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authorizationの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 47件

  • 認可のアーキテクチャに関する考察(Authorization Academy IIを読んで)

    みなさま、認可の設計に苦しんでいるでしょうか?私は苦しんでいます。苦しまなかった瞬間などありません。昔「アプリケーションにおける権限設計の課題」を執筆しましたが、あれから3年以上が経ちます。 当時は認可の設計に関する情報がうまくまとまっている記事などほとんど無く、調べに調べて得たナレッジを書き記したのが上記の記事です。3年以上経ちますが、苦悩が今も特に変わっていないことが驚きです。 ただし、世の中的には認可のライブラリであったりサービスというのは少しずつ増えてきている印象があります(Auth0の OpenFGA であったりOsoの Oso Cloud 、Asertoの Topaz )。 認可の設計に関する記事も少しずつ増えている印象があり、その中でも本記事で紹介したいのがAuthorization Academyです。 これは認可サービスである Oso Cloud やOSSのライブラリ o

      認可のアーキテクチャに関する考察(Authorization Academy IIを読んで)
    • マイクロサービスの認証・認可とJWT / Authentication and Authorization in Microservices and JWT

      OCHaCafe Season4 #4の資料です. デモのソースコード等はこちらをご参照ください.

        マイクロサービスの認証・認可とJWT / Authentication and Authorization in Microservices and JWT
      • authorization_code_flow

        authorization_code_flow 1�U�U ��V�U @startuml UA -> App: /login UA <-- App: Redirect UA -> 認可サーバー: /auhorize UA <- 認可サーバー: ログインページ表示 UA -> 認可サーバー: ログイン UA <- 認可サーバー: 認可(AppにXXXを許可しますか? UA -> 認可サーバー: OK UA <-- 認可サーバー: Redierct UA -> App: /callback?code=xxx&state=xxx App -> 認可サーバー: /token に認可コードを渡す App <- 認可サーバー: AccessToken App -> App: セッションにAccessToken保存 UA <- App: ログイン完了 @enduml bad_practice_auth

        • Oso - Authorization Academy

          Concepts. Architecture. Best Practices. A series of technical guides for building application authorization. Authorization is a critical element of every application, but the problem is: there’s limited concrete material available for developers on how to build authorization into your app. To help developers build these systems and features, we built Authorization Academy.

            Oso - Authorization Academy
          • Oso: Authorization as a Service

            Centralize your logic. Keep app data in your database.

              Oso: Authorization as a Service
            • 「ID TokenをAuthorization Headerにつけて送る」というお作法について思うところ - r-weblife

              ritou ID Token  blog.ssrf.in  id_token  JWT  Authorization: Bearer $ID_TOKEN  oauth2-proxy  docs.aws.amazon.com Authorization  () ID ID TokenAuthorization Header OAuth 2.0Protected ResourceID Token稿
                「ID TokenをAuthorization Headerにつけて送る」というお作法について思うところ - r-weblife
              • Transactional Authorization - "XYZ"と呼ばれる認可プロトコルとは - r-weblife

                ritou Transactional AuthorizationIETFDraft draft-richer-transactional-authz-02 - Transactional Authorization OAuth 2.0OAuth 2.0   www.youtube.com IETF https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/105/materials/slides-105-oauth-sessa-transactional-authori
                  Transactional Authorization - "XYZ"と呼ばれる認可プロトコルとは - r-weblife
                • Upcoming security changes to Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint in embedded webviews

                  Upcoming security changes to Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint in embedded webviews Posted by Badi Azad, Group Product Manager (@badiazad) The Google Identity team is continually working to improve Google Account security and create a safer and more secure experience for our users. As part of that work, we recently introduced a new secure browser policy prohibiting Google OAuth requests in

                    Upcoming security changes to Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint in embedded webviews
                  • Why Authorization is Hard

                    Feb 2023 Update: Since writing this post in 2021, we've built, released, and GA-ed Oso Cloud: our opinionated solution for authorization. Two years ago, my cofounder and I started building security tools for infrastructure. We kept hearing that application developers were building their own homegrown authorization tools. At first we were a little skeptical. People have been building authorization

                      Why Authorization is Hard
                    • GitHub - nullpo-head/Out-of-the-Box-CodeServer: OOTB Code-Server is an out-of-the-box Code-Server environment. It provides Https proxy, GItHub authorization and automatic shutdown with just a few settings.

