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  • 中学3年まで特別支援学級だった自閉症児の息子が大学に合格した

       3      3(VHS)
  • New York City: 'Islamic State attack plot' is revealed

    Security is always tight around Times Square in the centre of New York A jihadist plot to attack New York City including Times Square and the subway system was foiled with the help of an undercover FBI agent, officials say. One man in the US and two others in Pakistan and the Philippines are under arrest and face charges of plotting the attacks which they hoped to carry out in the name of the Isla

    New York City: 'Islamic State attack plot' is revealed
  • Report Claims Russia Stole NSA Tools Using Kaspersky Software

  • ioドメイン障害を理解するため、DNSの仕組みについて勉強した - $shibayu36->blog;

    ioDNSDNS DNS Software Design 2015/4DNS 10DNS - JPNIC  DNS    ?) co
    ioドメイン障害を理解するため、DNSの仕組みについて勉強した - $shibayu36->blog;
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