st63junのブックマーク (875)

  • Learn Ruby on Rails as You Modify a Craigslist Clone

    What to expect in this guide People start learning Rails for all sorts of reasons. Whether you have been programming for years and want to give web development in Ruby a try, or you are a complete coding newbie wanting to see if programming is for you, Rails is a great tool to learn. Most of the resources in this guide assume no programming knowledge — more advanced readers may choose to skim the

    Learn Ruby on Rails as You Modify a Craigslist Clone
    st63jun 2013/08/02
  • Learn Emacs Lisp in 15 minutes

    I was surprised not to find an introduction to Emacs Lisp on so I created one, which is now maintained on there. Comments and feedback are welcome ! ;; This gives an introduction to Emacs Lisp in 15 minutes (v0.2d) ;; ;; Author: Bastien / ;; ;; First make sure you read this text by Peter Norvig: ;; ;; ;; Then install GNU Emacs 24.3

    st63jun 2013/07/29
  • Lenses In Pictures -

    Written July 22, 2013 You should know what a functor is before reading this post. Read this to learn about functors. Suppose you want to make a game: data Point = Point { _x, _y :: Double } data Mario = Mario { _location :: Point } player1 = Mario (Point 0 0)

    st63jun 2013/07/23
  • Effeckt.css

    Modals # Source: Codrops From Below From Above Slide In (right) Slide In (bottom) Newspaper Side Fall Sticky Up 3D Flip (horizontal) 3D Flip (vertical) 3D Sign Just Me 3D Slit 3D Rotate Bottom 3D Rotate In Left Blur Let Me In Make Way! Slip From Top From Top, Tilt Fall From Top to Bottom From Bottom to Bottom From Top to Top

    st63jun 2013/07/19
  • インタビュー: Cay Horstmann氏が語る今日のJava

    Oracle"" SunOracle InfoQ: Oracle Horstmann: Google InfoQ: AndroidJava
    インタビュー: Cay Horstmann氏が語る今日のJava
    st63jun 2013/07/05
  • 美しき git log –graph のエイリアス

    git log --graph --pretty=oneline   .gitconfig [alias] lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative lga = log --graph --all --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-com
    美しき git log –graph のエイリアス
    st63jun 2013/06/03
  • GitHub - postmodern/ruby-install: Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby or MRuby

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Dismiss alert

    GitHub - postmodern/ruby-install: Installs Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby or MRuby
    st63jun 2013/05/31
  • How to Learn Emacs: A Hand-drawn One-pager for Beginners / A visual tutorial :: Sacha Chua

    UPDATE 2014-12-30: Added link to Emacs beginner resources UPDATE 2013-09-23: New, much larger version – see below! Here’s version 2 (September 2013). You can print this at 16.5″x10.75″ at 300dpi. Have an ordinary printer? Check out PosteRazor! Original post from May 2013: I thought I’d draw a one-page guide for some of the things that people often ask me about or that would help people learn Emacs

    st63jun 2013/05/19
    "If you're a developer or sysad... Learn Vim seriously." いい話だ
  • 受託開発にアジャイルは適用できるか?

    3   Web    34  3     
    st63jun 2013/05/18
  • 受託開発で開発開始時に確認すること | DevelopersIO

         調      使   
    受託開発で開発開始時に確認すること | DevelopersIO
    st63jun 2013/05/18
  • チャットワークモバイルアプリ全面リニューアル&API公開のスケジュールと要望募集について

    58/100     iPhone/Android               To           便
    st63jun 2013/05/17
  • git? tig! | Atlassian Japan 公式ブログ | アトラシアン株式会社

    Git  UI() IDE  UIVCS Tcl/Tk   UI  tig tig  Jonas Fonseca git  ncurses
    git? tig! | Atlassian Japan 公式ブログ | アトラシアン株式会社
    st63jun 2013/05/16
  • ボブとアリスのgit-flow(和訳) - hidecheckの日記

     ( )PL ()PGgitgit-flow使  git-flow ( )Higit-flow使 ()git-flow? ( )git-flowgit () ( )使 ()使 ( )git-flowport $ sudo port
    ボブとアリスのgit-flow(和訳) - hidecheckの日記
    st63jun 2013/05/09
  • Miss Daegu 2013 Contestants Face Morphing

    Recently, there is a debate on plastic surgery from the post on Reddit titled "Korea's plastic surgery mayhem is finally converging on the same face. Here are the miss Korea 2013 contestants." To better see the similarity among them, I first took the images from one Japanese blog. After simple normalization and registration, I can get an aligned, animated GIF looping through the 20 contestants as

    Miss Daegu 2013 Contestants Face Morphing
    st63jun 2013/04/29
  • 院二病 - アンサイクロペディア

    2 [] 2 [] [] 
    st63jun 2013/04/29
  • ack 2.0 has been released - Perlbuzz

    What's happening in the world of Perl programming, including Perl 5, Perl 6, the CPAN and Parrot? ack 2.0 has been released. ack is a grep-like search tool that has been optimized for searching large heterogeneous trees of source code. ack has been around since 2005. Since then it has become very popular and is packaged by all the major Linux distributions. It is cross-platform and pure Perl, so w

    st63jun 2013/04/21
  • Star Logs

    Star Logs = Star Wars + git logs

    st63jun 2013/04/13
  • テスト駆動開発による組み込みプログラミング

    SOLIDC使 C     C 1  1.1
    st63jun 2013/04/10
  • Qiita:Teamをリリースしました! - Qiita Blog

    先日u9が入社し早速先輩風を吹かせてるcamelmasaです。 最近はQiitaの開発保守をしながら新機能を日々開発しています。 さて昨日チーム機能リリースを発表しましたので、エントリーを書きました。 Qiita:Teamをリリース!今なら無料で利用出来ます 😉Qiita:Team Qiitaは技術情報を公開し共有することで、プログラマの開発効率の向上を目指しているので、今回のQiita:Teamは有料での提供となります。 特徴としては6つ メンバー招待制の完全非公開なQiitaサブドメイン設定とSSLメンション通知編集履歴と編集リクエストMarkdown記法とシンタックスハイライトチーム内検索今はまだ正式リリースではないので、無料でチームを作成して情報を共有することができます。ガンガン作ってみてください! 詳細はこちら! Qiita:Team

    st63jun 2013/04/10
  • 東証曰く、システム開発においてコーディング後にはドキュメントは不要 | スラド デベロッパー

    20051318ITpro- 姿 
    st63jun 2013/04/07