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 Quark3 software  Electron      Quark  
  • Quark

    Lightning fast app creation. Quark is a general purpose software tool specifically designed to help you create projects written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with native desktop app like capabilities. Quark apps run on Mac, Windows, and Linux from a single codebase. Get Started → Power of Electron 💪 Built on top of the electron framework. Behind the scenes, Quark uses electron's renderer process as

    • CPU黒歴史 思い付きで投入したものの市場を引っ掻き回すだけで終わったQuark (1/3)

        CPU黒歴史 思い付きで投入したものの市場を引っ掻き回すだけで終わったQuark (1/3)
      • Announcing “Quark” — A Software sketchbook for your projects⚡

        After almost an year of hard work, I’m excited to finally announce Quark! You can check it out now over at https://quarkjs.io 🎉 Quark is a general purpose software tool specifically designed to help you create projects written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript with native desktop app like capabilities. Why? 🤔The idea of Quark started when I was pursuing my degree in Engineering and felt a need for a s

          Announcing “Quark” — A Software sketchbook for your projects⚡
