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p_langに関するtheatricalのブックマーク (5)

  • runhello / emily / wiki / Home — Bitbucket

    emily Experimental oo ∩ fp programming language. This repository has moved. Updated 2020-09-08

    theatrical 2015/01/19
    emily language
  • Duck Programming Language Official Website

    This project is maintained by Greg Tourville Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by orderedlist A simple scripting language based on the idea of duck-typing (or dynamic typing). “When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck.” — James Whitcomb Riley Language Features The duck programming language supports first-class functions, integer an

  • 柔軟なメソッド定義が可能なプログラミング言語Suzu - takuto_h's diary

    SuzuGitHub Suzu            RubyRefinements  Ruby Suzu 
    柔軟なメソッド定義が可能なプログラミング言語Suzu - takuto_h's diary
  • The Julia Programming Language

    Fast Julia was designed for high performance. Julia programs automatically compile to efficient native code via LLVM, and support multiple platforms. Dynamic Julia is dynamically typed, feels like a scripting language, and has good support for interactive use, but can also optionally be separately compiled. Reproducible Reproducible environments make it possible to recreate the same Julia environm

    The Julia Programming Language
    theatrical 2014/02/21
    "that can or could be used for numerical and scientific computing" 雑にいうとすごい早い数学とか科学計算に使えるスクリプティング言語
  • クエリな午後: マイナー言語 Advent Calendar 2013 #16: Nemerle について

    20131216  Advent Calendar 2013 #16: Nemerle   Advent Calender 201316 Nemerle 使Brainfuck Nemerle Nemerle  .NET Framework  C#  Lisp ML3 ()Nemerle Nemerle 2003 Wrocław Uni
    theatrical 2013/12/21
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