
rubyに関するsaty_htnのブックマーク (7)

  • 562017’s gists

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

    562017’s gists
  • Buckblog: Skinny Controller, Fat Model

    18 October 2006 — The "Fat Controller" anti-pattern is shown and dissected, and the reader is taken through the process of refactoring it into a more readable, maintainable, and testable solution — 5-minute read When first getting started with Rails, it is tempting to shove lots of logic in the view. I’ll admit that I was guilty of writing more than one template like the following during my Rails

  • rack上でのファイルアップロード - daigotoの備忘録

     rackmultipart type='file' data = {:filename => filename, :type => content_type,:name => name, :tempfile => body, :head => head} Sinatra if params[:name] File.open(params[:name][:filename], 'wb'){ |f| f.write(params[:name][:tempfile].read) } end rack:tempfiletempfile使 Dir.tmpdir 使
    rack上でのファイルアップロード - daigotoの備忘録
  • “最適な”全文検索システムの選択 (1/2)- @IT

    5    Cuon 2009/3/27 Ruby使RubyonRails  WindowsLinuxLinuxCentOSUbuntuRubyPHP 調
  • WebブラウザだけでRailsアプリ開発!? - @IT

    IT 2009/3/25 RubyonRailsHeroku Garden使Web Heroku GardenRubyRubyonRailsWebFirefoxRailsIDEWebperfect for learningRails WebIDEGitHerokuG
  • FirebugでRESTfulなDBアプリに挑戦!!(1/5) - @IT

    RubyonRailsActiveRecord使RubyonRailsRESTREpresentational State TransferRubyonRails2.0script/generate scaffoldRESTActiveResourceAtomPubRESTful稿REST Firebug 稿FirebugFirefox使 FirebugFirefoxURL
  • ヽ( ・∀・)ノくまくまー(2007-05-20)Rails勉強会@東京#18 後半: 今だからこそ運用環境を考える

     [Rails] Rails@#18 : QueryCache / MMC :    : QueryCache / MMC QueryCache AR.find memcached  plugin(rakuto ) rakuto QueryCache with_scope memcache  1AR.find with_scope 1 select_xxx  find_by_sql AR
    saty_htn 2008/03/11
     (IISでRuby On Rails)勉強会に一人いて驚いた
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