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compileの検索結果1 - 40 件 / 47件


 compile47 Rust  techfeed  JavaScript    Compile SQL to type-safe code  
  • Compile SQL to type-safe code

    You write SQL queries You run sqlc to generate code that presents type-safe interfaces to those queries You write application code calling the methods sqlc generated. Seriously, it's that easy. You don't have to write any boilerplate SQL querying code ever again. See the current list of supported programming languages and databases. Schema updates and poorly-written queries often bring down produc

      Compile SQL to type-safe code
    • GitHub - agrafix/rubyspeed: Compile ruby functions to C

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        GitHub - agrafix/rubyspeed: Compile ruby functions to C
      • 大規模言語モデルを自作しよう!(Transformers+DeepSpeed+torch.compile+flash_attn2)

        LLM Advent Calendar 2023 13  🤗 Transformerspython使LLMPC使AI LLMGPT-NeoXMegatron-LMTinyLlamalit-llamapython使Transformers使LLM
        • Emacsに来たnative compileを試す

          Emacsのlispファイルをnativeでcompileする、いわゆる gccemacs が Masterブランチにマージされたので、さっそく試してみた。 https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/commit/?id=289000eee729689b0cf362a21baa40ac7f9506f6 環

            Emacsに来たnative compileを試す
          • sbt 1.4からのpipeline機能を試したら3割compile時間短縮された - xuwei-k's blog

            3割というのは、もちろんprojectの構成だったり、計測方法やその他色々によるわけですが、とにかく自分が計測した場合には3割短縮されました。114秒が80秒になりました。 pipeline機能自体の説明は最後に書きます。先に、測定方法や具体的な結果。 測定方法 travis-ci上で、他の条件を同じにして clean update test:compile を(50分制約でtimeoutするまで)ひたすら繰り返して test:compile にかかった時間(sbtが [success] 表示する)を計測、集計する JVMの暖まりを考慮して 上記のサイクルを繰り返すにあたって、sbtは起動させたまま 最初は遅くなるので、ある程度遅かった最初の8つは除いて、それ以外で平均や中央値を計算 測定に使ったのは、このblog書いてる時点でのscalazの最新master branch(7.4.x用)

              sbt 1.4からのpipeline機能を試したら3割compile時間短縮された - xuwei-k's blog
            • 2021年9月10日 Linusもたまには折れる!? "-Werror"問題は「"COMPILE_TEST"有効時」で決着 | gihyo.jp

              Linux Daily Topics 2021年9月10日Linusもたまには折れる!? "-Werror"問題は「"COMPILE_TEST"有効時」で決着 次期カーネル「Linux 5.15」の最初のリリース候補(RC1)版は9月12日に出る予定だが、Linusがマージしようとしたある機能 ―カーネルのコンパイラオプション「-Werror」の扱いをめぐって、ちょっとした論争が巻き起こった。 9月5日(米国時間⁠)⁠、Linusはすべてのカーネルビルドにおいて、警告(warnings)をエラーとして処理するフラグ「-Werror」をデフォルトで有効とするパッチをマージした。 kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git -Linux kernel source tree 「我々はつねにクリーンなビルドを実践すべきであり、修正できないような警告なら無効にしたほうがいい⁠」⁠

                2021年9月10日 Linusもたまには折れる!? "-Werror"問題は「"COMPILE_TEST"有効時」で決着 | gihyo.jp
              • Introducing sqlc - Compile SQL queries to type-safe Go

                Ask any Go developer and they will tell you how painful it is to write programs that talk to SQL databases. Go feels like it isn't even half as productive compared to working with toolkits like SQLAlchemy, Diesel, Hibernate or ActiveRecord. The existing tools in the Go ecosystem force application developers to hand-write mapping functions or litter their code with unsafe empty interfaces. Introduc

                • Deno 1.34: deno compile supports npm packages

                  As we continue our development journey towards Deno 2, this minor release is primarily focused on boosting compatibility with npm and Node.js, enhancing the overall quality of life and developer experience, and establishing the foundation for future performance enhancements. The most significant updates in this release include three highly anticipated features: deno compile supports npm packages G

                    Deno 1.34: deno compile supports npm packages
                  • Tips For Faster Rust Compile Times | corrode Rust Consulting

                    Slow Rust Builds? Here are some tips to speed up your compile times. This list was originally released on my private blog, but I decided to update it for 2024 and move it here. Table of Contents Click here to expand the table of contents. General Tips Update The Rust Compiler And Toolchain Use cargo check Instead Of cargo build Switch To The New Parallel Compiler Frontend Remove Unused Dependencie

