
歴史と西洋に関するmshkhのブックマーク (2)

  • In Putin’s vision for the world, a medieval narrative resurfaces | CNN

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has given several explanations for his country’s war on Ukraine, and some are more plausible than others. They include stopping NATO’s advance towards Russia’s borders, protecting fellow Russians from “genocide” or the baseless claim of “de-Nazifying” Ukraine. The top-ranking priest in the Russian Orthodox Church, meanwhile, has offered a very different reason for

    In Putin’s vision for the world, a medieval narrative resurfaces | CNN
    mshkh 2022/03/19
    "(Kirill) specifically linked these "evil forces" to gay pride events." ""To (Putin), Kyiv and Crimea, where Vladimir was baptized, are sacred Russian lands."" "(Kirill) has recently lost power over several Ukrainian Orthodox Churches." "Pope Francis ... refrained from calling on Kirill ..."
  • 学問とか - finalventの日記

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    学問とか - finalventの日記
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