
sudokuに関するkeyesberryのブックマーク (7)

  • 数独を解く(画像解析) - cuspy diary

     OpenCV使()   (Adaptive Threshold) (Adaptive Threshold)  (dilate) (
  • あらゆる数独パズルを解く

    Peter Norvig /    2使(12)  81(square)使1-9A-I9(unit)(peer) 19 12
  • SQLによる数独の解法

     SQL使 SQL使SQLPrologPrologSQL ABSQLProlog
  • 数独で見るRuby(とMathematica)のパワーと表現力 by Inquisitor

    CMathematica Ruby Ruby1.4Ruby(p.18)Ruby 129Ruby(p.25) Ruby100RubyR
    数独で見るRuby(とMathematica)のパワーと表現力 by Inquisitor
    keyesberry 2010/12/08
  • 数独(ナンバープレイス)

    BeEntertainment(Be)3    19 3x3191 沿2 122 9x9
  • 数独で見るRuby(とMathematica)のパワーと表現力 by Inquisitor

    CMathematica Ruby Ruby1.4Ruby(p.18)Ruby 129Ruby(p.25) Ruby100RubyR
  • Inside a Nazi Christmas Party, 1941 - Photo Gallery - LIFE

    LIFE: James Taylor James Taylor has been the voice of baby boomers since the early 1970s when he began chronicling his struggles with life, love, and loss in hits such as Fire and Rain, You’ve Got a Friend and Sweet Baby James. The singer-songwriter not only left an imprint on the era’s music, he was a friend or muse to many of those who made it, from Crosby, Stills and Nash to the Beatles and Jac

    Inside a Nazi Christmas Party, 1941 - Photo Gallery - LIFE
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