
compositeに関するishiducaのブックマーク (2)

  • Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition

    When React 0.13 came out, everybody freaked out. The introductory post made it clear that mixins are on their way out: Unfortunately, we will not launch any mixin support for ES6 classes in React. That would defeat the purpose of only using idiomatic JavaScript concepts. There is no standard and universal way to define mixins in JavaScript. In fact, several features to support mixins were dropped

    Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition
  • PerlでCompositeパターン | ten-snapon.com

         Composite LeafComposite(Leaf)        #  使DirectoryFile.pm Composite.pl 
    PerlでCompositeパターン | ten-snapon.com
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