
DNSに関するohbaryeのブックマーク (3)

  • Making a DNS query in Ruby from scratch

    Hello! A while back I wrote a post about how to write a toy DNS resolver in Go. In that post I left out “how to generate and parse DNS queries” because I thought it was boring, but a few people pointed out that they did not know how to parse and generate DNS queries and they were interested in how to do it. This made me curious – how much work is it do the DNS parsing? It turns out we can do it in

    ohbarye 2023/02/11
  • Dockerのコンテナ間の名前解決方法が気になったので確認してみた | DevelopersIO

    AWS FargateECS Service DiscoveryECS Service DiscoveryRoute53   DockerService Discovery DNS127.0.0.11 使 bridgeService Discove
    Dockerのコンテナ間の名前解決方法が気になったので確認してみた | DevelopersIO
  • ioドメイン障害を理解するため、DNSの仕組みについて勉強した - $shibayu36->blog;

    ioDNSDNS DNS Software Design 2015/4DNS 10DNS - JPNIC  DNS    ?) co
    ioドメイン障害を理解するため、DNSの仕組みについて勉強した - $shibayu36->blog;
    ohbarye 2017/10/05
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