                      OOTB Code-Server is an out-of-the-box Code-Server environment. Code-Server is an OSS product developed by Coder technologies that allows you to run VS Code on any machine and to access it in the browser. However, to install Code-Server on a server, you have to set up an Https proxy server, an authentication mechanism for security, automatic shutdown if the server is hosted in the cloud, and much m

                        GitHub - nullpo-head/Out-of-the-Box-CodeServer: OOTB Code-Server is an out-of-the-box Code-Server environment. It provides Https proxy, GItHub authorization and automatic shutdown with just a few settings.
                      • Apollo-Serverにおける認証と認可 (Authentication/Authorization) | suzukalight.com

                        Apollo-Server 使 GraphQL Authentication/Authorization JWT(jsonwebtoken)bcrypt beforeCreate  Sequelize Hooks 使 JWT + x-token  Permission-based, Role-based  graphql-resolvers   https://www.robinwieruch.de/graphql-apollo-serv
                          Apollo-Serverにおける認証と認可 (Authentication/Authorization) | suzukalight.com
                        • Fine Grained Authorization | OpenFGA

                          Relationship-based access control made fast, scalable, and easy to use.OpenFGA is an open-source authorization solution that allows developers to build granular access control using an easy-to-read modeling language and friendly APIs. Quick StartTrying OpenFGA is as easy as... Run the following snippet in a terminal in an environment with Docker installed: OpenFGA will be running at localhost:8080

                            Fine Grained Authorization | OpenFGA
                          • Himeji: A Scalable Centralized System for Authorization at Airbnb

                            The ProblemOver the last couple of years, Airbnb engineering moved from a monolithic Ruby on Rails architecture to a service oriented architecture. In our Rails architecture, we had an API per resource to access the underlying data. These APIs had authorization checks to protect sensitive data. As there was a single way to access a resource’s data, managing these checks was easy. In the transition

                              Himeji: A Scalable Centralized System for Authorization at Airbnb
                            • Using Open Source Cedar to Write and Enforce Custom Authorization Policies | Amazon Web Services

                              AWS Open Source Blog Using Open Source Cedar to Write and Enforce Custom Authorization Policies Cedar is an open source language and software development kit (SDK) for writing and enforcing authorization policies for your applications. You can use Cedar to control access to resources such as photos in a photo-sharing app, compute nodes in a micro-services cluster, or components in a workflow autom

                                Using Open Source Cedar to Write and Enforce Custom Authorization Policies | Amazon Web Services
                              • Authorization@Edge using cookies: Protect your Amazon CloudFront content from being downloaded by unauthenticated users | Amazon Web Services

                                Networking & Content Delivery Authorization@Edge using cookies: Protect your Amazon CloudFront content from being downloaded by unauthenticated users Enterprise customers who host private web apps on Amazon CloudFront may struggle with a challenge: how to prevent unauthenticated users from downloading the web app’s source code (for example, React, Angular, or Vue). In a separate blog post, you can

                                  Authorization@Edge using cookies: Protect your Amazon CloudFront content from being downloaded by unauthenticated users | Amazon Web Services
                                • 【Amplify】APIのAuthorization方式「AWS_IAM」を理解する#1 ~解説編~【AWS】 - Qiita

                                   稿 AmplifyAPIAuthorizationAWS_IAM#1 AWS  AmplifyAPIAuthorizationAWS_IAM#2 AWS  SPA AWSAmplify使 AmplifyAppSyncAPI GatewayAuthorization4A
                                    【Amplify】APIのAuthorization方式「AWS_IAM」を理解する#1 ~解説編~【AWS】 - Qiita
                                  • Binary Authorizationで信頼できるコンテナのみをデプロイする - Qiita

