
関連タグで絞り込む (2)


nodejsに関するrskyのブックマーク (4)

  • Neon - Electrify Node.js with the power of Rust! | Neon

    // JavaScript function hello() { let result = fibonacci(10000); console.log(result); return result; } // Neon fn hello(mut cx: FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsNumber> { let result = fibonacci(10000); println!("{}", result); Ok(cx.number(result)) }

    rsky 2020/10/17
  • log.io - Real-time log monitoring in your browser

    How does it work? Inputs watch log files for changes, send new log messages to the server, which broadcasts to web clients. Log messages are tagged with stream and source information based on user configuration. log.io has no persistence layer. File inputs are informed of file changes via inotify, and log messages hop from input to server to web client via TCP and socket.io, respectively. Simple T

  • node.js のモジュール配置について 2011 秋

      http://nodejs.jp/nodejs.org_ja/docs/v0.4/api/modules.html#loading_from_node_modules_Folders  js require() 使 path /./../js *node_modules*  (js)  /path/to/app/app.jp  requir
    rsky 2011/10/04
  • Node.jsに強烈に個性的な「SocketStream」が登場!:Rails Hub情報局:エンジニアライフ

    1Node.jsWebSocketStream623Hacker News@makoto_inoueGitHub0.1 SocketStreamNode.jsWeb1 WebSocketSPASingle Page ApplicationSPA1HTML
    Node.jsに強烈に個性的な「SocketStream」が登場!:Rails Hub情報局:エンジニアライフ
    rsky 2011/06/24
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