                      Tips For Faster Rust Compile Times | corrode Rust Consulting
                    • Rust9x: Compile Rust code for Windows 95, NT and above

                      Discuss on Reddit, URLO, HN tl;dr: see the project wiki on Github: rust9x/rust You might remember my old post about the journey to get at least a bit of Rust code working for Windows 98 SE. Well, I'm back, this time with a more ambitious package: Announcing Rust9x (Rust 1.61.0-beta) # Blazingly fast! Y2k compliant! Works everywhere! Over on Github you'll find a forked Rust repository containing tw

                      • Scala 3のmatch typeでcompile timeにString literalをparseして評価する - xuwei-k's blog

                        Scala 3match typeparser?String CharHList Kenji Yoshida (@xuwei_k) February 28, 2021 https://t.co/sNupBRy3rV type Substring Kenji Yoshida (@xuwei_k) 2022228  parsertokenparseeval Scala 3match typeparser
                          Scala 3のmatch typeでcompile timeにString literalをparseして評価する - xuwei-k's blog
                        • How I Improved My Rust Compile Times by 75%

                          A woman with a pixie haircut looking at a computer in an office environment, waiting for her code to compile. If you're looking for a talented Rust developer, or a good senior software engineer, please reach out. I'm looking for a full time role doing something neat, and am available for contract gigs. Contact info is in the footer. Thank you! There's now a Part 2, where I cover a couple more opti

                            How I Improved My Rust Compile Times by 75%
                          • Deno、npmパッケージ込みで単一の実行ファイル生成可能に。Deno Compileがnpmパッケージに対応

                            DenonpmDeno Compilenpm JavaScript/TyeScriptDenoDenoDeno Compile Deno CompileOSDenoDeno Deno1.34Deno Compilenpm npmDenoDeno Compile Deno 1.34 is here! Top
                              Deno、npmパッケージ込みで単一の実行ファイル生成可能に。Deno Compileがnpmパッケージに対応
                            • GitHub - cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope: Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time

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                                GitHub - cognitive-engineering-lab/aquascope: Interactive visualizations of Rust at compile-time and run-time
                              • Compile-time type-checked truth tables

                                With simple and easy-to-understand examples in F# and Haskell. Eve Ragins recently published an article called Why you should use truth tables in your job. It's a good article. You should read it. In it, she outlines how creating a Truth Table can help you smoke out edge cases or unclear requirements. I agree, and it also beautifully explains why I find algebraic data types so useful. With languag

                                  Compile-time type-checked truth tables
                                • 2024-05-03のJS: Bun v1.1.5(cross compile)、React 18.3.0、Svelte 5 RC

                                  JSer.info #691 - Bun v1.1.5 Bun v1.1.5 | Bun Blog bun build --compileWindows/Linux/macOSSingle Executable Binary package.jsonbun.report Import Attributestext/json/toml/file React v18.3.0 Release 18.3.0 (April 25, 2024) · facebook/react React 19 BetaReact 1
                                    2024-05-03のJS: Bun v1.1.5(cross compile)、React 18.3.0、Svelte 5 RC
                                  • Could Not Compile File System Watcher For Mac

                                    Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 5386 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 11 Getting Up and Running in Mac OS X (Leopard and then Snow Leopard) Below is my blog on how I configured my Mac Pro (in late 2008, after many years running Linux and Windows). Later sections describe (in reverse-chronological order) my software setups for Linux and Windows. Troubleshooting tips for run-time errors: - If yo

                                      Could Not Compile File System Watcher For Mac
                                    • Compiled | Compile time CSS-in-JS for React

                                      A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React. /** @jsxImportSource @compiled/react */ import { css } from '@compiled/react'; const buttonStyles = css({ border: 'none', borderRadius: '3px', padding: '8px 10px', backgroundColor: '#6554C0', color: '#fff', fontWeight: 400, fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '14px', '&:hover': { backgroundColor: '#8777D9', }, '&:active': { backgroundC

                                      • PyTorch 2.0の新機能「torch.compile」使ってみた - まったり勉強ノート

                                        今回は3/16についに出たPyTorch 2.0の目玉機能である「torch.comple」について実際に動かしてみて計算時間を測定してみたので、そのまとめになります。 時間計測の部分で測定に使ったコードはここにあげてあります。 https://github.com/shu65/pytorch_2_compile_example/blob/main/torch_2_0_compile.ipynb torch.compileとは? torch.compileはPyTorch 2.0の新機能で、PyTorchの複数の機能を組み合わせて使い関数や深層学習のモデルを実行時に最適化して、その後の呼び出して高速に実行できるようにする機能です。 torch.compileの中身の詳しい説明はここにかかれています。 https://pytorch.org/get-started/pytorch-2.0/#