                                    はじめに GKEをご利用のみなさん、不正コンテナ実行の対策はしていますか? 本記事では信頼できるコンテナのみ実行されることを保証するサービスであるBinary Authorizationを紹介します(と言いつつ、私もチュートリアルしかやっていないのですが)。 Binary Authorizationとは 公式ドキュメント1より引用します。 Binary Authorization は、Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE)に信頼できるコンテナ イメージのみがデプロイされることを保証するデプロイ時のセキュリティ管理サービスです。Binary Authorization を使用すると、開発プロセス時に、信頼できる機関によるイメージへの署名を必須にして、デプロイ時にその署名を検証する過程を導入できます。検証プロセスを適用することで、適切であると認められたイメージのみがビルドと

                                      Binary Authorizationで信頼できるコンテナのみをデプロイする - Qiita
                                    • 新しい Spring Authorization Server について - Qiita

                                      はじめに Spring Security プロジェクトは、認可サーバーの実装を今後サポートしない旨、2019 年 11 月 14 日付の『Spring Security OAuth 2.0 Roadmap Update』でアナウンスしました。しかしその後、一部の有志が Spring の認可サーバー実装プロジェクト『Spring Authorization Server』を開始しました。この記事は、そのプロジェクトに対する警鐘となります。 OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type Encoding Practices 2012 年 10 月の RFC 6749(The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework)のリリースから 1 年 4 ヶ月後の 2014 年 2 月、OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type Enco

                                        新しい Spring Authorization Server について - Qiita
                                      • GitHub - google/hiba: HIBA is a system built on top of regular OpenSSH certificate-based authentication that allows to manage flexible authorization of principals on pools of target hosts without the need to push customized authorized_users files periodic

                                        You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                          GitHub - google/hiba: HIBA is a system built on top of regular OpenSSH certificate-based authentication that allows to manage flexible authorization of principals on pools of target hosts without the need to push customized authorized_users files periodic
                                        • GitHub - ory/keto: Open Source (Go) implementation of "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System". Ships gRPC, REST APIs, newSQL, and an easy and granular permission language. Supports ACL, RBAC, and other access models.

                                          You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

                                            GitHub - ory/keto: Open Source (Go) implementation of "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System". Ships gRPC, REST APIs, newSQL, and an easy and granular permission language. Supports ACL, RBAC, and other access models.
                                          • RFC 6749(The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework)を読む会をしました | DevelopersIO

                                            1  barista  OpenID Connect  OAuth2.0 ID  Prismatix  prismatix ECCRM  API  prismatix  barista  RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework  OAuth2.0使OAuth2.0RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework 
                                            • Introducing Lambda authorization for AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs | Amazon Web Services

                                              Front-End Web & Mobile Introducing Lambda authorization for AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs This article was written by Brice Pellé, Principal Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS AWS AppSync is a fully managed service which allows developers to deploy and interact with serverless scalable GraphQL backends on AWS. As an application data service, AppSync makes it easy to connect applications to multiple da

                                                Introducing Lambda authorization for AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs | Amazon Web Services
                                              • JAR (JWT-Secured Authorization Request) に関する実装者の覚書 - Qiita

                                                はじめに この記事は、JAR と呼ばれる技術仕様『RFC 9101 The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT-Secured Authorization Request (JAR)』に関する実装者の覚書です。(英語版はこちら) OpenID Connect Core 1.0 (OIDC Core) と JAR の間には幾つか衝突する部分があります。既存の認可サーバーだけでなく OpenID 互換性検査スイートにさえも影響を及ぼすため、OAuth コミュニティーはそれらの破壊的変更について長い間論争を続けました。 衝突する部分とは何か?それらはどのように解決されたのか? JAR 仕様の未来の読者や実装者のため、この記事はそれらについて記述します。 JAR とは? JAR とは、認可リクエストパラメーター群を一つの署名付き JWT にまとめるための仕

                                                  JAR (JWT-Secured Authorization Request) に関する実装者の覚書 - Qiita
                                                • Modern web application authentication and authorization with Amazon VPC Lattice | Amazon Web Services

                                                  AWS Security Blog Modern web application authentication and authorization with Amazon VPC Lattice When building API-based web applications in the cloud, there are two main types of communication flow in which identity is an integral consideration: User-to-Service communication: Authenticate and authorize users to communicate with application services and APIs Service-to-Service communication: Auth

