
xpathに関するkitajのブックマーク (2)

  • XPathGraph

    67調便 XPath XPathGraphXPath    no description 20081112 18:28 2Amazon no description 20081218 20:09 microSDH
  • CodeRepos::Share – Trac

    JavaScript-XPath JavaScript-XPath is the FASTEST DOM 3 XPath (XPath 1.0) implementation in JavaScript. This code runs 10 times faster than Google Ajaxslt's xpath.js!! Release/Download Latest Version Latest Compressed Version If you can use subversion, check out the trunk with: svn co http://svn.coderepos.org/share/lang/javascript/javascript-xpath/trunk/ jsxpath Bindings jQuery Prototype YUI How to

    kitaj 2007/11/11
    1000% faster than Google Ajaxslt's xpath.js!!
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