
articleとsoftwareに関するefclのブックマーク (4)

  • OpenCloud 2023: Software’s AI-Driven Watershed Moment - Battery Ventures

    Our investment staff works together as a single, global unit to evaluate and support potential investments. PEOPLE Investment Partners Investment Team Operating Partners/EIRs Firm Operations Portfolio Services See All We exist to support our companies, and we have focused expertise in areas including talent, business development, marketing and communications and growth/leadership. SERVICES Busines

    OpenCloud 2023: Software’s AI-Driven Watershed Moment - Battery Ventures
    efcl 2023/11/15
    今年SaaS企業でIPOしたのKlaviyoだけという話。 ビジネス的なメトリクスとか、開発的なメトリクスとかもあって面白いレポートだった。 市場の評価がHigh-Burn/High-Growth から Low-Burn/High-Growthへの方針転換しているという話。
  • ソフトウェア開発の真の問題点は、コードを書くことではなく、問題の複雑さの管理にある - YAMDAS現更新履歴

    www.oreilly.com   API  80901.1
    ソフトウェア開発の真の問題点は、コードを書くことではなく、問題の複雑さの管理にある - YAMDAS現更新履歴
    efcl 2023/09/26
    “Writing code isn’t the problem. Controlling complexity is.”
  • The hidden history of screen readers

    On a night in 1978, Ted Henter was driving a rental car down a dark road in the English countryside. A 27-year-old motorcycle racer from Florida, Henter had just won eighth place in the Venezuelan Grand Prix, the first race of the 1978 World Championships. He was daydreaming about his next race in Spain when he saw the other car driving straight towards him. Henter had been driving on the right si

    The hidden history of screen readers
    efcl 2022/08/17
  • Introducing Electron Fiddle

    Over the past four years, I have introduced thousands of developers to Electron. I’ve also worked with and on apps with millions of end users. All too often, I’ve dreamed about a tool that would make running small experiments, quickly compiling tiny apps, and the discovery of the Electron platform more accessible. I’ve seen how empowering “code playgrounds” like JSFiddle, Glitch, or CodePen can be

    Introducing Electron Fiddle
    efcl 2018/08/13
    ElectronアプリをJSFiddleのようなプレイグラウンドで開発できるアプリ。 エディタにコードを書いてElectronアプリを実行したり、コードをgistに共有したり、アプリのパッケージ化できる
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