
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


AMPに関するrikubaのブックマーク (2)

  • 本サイトの AMP 提供の停止とここまでの振り返り | blog.jxck.io

    Intro  AMP  AMP  SXG   AMP   Performance Timing API, Core Web Vitals, Signed HTTP Exchange  Bento AMP   mozaic.fm  Monthly Web 
    本サイトの AMP 提供の停止とここまでの振り返り | blog.jxck.io
    rikuba 2021/06/30
  • AMP HTML Specification

    AMP HTML is a subset of HTML for authoring content pages such as news articles in a way that guarantees certain baseline performance characteristics. Being a subset of HTML, it puts some restrictions on the full set of tags and functionality available through HTML but it does not require the development of new rendering engines: existing user agents can render AMP HTML just like all other HTML. If

    AMP HTML Specification
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