
執行に関するmshkhのブックマーク (2)

  • オウム事件死刑執行、その正当性と今後の課題を考える(江川紹子) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース

    6 1216 6 
    オウム事件死刑執行、その正当性と今後の課題を考える(江川紹子) - エキスパート - Yahoo!ニュース
  • BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Three prisoners executed in Japan

    Last Updated: Thursday, 23 August 2007, 04:03 GMT 05:03 UK Three prisoners on death row in Japan have been hanged, the country's justice ministry has said. The executions bring to 10 the number of prisoners hanged since December 2006. Officials did not reveal the identities of the executed prisoners, but a human rights watchdog said that they were men in their 60s convicted of murder. Japan, like

    mshkh 2007/08/24
    Japan, like the United States, is one of the world's few developed countries to exercise capital punishment.
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