
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


itunesに関するmantaxのブックマーク (2)

  • Xiph.Org: QuickTime Components :: Downloads

    Downloads. The current version is 0.1.9. It is expected to work with the following system configurations: Mac OS X (Intel and PowerPC): version 10.3.9 or 10.4 and later; QuickTime for Mac OS X - version 7 or later; The latest version of XiphQT for Windows is 0.1.5 and it requires: QuickTime for Windows - version 7 or later. For more details on features and changes see release notes. Additional inf

  • iTunesの限界突破!「Ogg Vorbis」を聴けるようにする裏技 - 和洋風◎

    2006213 19:42  iTunesOgg Vorbis  iTunes   Ogg VorbisOgg VorbisiTunesIDiPod使使使iTunesOgg Vorbis   iTunes 使 QuickTime iTunes XiphQT 0.1
    mantax 2006/03/08
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