                                                    Modern web application authentication and authorization with Amazon VPC Lattice | Amazon Web Services
                                                  • Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)

                                                    Key Concepts Learn about the OAuth 2.0 grant type, Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). Use this grant type for applications that cannot store a client secret, such as native or single-page apps. Review different implementation methods with Auth0 SDKs. When public clients (e.g., native and single-page applications) request access tokens, some additional security concern

                                                      Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
                                                    • ERC-3009: Transfer With Authorization

                                                      Simple Summary A contract interface that enables transferring of fungible assets via a signed authorization. Abstract A set of functions to enable meta-transactions and atomic interactions with ERC-20 token contracts via signatures conforming to the EIP-712 typed message signing specification. This enables the user to: delegate the gas payment to someone else, pay for gas in the token itself rathe

                                                      • Casbin · An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for Golang, Java, C/C++, Node.js, Javascript, PHP, Laravel, Python, .NET (C#), Delphi, Rust, Ruby, Swift (Objective-C), Lua (OpenResty), Dart (Flutter) and Elixir |

                                                        CasbinPERM(PolicyEffectRequestMatchers)CONF  Casbin MySQLPostgresOracleMongoDBRedisCassandraAWS S3  
                                                        • Set up authorization rules - JavaScript - AWS Amplify Documentation

                                                          You are currently viewing the legacy GraphQL Transformer documentation. View latest documentation @auth Authorization is required for applications to interact with your GraphQL API. API Keys are best used for public APIs (or parts of your schema which you wish to be public) or prototyping, and you must specify the expiration time before deploying. IAM authorization uses Signature Version 4 to make

                                                            Set up authorization rules - JavaScript - AWS Amplify Documentation
                                                          • Auth0 Ruby On Rails API SDK Quickstarts: Authorization

                                                            This tutorial demonstrates how to add authorization to a Ruby on Rails API. We recommend that you log in to follow this quickstart with examples configured for your account.

                                                              Auth0 Ruby On Rails API SDK Quickstarts: Authorization
                                                            • Device Authorization Grantやってみた

                                                              はじめにこの記事は認証認可技術 Advent Calendar 2019の4日目の記事です。 諸事情でOAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grantを理解する必要があったので、お勉強した記録を整理しました。 概要を説明したあと、Googleの認可サーバーからcurlとブラウザでシュッとアクセストークンをとるところを書いています。 Device Authorization Grant is 何 ?Device Authorization GrantのRFCはこちらです。現在、Proposed Standardです。ざっくりいうと以下 の条件を満たすデバイスのためのOAuthのグラントタイプです。 The device is already connected to the Internet.The device is able to make outbound HT

                                                                Device Authorization Grantやってみた
                                                              • New for Amazon EFS – IAM Authorization and Access Points | Amazon Web Services

                                                                AWS News Blog New for Amazon EFS – IAM Authorization and Access Points When building or migrating applications, we often need to share data across multiple compute nodes. Many applications use file APIs and Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) makes it easy to use those applications on AWS, providing a scalable, fully managed Network File System (NFS) that you can access from other AWS services

                                                                  New for Amazon EFS – IAM Authorization and Access Points | Amazon Web Services
                                                                • Web フロントで Authorization Header が必要な画像を表示する2つの方法

                                                                  概要 Web フロントエンドにおいて、HTTP GET で認証が必要な画像を img 要素で表示したいケースについて考えます。 認証に Cookie を使う場合、ブラウザが自動で Cookie を付与したリクエストを発行するため問題なく取得できます。 認証に Authorization Header もしくは独自の X-Service-Token のような Request Header を使う場合、img 要素では自動で任意の Header は付与してくれない為、認証を通すために何かしらの手段を講じる必要があります。 ここでは、Authorization Header を指定する必要がある画像の取得において、取り得る手段を検討します。 対象読者 Service Worker と Web Components に対して基本的な理解があるソフトウェアエンジニア TL;DR Service Wo

                                                                    Web フロントで Authorization Header が必要な画像を表示する2つの方法
                                                                  • OAuth 3.0? Transactional Authorization - XYZを動かしてみる - Qiita

