcl 2018/04/10
    iOS 11.3でサポートされたService WorkerなどのPWAに関する機能について。 ネイティブアプリと比較した場合の制限やChrome/Androidとの違いなどについて
  • Reflecting on 20 Years on the Web - Keynote @ #FluentConf 2017 – Medium

    efcl 2018/04/09
    iOS 11.3でサポートされたService WorkerなどのPWAに関する機能について。 ネイティブアプリと比較した場合の制限やChrome/Androidとの違いなどについて
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