
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


awsとelbに関するjazzanovaのブックマーク (3)

  • AWSでのHTTP/2 or SPDY運用の課題とPROXY protocol - Hatena Developer Blog

     id:dekokun  AWSELB使HTTP/2 or SPDYIPPROXY protocolPROXY protocol AWS EC2HTTP/2 or SPDY - Hatena Developer Blog ("")  ELBTCP PROXY protocol PROXY protocolPROXY protocol ELB + nginxPROXY protocol ELB ngin
    AWSでのHTTP/2 or SPDY運用の課題とPROXY protocol - Hatena Developer Blog
  • AWS ELBが進化していた | Basicinc Enjoy Hacking!

    AWSELB便便AWS使ELB2 ELBS3 ELBEC2fluentd使ELB S3 ELBDescriptionAccess LogsS3S3Create the location for me
    AWS ELBが進化していた | Basicinc Enjoy Hacking!
  • AWS News Blog

    Build RAG applications with MongoDB Atlas, now available in Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock Foundational models (FMs) are trained on large volumes of data and use billions of parameters. However, in order to answer customers’ questions related to domain-specific private data, they need to reference an authoritative knowledge base outside of the model’s training data sources. This is commonly ac

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