                                                                    OAuth 3.0? Transactional Authorization - XYZを動かしてみるOAuthプロトコル認証OIDC認可 趣味で認証認可を学んでいる者です。これは認証認可技術 Advent Calendar 2019 - Qiita 12日目の記事になります。XYZと呼ばれている認可プロトコルのサーバーを動かしてみた話です。 ※この情報は2019/12時点の情報です。ドラフトなので変更の可能性は大いにあります。取り扱い注意。※ XYZ Project OAuth 2.0複雑だしトランザクション中心に整理しようぜーというプロジェクト。それによって提案された認可プロトコルがXYZです。後方互換性なし。 OAuth.xyz draft-richer-transactional-authz-03 - Transactional Authorization この記事執筆時点ではdr

                                                                      OAuth 3.0? Transactional Authorization - XYZを動かしてみる - Qiita
                                                                    • Authorization Code Flow with PKCE Clientの実装(Node.js) - Qiita

                                                                       RFC7636 PKCEProof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients(authorization code interception attack) PKCEOAuth2.0CSRF stateCSRFPKCECSRFPKCEcode_challengecode_verifierCSRF PKCEPubl
                                                                        Authorization Code Flow with PKCE Clientの実装(Node.js) - Qiita
                                                                      • Authorization Academy - Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

                                                                        Role-based authorization, or role-based access control, means grouping permissions into roles, like "User" or "Admin," and assigning those roles to users.  It's a common and effective way to structure your authorization code. This structure makes understanding who has access to what resources easier for both your developers and your users. 1. What Part of the System is Role-Based Authorization?In

                                                                          Authorization Academy - Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
                                                                        • Customize authorization rules - JavaScript - AWS Amplify Documentation

                                                                          JavaScript, Android, Swift, and Flutter client code generation

                                                                            Customize authorization rules - JavaScript - AWS Amplify Documentation
                                                                          • Envoy の External Authorization について - Qiita

                                                                            この記事は Z Lab Advent Calendar 2020 の7日目の記事となります。 はじめに この記事では Envoy でサポートされている External Authorization を紹介していきます。ここからの情報は v1.16.0 時点での v3 API の仕様を元にまとめたものとなっています。 External Authorization とは External Authorization は Envoy が受信したリクエストが認可されているかを gRPC または HTTP で外部のシステムに問い合わせて判定する機能です。これを利用することで Envoy での認可処理を外部のシステム(以下、認可サービス)に委譲することが可能になります。 External Authorization は Network Filter(L3/L4)や HTTP Filter(L7)として

                                                                              Envoy の External Authorization について - Qiita
                                                                            • Headless Usage & Authorization

                                                                              In the basic procedure described in Usage, you need a web browser for the authorization step. On a headless server without a GUI interface or a web browser, you can get it to work by using a web browser on a separate computer, and pasting the results into the ~/.gdfuse/default/config (or ~/.gdfuse/label/config if you use labels) file of your headless server. Caveat: I do not know whether this is t

                                                                                Headless Usage & Authorization
                                                                              • Authorization

                                                                                Details of Kubernetes authorization mechanisms and supported authorization modes. Kubernetes authorization takes place following authentication. Usually, a client making a request must be authenticated (logged in) before its request can be allowed; however, Kubernetes also allows anonymous requests in some circumstances. For an overview of how authorization fits into the wider context of API acces

                                                                                • Docker + Keycloak + FastAPIを用いたローカル OAuth2.0 Authorization Code Grant 検証環境構築 メモ - Qiita

                                                                                  version: "3" volumes: mysql_data: driver: local services: mysql: image: mysql:5.7 volumes: - mysql_data:/var/lib/mysql environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root MYSQL_DATABASE: keycloak MYSQL_USER: keycloak MYSQL_PASSWORD: password keycloak: image: quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:latest container_name: "keycloak" environment: DB_VENDOR: MYSQL DB_ADDR: mysql DB_DATABASE: keycloak DB_USER: keycloak DB_PASSWO

                                                                                    Docker + Keycloak + FastAPIを用いたローカル OAuth2.0 Authorization Code Grant 検証環境構築 メモ - Qiita