                                          PyTorch 2.0の新機能「torch.compile」使ってみた - まったり勉強ノート
                                        • Areca Backup Discussion Open Discussion:compile Areca For Mac

                                          Visiteurs depuis le 27/01/2019 : 5131 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 15 Areca Backup Discussion Open Discussion:compile Areca For Mac DownloadAreca Backup Discussion Open Discussion:compile Areca For Mac ProAreca Backup Discussion Open Discussion:compile Areca For Mac DownloadIn my case I am now making use of Areca for backup use on my Mac. I was a user of Areca on a MS Windows XP system & I

                                            Areca Backup Discussion Open Discussion:compile Areca For Mac
                                          • Deno 1.41: smaller deno compile binaries

                                            Deno’s goal is to simplify programming in as many environments as possible. In this 1.41 release, we’re excited to announce improvements that broaden how and where Deno can be used: we’ve roughly halved the size of deno compile binaries, as well as added an official Linux ARM 64 build. Additionally, we’ve continued to improve Node.js compatibility, the LSP to include better auto-completion, and De

                                              Deno 1.41: smaller deno compile binaries
                                            • GitHub - launchbadge/sqlx: 🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

                                              SQLx is an async, pure Rust† SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Truly Asynchronous. Built from the ground-up using async/await for maximum concurrency. Compile-time checked queries (if you want). See SQLx is not an ORM. Database Agnostic. Support for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite. MSSQL was supported prior to version 0.7, but has been removed pending a full rewrit

                                                GitHub - launchbadge/sqlx: 🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.
                                              • Pythonのcompile()関数: 動的なコード生成と実行の新たな次元 - Python転職初心者向けエンジニアリングブログ

                                                Pythonは柔軟性に富み、実行時にコードを生成し実行する能力があります。その中でも、compile()関数は動的なコード生成と実行を支える重要なツールの一つです。この記事では、compile()関数の詳細な解説と、具体的なコード例を通じてその使い方を探求します。 compile()関数とは? compile()関数は、Pythonコードをコンパイルしてコードオブジェクトを生成します。生成されたコードオブジェクトは後でexec()関数やeval()関数を介して実行できます。compile()関数の基本構文は以下の通りです。 code_object = compile(source, filename, mode, flags=0, dont_inherit=False, optimize=-1) ここで、各引数の意味を簡単に説明します。 source: コンパイルするコードを含む文字列、ま

                                                  Pythonのcompile()関数: 動的なコード生成と実行の新たな次元 - Python転職初心者向けエンジニアリングブログ
                                                • GitHub - atlassian-labs/compiled: A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React.

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                                                    GitHub - atlassian-labs/compiled: A familiar and performant compile time CSS-in-JS library for React.
                                                  • GitHub - simplenetes-io/simplenetes: The sns tool is used to manage the full life cycle of your Simplenetes clusters. It integrates with the Simplenetes Podcompiler project podc to compile pods.

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                                                      GitHub - simplenetes-io/simplenetes: The sns tool is used to manage the full life cycle of your Simplenetes clusters. It integrates with the Simplenetes Podcompiler project podc to compile pods.
                                                    • Generics and Compile-Time in Rust | PingCAP

                                                      The Rust Compilation Model CalamityAuthor: Brian Anderson (Senior Database Engineer at PingCAP) Editor: Caitin Chen The Rust programming language compiles fast software slowly. In this series we explore Rust’s compile times within the context of TiKV, the key-value store behind the TiDB database. Rust Compile-time Adventures with TiKV: Episode 2 In the previous post in the series we covered Rust’s

                                                        Generics and Compile-Time in Rust | PingCAP
                                                      • Improving Rust compile times to enable adoption of memory safety

                                                        Improving Rust compile times to enable adoption of memory safety Rémy Rakic is helping us enable the adoption of memory safe software through work to improve Rust compile times. We asked him to provide his perspective on the work in this blog post. Thank you for your partnership and contributions, Rémy! IntroductionOver the past few months I've been working as part of the Rust compiler performance

                                                          Improving Rust compile times to enable adoption of memory safety
                                                        • Mugo, a toy compiler for a subset of Go that can compile itself

                                                          Mugo, a toy compiler for a subset of Go that can compile itself April 2021 Summary: This article presents Mugo, a single-pass compiler for a tiny subset of the Go programming language. It outputs (very naive) x86-64 assembly, and supports just enough of the language to implement a Mugo compiler: int and string types, slices, functions, locals, globals, and basic expressions and statements. Go to:

                                                          • coc.vimで'[coc.nvim] build/index.js not found, please install dependencies and compile coc.nvim by: yarn install'と言われた - Qiita

                                                            [coc.nvim] build/index.js not found, please install dependencies and compile coc.nvim by: yarn install Macをアップデートしたから? deinでプラグインアップデートしたから? 正直どれが原因かわからなかったけど、なんとかエラーでなくした記録が誰かのお役にたてばと(備忘録も兼ねて) vim8でdeinを使っている deinの機構として、プラグインはgithubからcloneしてるだけです なのでそのディレクトリを見つけて git pull したら最新のがおちてくるから解決するんじゃないかという仮説

                                                              coc.vimで'[coc.nvim] build/index.js not found, please install dependencies and compile coc.nvim by: yarn install'と言われた - Qiita
                                                            • GitHub - Redcrafter/verilog2factorio: This project will compile verilog (a hardware description language) into factorio blueprints.

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                                                                GitHub - Redcrafter/verilog2factorio: This project will compile verilog (a hardware description language) into factorio blueprints.
                                                              • New Compile Of Firestorm

                                                                Visiteurs depuis le 28/01/2019 : 4539 Connectés : 1 Record de connectés : 9 Recommendations for firestorm dao replacement. And do any new development with hibernate. – Casey Apr 29 '10 at 15:48. A sensible alternative to rewriting the whole thing. Best of luck! Firestorm makes writing DAO's a thing of the past for about 90% of the use cases. For all the other cases, just subclass the dao that fire

                                                                  New Compile Of Firestorm
                                                                • GitHub - valkmit/aws-graviton2-on-intel: Runs AWS graviton2 images on intel, with native-speed compile times

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                                                                    GitHub - valkmit/aws-graviton2-on-intel: Runs AWS graviton2 images on intel, with native-speed compile times
                                                                  • GitHub - NomicFoundation/hardhat: Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.

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                                                                      GitHub - NomicFoundation/hardhat: Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.
                                                                    • Bloop · Compile, test and run Scala code fast

                                                                      Be more productive in Scala and reduce your compile-edit-test workflow. Use Bloop to enjoy an optimized developer experience that provides features from incremental to batch compilation, from running and debugging on the JVM to building Scala.js or Scala Native applications. Bloop integrates with IDEs and text editors to provide a short feedback cycle and reliable compiler diagnostics. Use Bloop w

                                                                      • "deno compile" into executable · Issue #986 · denoland/deno

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                                                                          "deno compile" into executable · Issue #986 · denoland/deno
                                                                        • Improving pip-compile --generate-hashes | Library Innovation Lab

                                                                          Recently I landed a series of contributions to the Python package pip-tools: Support URLs as packages #807 Fix –generate-hashes with bare VCS URLs #812 Fix pip-compile output for unsafe requirements #813 Warn when –generate-hashes output is uninstallable #814 pip-tools is a “set of command line tools to help you keep your pip-based [Python] packages fresh, even when you’ve pinned them.” My changes

                                                                            Improving pip-compile --generate-hashes | Library Innovation Lab
                                                                          • GitHub - egoist/vite-plugin-compile-time: Some compile-time magic for your Vite project

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                                                                              GitHub - egoist/vite-plugin-compile-time: Some compile-time magic for your Vite project
                                                                            • GitHub - alcover/lacy: compile/run for the lazy

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                                                                              • JavaScript/TypeScriptランタイム「Deno 1.7」リリース、deno compileの改善など変更多数

                                                                                「Deno 1.7」では、deno compileを改善し、安定サポートされているアーキテクチャ(Windows x64、macOS x64、Linux x64)から、他の安定サポートされているアーキテクチャへのクロスコンパイルが可能になっている。また、コンパイル時に--liteフラグを使用することで、生成されるバイナリのサイズが、「Deno 1.6」と比較して、40~60%コンパクトになる。 さらに、生成されたコードを実行する際に便利なデータURLのうち、インポート(静的/動的の両方)およびWebワーカーでのデータURLが新たにサポートされた。 ほかにも、DNSリゾルバからDNSレコードを照会できるDeno.resolveDns APIのサポートが追加されるとともに、マークダウンファイルのサポート、Streams APIの最新仕様に合わせたReadableStreamにおけるgetIte

                                                                                  JavaScript/TypeScriptランタイム「Deno 1.7」リリース、deno compileの改善など変更多数
                                                                                • Compile Stress Test

                                                                                  Compile Stress Test Published on 10/03/2019, 1908 words, 7 minutes to read This is an experiment in blogging. I am going to be putting my tweets and select replies one after another without commentary. shitty synthetic benchmark idea: how long it takes for a compiler to handle a main function with 1.2 million instances of printf("hello, world!\n") or similar — Cadey Ratio 🌐 (@theprincessxena) Oct
